Health and Fitness, July, 2010

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Indiana » Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:56 pm

Oh lucylee I'm so sorry you saw it. I'm not perturbed with you but for you. There is a major difference.

I was frustrated because you are frustrated. I just don't know what to do to help you.

I know you you can do this but it is a tough road to start.

Would it help if I said more about what I went through when I gave up all my weight, how good I feel and how I can now eat things that I wouldn't eat before?

Would it help to say the tricks I used and still use?

lucylee I'm so sorry you saw it. I just want the best for you.

One thing I wanted to say is that I was thinking earlier in the week I think you took a non-medicated chill pill this summer some time. I don't know when but I can tell you did. Your posts this summer are so different from last summer and even earlier this summer.

I wonder if your dson getting married was your chill pill. Not that he got married but the experiences that you meet head one with wonderful results.

When you talked just now about eating dirt - that is one of the things I quickly learned. I don't like french fries on a whole. I like pomme frites. I can't get them here but I can get some close. Before I would order french fries hoping for the same taste of pomme frites and just wasn't finding them. I kept trying and trying though.

It was a great day when I gave up ordering them. Now instead of french fries I order something I like.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby lucylee » Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:04 pm

But Indiana, the chill pill seemed to give me permission to EAT!!! :roll: I mean, it sounds like you think it was a good thing -- that I improved from the person I was a year ago -- but aauaaugghghh!!! My dmom is right -- apparently I can't be THIN & HAPPY at the same time!!!! For most of my life, I've had enough panic attacks accompanied by nausea that I apparently have controlled my weight through stomach distress.
* sigh * Now, apparently, I am showing signs of calming down. :?

Although... I have to admit... there are sooo many things that I was just spared having to deal with and I would definitely not be chilled and calm if I had to think about them today. I never had to attend a wedding. I never had to travel for a shower in ddil's hometown. I haven't had to host ddil's parents in our home. For some reason, I think the Lord just looked down on me and said, "Nope, Lucy is not ready for all this yet. Just scratch that; she doesn't have to do it."
There's a lot of stuff that would still send me into a tailspin if I had to anticipate planning/travel/etc. right now.

OTOH... you are right... I have seen a little bit more maturity in myself -- compared to this time last year, definitely -- and MAYBE... MAYBE I can remember this summer in the future and build on the little successes I've had.

BUT yes -- PLEASE share any tricks you can possibly think of -- to keep me out of the kitchen, to give me an attitude adjustment -- to deal w/bad influence of dh's bad eating habits -- anything to give me a kick start in the right direction!
* This is a plea not only to Indiana but to ALL of you who have found some success in changing your eating habits!

Thank you!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby OKay » Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:18 am

LucyLee - I could have written your post. I'm right there with you on the highest weight ever.

I've tried counting calories, fat, etc but for whatever reasons I don't maintain doing that for more than a few days. Which makes me frustrated with myself, I overeat to compensate....a vicious circle.

28 days ago I decided since I can't seem to control myself then eating is off-limits between the hours of 6pm to 6am. Yup - a 12 hour fast every day. At first this was hard - VERY HARD - and I found myself walking around in circles (literally) because I wanted to EAT. I wasn't eating because of true hunger. I needed to break the habit of just a little bit of this....10 minutes later a little bit of that....repeat, repeat, repeat all evening long. Now that I've been doing it (12 hour fast daily) for 4 weeks it is becoming a new normal. When we go to social functions no one really notices that I'm not eating (I'm usually feeding LO so I'm involved in food, just not intaking it). I keep something to drink nearby and sip on it (usually water). I'm starting to enjoy the freedom of not making the CONSTANT DECISION with myself of whether I will eat this or that. The decision is already made - if it is after 6pm then the answer is NO. My head had learned to accept that and is content to wait until the next day to eat. Has this change help with my weight problem? Yes! Not as much as I wish (I wish my weight would just evaporate overnight!) :lol: :lol: But the weight GAIN has stopped (this is HUGE since the numbers on the scales was going UP UP UP) and I've actually lost 5lb this month.

42 days ago I gave up carbonated beverages....aka my beloved Diet Dr Pepper with a shot of vanilla. I wanted to give up the fake sugar but didn't want to switch to real sugared i just gave all carbonated beverages up. Again - this was HARD but having the decision made before hand made it easier.

I have a looong way to go (30 lbs) but am energized by these healthy baby steps that I know I can maintain. Hopefully I can add another new healthy habit soon that will keep the momentum going.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Emptynester » Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:45 am

WTG!! OKay!!!

You have done two of the hardest things. AND I need to follow in your footsteps. I have gained the last 2 months after losing for almost 15 months. Of course, I didn't lose very much and I did gain a lot but I'm not back where I started.

I need to get back to my not eating after 6. And drinking more water. Lunch has mostly been a salad here as that is the only healthy choice. This place doesn't have the good food that last year's camp had. Here it is all starch and sugar. So I'm making some choices. Load up on veggies, add a dollop of fruit, drink water and work hard. I have a month to see if I can make a difference.
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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Nancy » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:26 am

I need to make up a salad for us for today :idea:
I like to make one up that will last at least a couple of meals.

I'm back from my a.m. walk it was hot here {103*} yesterday I did a shorter walk in the
morning then focused on getting enough water.

One of the perks of an early morning walk :arrow: I saw six deer some adults on one street,
and a doe and two fawns with spots on another!!! How cool is that!

We've started eating hot dogs / or sausage dogs with out the bun that
seems to help us!


Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Indiana » Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:05 am


Tip #1 -

I found that understanding this is the way I will eat the rest of my life so I found something I was comfortable with. I tweaked mine until I'm comfortable. My doctor put me on diabetic exchanges for the number of calories I need to maintain the weight I would need once I got rid of my weight. I have been doing it for 11 years so I'm comfortable with it.

Although he had me on a certain number of calories I knew counting calories wouldn't work for the rest of my life. So I was thankful for exchanges. Give or take a few calories I know that a starch will be 80 calories, a fat will be 45 calories, a meat 55 calories, vegetable 25, fruit 60 and dairy 90 calories so it is easy to stay within my allotment or the day. Also by having a pool of 100 - 200 calories a day helps.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby lucylee » Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:45 am

Indiana -- these calories are for normal sized servings, right -- a slice of bread, a palm-sized portion of meat, etc?

What would be the approximate # of exchanges I should aim for? I weigh 160 right now and I would really like to lose 20 pounds -- but it has been a LONG time since I weighed 140, so even 150 would be an improvement.
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Indiana » Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:06 pm

lucylee how tall are you? How active are you? Lite activity or moderate activity?

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby lucylee » Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:12 pm

I'm about 5'3", 5'4" and I guess we'd have to admit my activity level is fairly light. I have been striving for Harriet's 2 hours exercise per week, but I'm certainly doing no more than that.
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Indiana » Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:05 pm

lucylee it would be:

Bread 80 6 480
Fat 40 4 160
Fruit 60 5 300
Protein 55 6 330
Veg 25 4 100
Milk 120 2 240
Extra 200

That is a lot of food.

You don't need to follow this one I just thought it was easy to count this way. Richard Simmons' cards use the same concept. I don't know enough about points for weight watchers to say how they compare. I just found this one easy.

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