Health and Fitness, May, 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Thu May 08, 2014 10:17 am

I am migraine free today... Finally
I am doing two diet bets this month. I had to take a picture of the scale and my weight and then summit it for the games. My weight is up 1.8 lbs but that's ok I expected that after birthday and derby celebration. That's real life.

After I lost 40lbs years ago I kept it off for 20 yrs. I weighed myself every day and stayed within a 3 lb window so that's way I'm ok with this. I am back on my plan. Actually I was back on it the day after the derby.

In order to win my bets I must lose 5.8lbs which is certainly doable. That will put me below my big goal and is further motivation for me. Plus school will be out in another two weeks so that will allow me to focus on my exercise.

Okay... You are smart to stay on your plan as much as possible while you are taking your meds particularly since you are making life changes. I have found if I give myself an excuse to eat off my plan, I tend to stay off my plan. For me an excuse of taking meds is an excuse for me to fall back on old habits and eat off my plan.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby OKay » Thu May 08, 2014 4:35 pm

Cowinkle - thanks for the encouragement. I'm excited for your new bet starts.

I woke up at 1am sick to my stomach. I laid on the bathroom floor until 2:30am because it was too much effort to leave the bathroom while I kept being sick. It has been a long time since I was sick like this. I tried sipping water but it made me sick. I finally started sipping 7up around 8am and it has stayed down. I need to eat so I can take the 5 prescription pills today. This afternoon I finally decided I think I could keep Chicken Noodle soup down. I have been successful with 1/4 can so I took 3 of the pills. I'll try to eat something else later today and get the other 2 pills. down.

Might be a little bit silly....and a waste ......but I'm hopeful that I like it. I decided in my effort to slow my eating down to get some chopsticks. I decided onstainless steel chopsticks over wood just because they were #1 rated on Amazon. Then I found some travel chopsticks and eating utensils that further intrigued me. I told DH that I had bought my Mothers Day gift this year so he didn't need to worry about it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Thu May 08, 2014 9:12 pm

Okay.... I know what it's like to lie on the bathroom floor for hours while being sick. That's what happens to me when I get a bad migraine. For some reason the cool floor feels good to me. Most of the time if I try to get up it triggers another round of. Owl hugging. I learned to hang the bathroom towels low enough on the rack so I could pull them off and use them for covers and a pillow. Also kept my headache meds in the bottom of the cabinet for the same reason.

I thought I was the first to develop the "Chop Stick" diet. Worked for a while till I learned how to use them like. Shovel to shovel food into my mouth ;)

Btw, are you sure your meds are not making you sick to your stomach and not a virus relaps???
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Nancy » Thu May 08, 2014 11:21 pm

Dgkids were here until after six another long day tomorrow. it was not ten min. After I mowed the front and the winds kick up then a bit later it started to rain.

Yea finally got into my yahoo calendar and deleted the reminder that was not coming at the right time. It has been on my mind a while.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri May 09, 2014 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby OKay » Fri May 09, 2014 6:48 am

I am rejoicing that I feel sooo much better today. I was up a couple times during the night with LO but other than that I slept like a log and woke up feeling "normal". I am so very thrilled!!!

Weight is way down this morning, but I expect it will bounce back after I start eating again. Still. It was nice to see that low number on the scales and fantasize about it becoming real.

Eat Slow - stop before full suggestions I found on the net -
** Toward the end of the meal -
** When you eat, focus on how your stomach feels through the entire meal. As you become full, the empty feeling will be replaced with a gentle pressure. As soon as you feel the pressure in your stomach, stop eating. You should still feel light and energetic with this gentle pressure; if the fullness is uncomfortable, you overate. Relax in front of your plate for several minutes to decide if you are still hungry.
** Once you feel full, remove remaining food from your plate and engage in another activity such as reading, conversation, walking or a favorite hobby. If you struggle with the urge to continue eating, make yourself a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee.
** eat till I'm 80% full
** Leave something on my plate.
** give myself permission to either put the plate in the refrigerator for another meal (not to finish later) or throw the food away
** Having a hot drink can help to overcome residual hunger feelings. Try a coffee, tea, warm water with lemon, etc. to fill in the time.
** brush teeth after eating to signal you're done.
** Give myself the gift of walking after meal to celebrate a job well done. I deserve the 5 minutes treat.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Harriet » Fri May 09, 2014 10:41 am

Cowinkie, I had wondered how you would prove weights. Especially with money involved, I would think people question others' reports. It would seem to me they would want a newspaper with date beside the scale in photo or something. Was thinking of you because I figured you were nudging that goal you'd had.

HRH has been happy with the Subway Custom Combo Breakfast recently. He can get a 6-inch flatbread egg, bacon (cheese if he wanted it) and plenty of veggies, plus a coffee or any other beverage they serve, for $3. He's taken me out for that today on our way to his regular bloodwork and the Habitat ReStore, and I must admit, getting tomato, green pepper and spinach in my breakfast sandwich for such a tiny price is smarter than most any other away-from-home breakfast choice.

Yesterday was franti-city, plus company, plus my green-eyed boy2, plus . Therefore had a low-ish calorie day without planning it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby OKay » Sat May 10, 2014 1:24 pm

Posting for accountability and focus. I dearly NEED to do this in order to not totally give up.

The scales bounced back as I expected this morning. Keeping my eye on the trend which is still going in the right direction (downward...slowly)

I'm happy with my itty bitty progress in this week healthy habit. Now when I sit down to eat at the table I glance at the clock and mentally add 20 minutes (my goal to stop eating). The chop-sticks arrived and I attempted to use them at lunch today. Lesson learned - A beginner chop-stick user should not start with spaghetti. I gave up and used a fork....but it did slow my eating down so I am counting it as a success. :)

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Nancy » Sat May 10, 2014 10:57 pm

Ex. = gardening today.
I filled in the hen dust bath area put up a temp. Fencecto heep them out of it. Dug irises at the test garden ones I had been looking to find for 3 yrs.
Then planted them. We moved the swing set and pruned up the bush by it. Prund more on the ore. Grape starts in the front yd. Made a walking stick.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Ivy » Sat May 10, 2014 11:24 pm

Cowinkie, I read in Good Housekeeping June 2014 magazine last night, on page 98, how a "Migraine AHA" can be 2 things listed to stop your next headache."
"#1 - Treat Seasonal Sniffled; Migraine sufferers are twice as likely to have persistently runny nosed, a large survey found. Treating allergies and nasal symptoms may lead to fewer or milder headaches.

#2 - Have a Bedtime Snack; A study of headache diaries revealed that migraine-prone adults were 40% less likely to get an attack during the day if they'd nibbled before bed the night before."

Also, at this site: they have newsletters on health. I bet there is one on migraine headaches, too. Sometimes, if you're fortunate enough, you can find a "U. Class", (University) course, through them, available where they send you information on your particular subject about once a month. You might want to look into that. :idea:

I did well with my eating today and walked 30 minutes and did moderate to high intensity housework, too.

Tomorrow, there will be cookies here for dessert & I'm a "cookie monster." :roll: :oops: :(
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2014

Postby Harriet » Sun May 11, 2014 8:51 am

Yesterday, with dbil here painting, his dd (little niece) tagging along with me, and dstepson also here most of the day either working or waiting on dbil, I was social-ed out. Did way too much mini-snacking because of nerves/stress. Also HRH, who has a "provider" mentality was pushing food on us all. This morning I'm up more than a pound. Don't know if today can be a lower-cal day because family has secret plans.

I certainly seem to be see-sawing rather than having a consistent direction.

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