Health and Fitness, August 2009

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby Harriet » Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:14 pm

Tomorrow is going to be a needed "day of rest" I think. For some reason, I really feel today's exercises in the backs of thighs. It's been 6 straight days, I think, and I truly do believe in days off.

I cannot convince HRH he is expecting to lose too much weight per month as he fills out his "contract". Also can't get him to give as one of his "obstacles" his other health problems (no gall bladder plus suffering with gout mean difficulty in choosing meals). He insists on listing "obstacles" that make him sound as if he has no will power, and that's not the true story.

I had a good eating day today - made myself a big tossed salad with avocado for lunch and had an apple for snack as well.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby Harriet » Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:07 am

I have emailed our children and asked them to consider taking Vitamin D in advance of this year's cold and flu season. Just thought I should certainly report here in H & F if I was going to take it that seriously for my own family. While HRH was Vitamin D deficient and we didn't know it, we wondered why he was getting the worst of every cold and virus that the rest of us shrugged off. As you probably remember, it turned out he really needed the supplementation, probably depleted by prescriptions. One of the benefits of enough D is a strong immune system. I'm not thinking that ds24, dd29 or dstepson31 are deficient, just realizing that additional D will serve them well right now. In current theory, young adults may be more affected by the flu season this year, while folks over 50 like me could have some previous immunity. (Of course, the seasons are always a mystery - just best guesses. Some theories say you'd have to be over 65 to have immunity.) Everyone's D level sinks when the days grow shorter, though.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby Emptynester » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:07 am

Last spring at our check-ups the Dr. tested for Vit. D. Both DH and I were deficient - and this after being out in the sun in AZ all winter. We both take calcium with D but I have picked one with more D than the previous batch. We are both making an effort to be out in the sun for at least 1/2 hour per day.

Dr. says more D will also protect you against the bad kind of skin cancer. You might get more of the not so bad kind - but they are easily taken care of.
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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby Harmony » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:40 am

Mt, that is interesting about the skin cancer. Reassuring for me to know since we are in so much sun here. DH will not wear sunscreen, I only wear it when we go to the beach where the sun is warp level. Eye doctor is always recommending the right kind of sunglasses to ward off eye problems.

Yesterday I tried on a few dresses, then a few tops, in front of brightly lit full length mirrors in dressing rooms. Sigh..eye opener. I get some fluid retention and was appalled to see my reflection.

None of my exercise at this point seems to help toward weight loss, and the stress of calorie restriction is a huge mountain to climb. Eliptical and bicycling outside may be strengthening muscles, but surely not very much or fast. I still must be wary of recovering feet that still get sore with too much walking.

Yesterday I forgot to eat, did not get enough fluid, was on my feet too much, and my 'bones' ached all night long. DH is up 1" around his waist from the days of not working. I guess I need another plan.

Harriet, I hope HRH does not get too discouraged with his ambitious goals. If I set too many goals, it is one step forward and 3 backward when I fail.

I guess there's no point to this post except to say I need to do something.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby Lilac » Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:00 am

Harriet, when I had a full blood workup done May 1, it showed that I was low on Vitamin D and B-12. The dr. told me to take 2 1000mg Vit D supplements a day. He didn't mention the B-12 but I started taking supplements for it also. When I had my blood work done last week both levels were normal. The dr. told me that everything he reads says that most are lacking in Vit D and that they are really pushing for everyone to take it because it helps you in so many areas of health.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby Nancy » Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:31 pm

I take vit. d supplement
has magnesium in it too and
helps keep me regular as a side benefit
a gernic of citrical.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby Harmony » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:10 pm

So I said I need to do something...

I just printed out a monthly calendar beginning this, my birthday month. I plan to put it in the back of my household notebook with it's own section. I will put some of my menu chart pages there also.

I am pondering goals. Do not want to set them too high. What do you think is a reasonable goal for each month? For someone that is truly stuck.

I will write my exercise done in each block and weight each week, beginning on my birthdate.

I am very apprehensive about this, failure would be so depressing, but I need to do something.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby Harriet » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:32 pm

Thank you guys SO MUCH for the supportive posts about Vit D. Lots to think about.

Harmony, happy month of your birthday! You're certainly not going to be failing; so don't be apprehensive.

Which kind of goal will you set - a scale/tape measure goal or a consistency goal ... ... or both? :) Either will give you absolutes to reach for rather than vague ideas.

If you are asking about scale goals, Kathryn and I have both mentioned here goaling 5 pounds a month as ambitious. More might happen, but it can be hard to achieve. Also that's an easier goal the first month and gets harder the next. During the spring or first of the year, I lost 2 pounds a month without much strain. So anywhere between 2 and 5, I'd say. (Remember if you gain pounds slightly when you start exercising, allow that with a happy heart!!! That's good for you and you're trimmer, which is the point!)

If you are asking about tape measure goals, think about how many places you are going to measure. Emptynester is recording how many inches she loses at one spot, waistline, and she may have goals for that, I'm not sure. When I was recording about inches here, that's the only one I mentioned, too. But really, there's no reason to limit yourself in your own recordkeeping, and if one month you lose an inch at another spot, you might want to come in here and brag! I found I didn't know how to set a goal for tape measure until I'd "lived with" my plan for a while and found out how fast things would happen, but eventually I could guesstimate. I measure lots of places, actually, because that's suggested by the T-Tapp workouts.

If you are talking about workout consistency goals, I might mention that I "ran into" Smile Lee in cyberspace and she says she's doing very well with M, W, F schedule, which works best for her in a weekly plan. That's different, for instance, from Dee, who likes to think in terms of getting walking in every day. Both are so great! And it makes no difference, just commit to something. If you change your mind, just don't let the grass grow under your feet ;) and change to something else right away. Right now I'm taking about a day off a week, but only working out 20 mins average daily. I may change to Smile Lee's plan for Sept - talked about it with myself! LOL!

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby lucylee » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:54 pm

I really need to join you with this, Harmony. I'm thinking...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2009

Postby sherinjoy » Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:14 am

I guess us birthday girls are all on the same wave length regarding health - birthdays are good times to set goals. I just bought a 17 month calendar today to record my health stats and hormonal patterns. Menopause is having so many symptoms for me, and some I am managing, but some are so "random" I want to try to find patterns. I'm trying to set reasonable health goals, and recording my health numbers for awhile will help.

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