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Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:49 pm
by lucylee
Well, which one should I be mainly concerned about --
magnesium, calcium, chromium, cinnamon?

That's all I'm taking besides the One a Day All Day Energy vitamin... might ought to check what all is in it...

And then I do also take Claritin and birth control pills.

I've never tried St. John's Wort; figured it did the same thing as Paxil. (Have considered trying to SWITCH b/c of the weight gain factor, but I haven't made the effort to try it.)

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:54 pm
by Indiana
Cool lucylee you aren't mixing herbal supplements that interact with your meds as far as the chart shows.

I didn't see anything about gaining weight on Paxil - just losing weight.

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:00 pm
by Indiana
This list Dh received has nutritional concerns and recommendations for:

Antibiotic group
Paxil group
Cholesterol group
MAO group
Antibiotic group
Xanax group

There is also a statement - Herbal products are not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any condition and there are no standards for purity or content. Many herbal products have known interactions and should not be taken with prescription medications. Talk to your pharmacist or physician before taking any herbal product.

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:17 pm
by lucylee
I know, Indiana! Doctor won't believe me that Paxil caused weight gain! But my goodness... I gained 20 pounds the first year I was on it!!! I had NEVER gained that much weight that quickly!
I've gained 10 more by now, over the last five years, but dh continues to insist HE prefers me THIS size w/the accompanying calmer state of mind. I do appreciate the calmer state of mind, but ohhh... I miss the smaller me.

Other than weight gain, the only possible side effects of anything that I am dealing with right now might be
* excessive fatigue and sleepiness
* itchy skin, especially itchy underarms! THAT one is driving me INSANE lately.

However, these might not be remotely related to any medications or supplements in any way. :roll:

I am trying something new w/underarms. Neosporin ointment after shaving w/electric shaver, and Dove Pro-Age antiperspirant/deodorant.
I know... most sources suggest getting rid of the antiperspirant altogether (aluminum is likely culprit in the sensitivity issue)... but that is not really an option I am ready to consider at this point. :roll:

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:50 pm
by Indiana
lucylee try baking soda for under your arms when you are home instead of antiperspirant.

It works. I can't use antiperspirant and my lymphedema therapist told me about it.

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:31 pm
by lucylee
I've tried baking soda, w/uncertain results... I'm just not totally sold on it, although I know it is supposed to be good. Allergy doctor's nurse recommended it to me again on Thursday when I got my shot, and I tried it again Saturday, but I was STILL a little itchy (which was probably b/c of razor irritation) and I don't know... I just feel better w/my old standby Degree solid.
This Dove may not be strong enough to suit me... but I'm going to try it for a week or two.
BUT -- I am going to try nothing but baking soda & neosporin for the coming week and see if that will give my arms a little time to heal -- will stick to electric shaver, as well.

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:17 pm
by Harriet
If this may be razor irritation, what about shaving half-a-day ahead of shower/antiperspirant, making sure to use a shaving cream with aloe, such as Skintastic? It would seem to me about same results, but chance for some healing. Of course, there's always a depilatory, but I have questioned that in tandem with antiperspirant, too. Winter's coming, let's all go European.

Tip when ramping up healthy foods - paper plates. First few days of all this extra preparation and I was washing way too many dishes. (4 times-a-day eating, extra veggie prep and ginger grating, giving up most prepared foods, zero eating out) Now I am remembering to use one paper plate for all cutting chores per meal, thinking of best order as I go. Snacks = paper plates.

Tip - Have family eat blueberries only at table, even if it's a snack or smoothie. Otherwise, wear purple.

btw, I don't know what it might be about this way of eating, but my face is as soft as a baby's bottom the last few days. (and ya'll know I drink water - t'aint that, although the water is a recipe now)

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:43 am
by DeeClutter
although the water is a recipe now)
And what is that recipe, Harriet?

I'm just jumping in here without cuop in this forum. I really need to get back on the proverbial wagon and get some weight off. Now that we're through having company in the RV and our 'celebrations' are pretty well done for a while. IT IS TIME!!!

So I pledge for today -NO SNACKING -going to start my run at 21 days again. Know when I did this in the spring I consistently lost for those weeks and know I can do it again.

So will pledge each day and jot down the # of days each day. Here I go -wheeee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:06 pm
by lucylee
WTG, Dee! You can do it!!!

I love Harriet's suggestion that we all go European. ;)
The trouble w/shaving ahead of time is that I'd have to take two showers. * sigh * If I shower and shave at night, most of the time, w/my night sweats, I'm going to want a shower in the morning anyway. Some of you may be taking two showers a day anyway, but it just seems too much for me... I'll do well to get in bed before midnight when school starts anyway!
That's the problem w/Certain Dri and some of the other extra-strength antiperspirants, too, btw. Apparently they are made to use at night.
* sigh *

Jan. 2 -- 156.5 -- exercised 18 days
Feb. 1 -- 156 -- exercised 7 days
Mar. 1 -- 155 - exercised 14 days
Apr. 1 -- 155 --exercised :oops: 10 days
May 1 -- 153.5 -- exercised :shock: 6 days
June 1 - 155 -- exercised 10 days * improvement, but need to do MUCH, MUCH better
July 1 -- 154
* July 7 -- 156
* July 14 - 159
* July 21 - 157
* July 28 - 156.5
--- I had one day this week where I hit about 154.5, but after Olive Garden pizza last night, I didn't expect today to be much better than the record shows. I think I've only walked 2 days this week, too. Will get out there again today!

Re: Health and Fitness, July 2008

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:12 pm
by Harriet
lucylee, I certainly don't mean you would shower twice - I would never do that myself. In winter I don't even shower daily - dermatologist's orders. I was thinking the shower was really only necessary prior to antiperspirant, and shaving could be at a different time. You must mean that with shave gel and shaving you would erase effect of previous antiperspirant and then sweat during the night - that might be right, sure enough.

Dee, I posted that in Daily Logs, but not the quantities. The recipe is all over the net lately. I've read a few people's opinions that it is actually an old Thailand recipe, who knows. It is really for the 4 first days of the way of eating dh chose, but lots of people continue it. I kind of like it and keep making a pitcher for us. Don't know whether it's this that makes a difference for my skin (not too much more water quantity than usual for me) or whether it is dropping most all sugar except what's in traditional breakfast cereal-type foods.
The Recipe:
2 liters water (about 8 1/2 cups)
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced (some people don't peel)
1 medium lemon, thinly sliced
12 small spearmint leaves (mint in pkg in fresh herb section of grocery)
Let this steep in refrigerator overnight and drink all during the next day. Dh likes much less cucumber.

Here are the reasons for the ingredients, according to Prevention:

# The ginger in the water helps calm and sooth the digestive system.

# The cucumbers (a member of the squash family) provide vitamins A & C (both antioxidants) as well as potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure.

# The lemon is rich in vitamin C, one of the most important antioxidants in nature.

# The mint, which also provides antioxidants, has been used for centuries as a digestive aid. It contains natural substances that ease indigestion and calm the muscles of the digestive tract, as well as reduce water retention and ease headaches.