Health and Fitness, February, 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:10 am

RR - I am so very thrilled for your success!

Your body really needs it to stay strong.

I totally agree. This phase of my life has me picking up and carry 40+ lb DGD3 several times a day. I don't have any problem doing it. I can pick up 70lb LO but don't do it on a regular basis. My 84 year old DMom frequently comments on my strength and compares it to her decline lack of strength. Picking up 10 lbs is about the max that DMom can do now. It greatly limits what she is able to do. She is getting close to not being able to pick up a gallon of water (8lbs).
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:27 am

Sat. I did 10 mi. On the gazelle and shopping for my walking.
Yesterday I walked gardened and washed sheep wool and cleaned nest boxes for my exercise.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:10 pm

Posting from ex bike. Toddler weights apx 23 lbs. I can lift her pretty easily. Got the gazelle done yesterday too.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby FelineFriend » Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:36 am

I only walked 15 minutes, but I did 90-minutes of housework today, so I used that for my activity today. :)

My weight was down, from yesterday, but it might be up tomorrow. I'm not "obsessing" over my weight because I have 'acquired Hypothyroidism' and my level's been "off" for several months now. For the first time, since I was in grade school and high school, I'm not dieting or worrying about sticking to a diet, like I have for 44.5 years. I'm much more relaxed about my eating, because I'm focusing on healthier foods, more fiber and protein, too. I feel much better now, too, since I cut out eating yogurt, which made me so sick. It was like having the flu: nausea, to the point of wanting to throw up, gas, bloating, cramps, IBS, and a general sick feeling. I'm lactose-intolerant and cannot eat yogurt or milk. I can have cheddar cheese though. I use Silk milk, made from almonds, which has 50% more calcium in it than regular milk or soy. :mrgreen:

Tonight, for dinner, DH fixed each of us a fajita in a tortilla. I had shredded cheddar cheese and guacamole on mine. I've never had guacamole on my fajita before and it was so smooth and gentler on my tummy as compared to ketchup. :mrgreen:
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:22 pm

Nearly halfway done with my miles on the ex. Bike today. X
did a walk pushing the stroller too.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:29 pm

I thought of Ramblin' when I saw this amazing NEW ;) news today (this just happens to be the CBS article - many news outlets carried it).

Only the most recent author is quoted. Nina T in the article, her very well-timed book having come out in January. Sigh. Decades of authors/doctors with best selling books saying similar were ignored, and just to mention Atkins, and more recently, Taubes for two, it makes you wonder where the line for "they told you so" will start. Dr. Richard David Feinman has come out on his blog remembering Ravnskov in light of this as well, although Ravnskov didn't get to publish in English until 2000.

And of course the bottom line really is what several news outlets finally came around to - that the "enemy" we've all needed through these decades should have been seen as simple carbs all along, and the veg/raw and meat/paleo guys are all good guys in their own way, finding good in natural foods.

Wish the photo editor at CBS could have gotten the message a little more fully, though, and not pictured 2 slices of white bread as illustration for the article. I found that hysterical. I guess he couldn't resist the heart-shaped butter right before Valentine's.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby FelineFriend » Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:56 pm

I walked 30 minutes on Tuesday and did 90-minutes of housework, by the day's end.

Today, I'm planning to walk again, do more housework, and I've been doing P. T. upper back/shoulder stretches/exercises. I woke up in dreadful upper back paid, b/c of scoliosis, etc... but the stretching and P. T. exercises I learned for the shoulder/upper back, in 11.5 months of P. T. in 2010, were so great! Wow, do they ever work wonderful. Now, I'm feeling like I went to a masseuse! :) Stretches are so good for us, they not only make us limber, but if we do relaxation breathing, during them, it's like taking a tranquilizer, too. It's good for the lungs, the soul and the mind.

Once, my primary care physician, demonstrated a stretch, for the entire spine/body, while sitting, especially for the particular scoliosis/spine stretch I needed with my lower and upper curves. It's so nice to do that, too. It was funny, when he demonstrated, too, because he kept forgetting which way my curves went, so he kept undoing and redoing the stretches. I caught on, fortunately, too. :) My doctor is a D. O, and from what I've heard and read, they specialize in the muscles, stretching and manipulation. It's nice to have a D. O. like this, for me, IMHO, because he doesn't sit down and rapidly write out a prescription for pain pills, which I don't take. It's nice how he tries other things, for me, first, and they all work, too.

He had me buy a book, too. It's called: "TREAT YOUR OWN BACK," , by Robin McKenzie. This man is from Australia, I believe I read, too. His method of exercises was so good, I got such a good stretch, and if I find that I've been not paying attention to my posture or if I hurt my back, if I do his exercises again, I feel better, too. His book is skinny, too, so it's an easy read, with good photos. It's only 100 pages on and I recommend this book to anyone experiencing a back injury or pain.

I might grab my mat today, since I've got the back book out, and do some of his exercises, to refresh my memory. :idea: :)

RamblingRose, Trying to stay out of the "wilting" stage is "challenging" on some days, but it's much better than getting into the 'dead' stage! :) Your analogy was a GR8 one, too! :idea: :!: "FLOWER POWER"! ;)
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:15 pm

I have walked pushing the toddler in the stroller.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:49 pm

I got so frustrated with that "news report" that I am re-reading Drs. Rachael and Richard Heller's Carbohydrate Addicts books I have, which are so full of proper crediting of researchers. I needed some sanity! For something like 40 years, the same news outlets that announced the "news" yesterday interviewed best-selling authors who said the same thing. :roll: :?:

HRH had a mid-day bs today 2 hours after a meal, of 108. He was so amazed he took mine since he was home for the AT&T man. For the first time, his was lower because mine reached 112. He knows it could be a glitch and there are so many factors, but it made him happy to be changing.

Back stretches are so wise, FFriend.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby FelineFriend » Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:04 pm

Harriet , Is HRH a Type 2 Diabetic? Is he on Insulin, too? DH is Type 2, he's on Insulin with a drug study med inside the same injection, but the study will be over soon. He'll see his Dr., to find out if there's another drug study available, for him to go on. DH runs high, especially in the mornings, but the past 2 mornings, he's been 108 and 128, which is good, for him. :)

The news is conflicting, about the new change they want to make, concerning cholesterol and diet. The last report I saw this morning said the bottom line still is, that hereditary factors need to be taken into consideration. Now, I'm wondering if my primary care physician will say anything concerning this new news. My dbro died at age 36, from a few heart attacks on Christmas weekend in 1994 and my Dfather died at age 58, from a sudden heart attack. Dfather never had any heart problems in his life and he just keeled over and was rushed to the hospital and died. So my Dr. had me undergo a stress test, the cardiologist did an Angiogram, and all was okay. The only "thing" is how my Aorta valve isn't "normal-looking." It's a large hose, artery, which wraps around the back of my heart, then comes inside my heart, in front. It functions very well, normal for me, and the only thing about it, is when I'm laying on my back or side, I can hear the "pumping", which is like far-off base music, in my ears, from my back! :lol: I used to blame the confounded neighbors, living about 1/2 - 3/4 miles away, through the woods, for their loud music at night! When I realized it was my heart and back after all these years, I felt a bit embarrassed for being so frustrated and angry at these "others" who lived on other streets! :oops: :o :lol: I'm thrilled my heart's so healthy, too. I'm on a statin, have normal blood pressure, and feel good. I'm looking forward to what my Dr.'s new recommendations will be, if any. :?:
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