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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:09 pm
by Harriet
All 14 healthy habits happened today.
more than 30 minutes exercise. Did floor work after the first 3rd of workout.

I had oatmeal for breakfast - haven't done that in a while.
Sweet potato for lunch.
I think I need to add more veggies in general, though.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:55 pm
by Harriet
How's everybody doing?

Measured for the first time since March 1.

Down 1/4-inch at ribcage, 1/2-inch at waist, 1/4-inch at abdomen. Arms are each down 1/4-inch. So my attention to exercising has been helpful, even if weight has only budged that half-pound.

Weight is back to my lowest lately (hence deciding to measure), but no further progress yet.

Certainly enjoyed the Gluten Frieda brand maple-raisin oatmeal yesterday for breakfast (it's in packets). So I cooked up real steel-cut oatmeal on the stove this morning, with butter and my own small apple added when I ate. I like that there was no sodium except in the butter. I know we need sodium, but I need to limit it, and it sure helps to have one go-to meal without any.

Nancy, the rain stopped any outdoor activity here, too. I'm hoping the weekend will allow us some outdoor time so the little boys can have a good time outdoors.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:42 pm
by Harmony
(OKay) I know what a disappointment that is, to gain after all the hard work and success. I wish you success in finding a good spot to remain...and not too hard to maintain. I've never found that spot for myself.

Kathryn, can you just do your WW (the meeting part) online?

My recent concerns are all about fiber. I've counted points or calories, or fat, but never fiber. Googling my symptoms tells me what I suspected from drug package insert, my problem is at least partially (and maybe wholly) a side effect of the med (necessary). Paying particular attention to dates, etc., tells me I need to do something, really I can't ignore this any longer.

I've printed a couple food/fiber guides and I'm surprised at the differences I am finding from reputable sites such as mayo clinic, etc. Just trying to get my recommended 25 grams/day is hard for me. That is way more food than I'm used to eating. I'm not a big fruit person for starters. Today I got my 25 grams, but I'm stuffed now and uncomfortable and after all it doesn't seem to be helping.

The problem now seems to be bad enough I'm concerned about ending up with dr. visit, but I don't want to go there. Hoping as I continue this new way of eating it will get better.... and I hope I don't gain weight in the process. :(

We continue to take bike rides, they seem easier with less strain on muscles. The other day I actually got on the elipitcal too.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:20 pm
by Nancy
I ate more than I should have for dinner tonight.
Did my walk this morning it was humid not used to that.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:46 pm
by Harriet
Harmony, going to the online tracker to record the foods I eat through the day has really helped me. I can check to see where I am on the parts of my diet I am tracking and see what I'm low on/high on. It starts to teach you more about the foods you eat often. For instance, I can recite to you without looking, that a cup of mashed sweet potato has 7 grams of fiber and a medium apple has 4. I couldn't have done that before I started tracking online and having the numbers pop up instantly, all in one convenient place. Be sure to up your water along with your fiber.

As far as finding different contents/amounts when asking different sources - wow, hadn't thought of that problem. I just believe the tracker and go on. I don't have time for much more than that, and just have to take it as authority. Thankfully, packaged products have the info on the box.

I lost a half-pound as of this morning. I knew that my healthy habits had been right on target for 2 straight days, plus sticking to planned calories and sodium. So I was really hoping. This takes me to:

One pound lost in April so far.
2 pounds lost in 2012.
7 pounds lost since the end of October.

So 7 pounds in almost 6 months. Not exactly light speed, here. 3 pounds to go to my mini-goal, which I WILL reach, no matter how far I fall behind the speed of a tortoise wading through molasses. :lol: Still, this plus the inch loss makes me feel more optimistic.

Last evening I did several standing moves – stretch, lunges, balance sequence and both kinds of hoe-downs. And I did about 10 minutes of floor work to total 30 minutes. Wish I could exercise earlier, but it just never works out.

Today was vacuuming and shopping, I guess. No chance for anything else. But tomorrow I will walk and walk and walk with dd32's family. That'll be serious exercise!

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:14 pm
by Harmony
I think I do better with a scrap of paper and a pencil on the counter than trotting back here to log something. I'm afraid I'd forget or just never do it. I keep my list of values on the counter too. I have lots of counter space. I'm keeping this on the top of the snack bar out of the way.

Sat. and Sun. was awful. I am still tweaking how much / how little of fiber I should be taking and what type. It seems to make a difference to me what types of food I get the fiber in. Today started out well, but is beginning to go a different direction. My diet definitely has changed and it's probably healthier, but I'm not happy with this type of eating. I tend more towards low carb, and now I'm getting less protein. Eventually I will figure it out.

I've added acidophilus (sp?) and that appears to help. New diet does appear to be helping a little with my "sweets" cravings.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:15 pm
by Nancy
I'm avoiding the scales. :!:
Walked and mowed for my exercise yesterday.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:38 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm down dramatically over 2 weeks - over 4 lbs but I suspect it has to do with this ongoing, endless, period of mine. Still heavy flow, 9 days in a row now. On the plus side, all breast discomfort is gone.

I'm tracking my WW at home and finding now that I'm in week 2 my eating has gone down a bit (last week I ate every point I had coming to me, this week I should have lots left over.) And I'm enjoying pushing it more on the treadmill. Getting the heart rate monitor working was a good move for me, I wasn't pushing myself hard enough before so perhaps kicking up the workout is kicking up the results as well (although I suspect the period has more to do with this than anything else.)

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:25 am
by Nancy
K in C so glad your discomfort is gone! Yea for that!

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:28 am
by Twins' Mom
Nancy, I resemble that remark:
I'm avoiding the scales. :!:

I haven't weighted since way back in tax season. Judging from how my clothes fit, I'm in deep trouble. I'm not feeling good about this seminar I'm attending Th - Sun because nothing fits. Kind of the way I felt at the end of tax season, thankful that I didn't have to get dressed to "Biz casual" five days a week anymore. (I am wearing the same black pants for most occasions outside of work.)

Tomorrow I am going to attempt to purchase a couple of things to tide me over in the biz casual dept for late spring into summer.

Dh is using an iPhone app to count his calories and activity. Of course, the way he exercises, all he has to do is to cut back on eating a little and he loses. Yesterday he worked out (either lifted weights or a hard treadmill workout) and also played tennis last night.

I just signed back in at WW and logged my breakfast food. One little step.

Kathryn, do you find the forums there helpful?