Daily Food Diary

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Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby Harriet » Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:24 am

Hi there, Harmony!

Eating Thursday
Pint water
blackeyed peas and spinich
Pint water
tossed salad with 1/2 avocado
cup of 2% milk
Leftover Barbecue sandwich - maybe 1/2 one
Ritz crackers!!! Too many - maybe 1/2 a pack!!! Why?
small Pepsi

Eating Friday
Pint water
juice 1/2 banana
Pine water
blackeyed peas and spinich
cup of 2% milk
small SunDrop (for diversity)
croissant, slice ham, slice cheese

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Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby lucylee » Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:25 am

I thought I couldn't do this because of injury to the entire village as sides split from laughing or necks break from shaking... but reading what y'all are doing I don't feel too bad.

LOl, Harmony... you KNOW you can't possibly do any worse than me!!!
Today -- ohmygoodness...
Let's just forget today, okay?
Students have showered me w/all manner of good-tasting things. If it can possibly be dipped in white chocolate, I have received it. It is all delicious.
Tomorrow is another day.

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The eating gets worse - parties

Postby Harriet » Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:52 pm

Eating Saturday
Pint water
awful Healthy Choice meal I wouldn't recommend
another water I think??
party buffet - bitsy sandwich, deviled egg, sweet salads
several cookies and fudge
probably equivalent of 2 Pepsis

Eating Sunday
Pint water
Thai food, shared plates - various
small sandwich of deli meat and cheese, lettuce
lasagne wedge, maybe 4 ounces
carrots and cucumber
several cookies and fudge
probably equivalent of 2 Pepsis

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Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby Harmony » Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:24 am

I'm still here and it's so late. I've been working on financial reports.

Since I was thinking of doing this, I've been acutely aware of what I've been eating. Most mornings I'm not hungry for hours after I get up. I just want my coffee. Several days I got out of the house running errands without eating. A couple times I eventually had to stop and eat, and that's usually a hamburger, not good.

Sat. I saved my calories for a Christmas party in the evening, but it ended up being finger food, plates of chips and crackers and cheese and many sweet things and punch..not good again.

Last Friday was the same again and I sat down to eat a small bowl of green beans, and of course that wasn't enough so I made pancakes. Sheesh!

And my bread that I baked is so good! It doesn't help that my charts can't go up on my refrigerator because it is stainless steel and magnets don't stick.

I am going to get myself together soon, I really am.

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Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby Harriet » Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:20 pm

Eating Monday -

I may finally zone out here - I can't remember with press of holiday guests. I know I ate leftover Thai so that others could eat what they wanted. For supper we had turkey and homemade mashed potatoes.

My water drinking was suffering.

Eating Tuesday -

Um.. ...
juice and pear for breakfast
leftover turkey and veggies for lunch, to which I added green beans cooked down on the stove.
leftover lasagna, maybe 3 ounces, for supper.
fudge, fudge - that stuff is not a gift for a stressed person, it's an albatross.

Each day I get my first pint of water before things fall apart.

Now that company is gone, normalcy will happen for Christmas Eve, maybe and I can regain my balance.

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Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby Harriet » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:29 pm

Okay, I lost Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! They happened, but I lost them!

Eating Friday -
egg salad half-sandwich with lettuce
cup milk
leftover lasagne (from second batch!)

Eating Saturday -
egg salad half-sandwich with lettuce
mozzerella cheese for a snack (no explanation)
Big Mac and a Coke
migraine food in desperation - may have helped)
tossed salad
bad fudge, bad, bad, bad fudge. no more fudge.
Also now remembering fried potatoes yesterday evening - bad.
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Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:04 pm

Okay -- I'll try to get back into the swing of things here --
New book I'm looking at (can't really say "reading" yet) suggests rating hunger on a scale of 1-10 in order to see when one is likely to indulge in emotional eating.
So, with that in mind here goes.

-- hunger scale of maybe 2, b/c my stomach still feels sorta "off"
Egg McMuffin
whites only of 2 eggs, b/c dh never wants his & only ate part of one side of muffin
3 peanut butter crackers
diet coke
Since then -- hunger scale of maybe 2, I don't know why I ate this --
2 cookies
diet coke
Now -- hunger scale of about 6 -- don't know what dh has in mind for supper --
3 pb crackers
Supper -- hs 5
small portion bar-b-qued pork
potato chips
baked beans
3 teeny tiny Tootsie Rolls
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby Indiana » Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:37 pm

I will be back.

My eating has been strange. One meal a day - dinner. Sometimes breakfast. Sometimes just snacks.

My body is protesting.

I am putting some things in place to do better.

I have to stop this madness because my body thinks I'm starving it and I am.

Harriet yes the coke helped the migrane - lots of caffeine for migraines.

Sunday - isn't pretty

Breakfast - scrambled egg with ham, a slice of panettone and milk

Dinner - celery, carrots and radishes

Snack - raspberry yogurt

Monday - better
Breakfast - 1/2 serving cereal, 1/4 banana and milk
Snack - 6 grapes
Lunch - 6 triscuits (lucylee you started me on these), cheese and summer sausage, V8, 1/4 banana
Snack - 1/3 apple
Dinner - cubed steak, mashed potatoes, cut up orange
Snack - probably yogurt

Harriet thank you for meddling. Although I don't think you meddled you gave me food for thought. You are so smart. Correction you and your ddad are so smart.

I thought about it. I have been waiting until I'm hungry to eat. It is a good thing and bad thing. I want to eat when hungry and not because I have to. I cut back on portions to kick start eating. It worked out well today. So I'm going to go the same route tomorrow. I'm not getting as many calories or food groups as I should be oh so much better.

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Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby Harriet » Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:37 pm

Indiana, my ddad90 has a theory which he first expresses, "activity breeds activity" and then relates to many other areas of life. He would say to you, for instance, "appetite breeds appetite" and suggest to you that you intently eat as you believe is best for you for a few days to acclimate your body to it and build expectation/ability for it. (Now, this being typed by a woman who, lately, has certainly not eaten as she believes is best for HER, but as the song says, don't do as I have done. :oops: )

You might say, well, gee, that's what I already tried, but I thought I'd mention what you'd have to listen to if consulting him :D

When I eat less, it is usually because I am interested in something else - some work or another. That's why I believe creativity is an excellent antidote for overeating. Thinking opposite of this, I guess identify anything that is taking your attention right at usual mealtime and set it aside long enough to recharge?

You got a sturdy breakfast today - is it usually lunch you neglect or does it vary? Good job getting the veggies in for dinner, but wonder why further courses of that meal didn't beckon to you? Certainly this has to do with having your schedule changed so much lately - hugs to you. You are such a smart person, you will get a handle on this. I will stop meddling.
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Re: Daily Food Diary

Postby Harriet » Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:45 pm

Eating Sunday -
Brunch - Wendy's Taco Salad, no chips, no dressing
Late afternoon meal - enchilada, rice, sour cream, pico de gallo,
one slice fahita (sp) meat without tortilla
and then, for no apparent reason, the chips - ?
very unusual for me to have only 2 meals in a day - not the best

Monday Eating -
apple and banana (both whole) for fruit breakfast
egg salad half-sandwich with SlimFast for lunch
leftover Mexican dishes for supper with small tossed salad
several silly jelly-candies just because dh opened them. Sigh.

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