Health and Fitness, January, 2010

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Smile*Lee » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:23 pm

H&F Starship Log :arrow: wk 1/4 - 1/10

WTG Nancy! ~ woohoo! Down another pound for me too - down in the 138's - starting at 149 in October sometime. I just been working on it slow, changing habits instead of "dieting".

  • h2o early am: :!: . :!: . :!: . :!: . :!:
  • exercise: :!: . :!: . :!: . :!: . :!:
  • -- (F):15 step/arms - :10 floor
  • -- (Sa):20 step/arms - :10 floor
  • clean eating:
  • -- Read the first chapter of Clean Eating Recharged.
  • -- I did have a goal of not eating after 6, but Clean Eating has you eating 6 small meals a day. This one is around 10 pm, but it's optional.
  • coffee cutback?: still havent' decided about this.

In the Kitchen

2010 Sweat, Rattle, & Roll Stats - at least :15
Jan. :!: :!: - :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: - :!:
Weight: start 149 - current 138 - goal 130
Last edited by Smile*Lee on Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Harriet » Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:55 pm

Food musings

I can't believe I'm going to cook a big slab of beef tomorrow - we so seldom buy red meat any more. But several voices are recommending (for acid reflux) meals based on a simple lean meat. Dr, dVetNeighbor (who is so knowledgeable), multiple posts from a couple low carb websites where people have experienced help that way. We'll see. Then Monday a big batch of chicken to cook and Tuesday those two meals will serve as leftovers meals for dd11 and I as dh fasts for his age-appropriate gastro test Wed. (Poor baby - it will be over soon!)

I once tried Atkins for a few days and got joint pain, but I believe that had to do with fat content - I wasn't careful to stay lean. I'll watch it. Hmmm ... ...

I feel strange trying to plan meat for breakfast - I never, never do that. Well, eggs, yes, but not meat. Frankly, in the morning I just want my steel-cut Irish Oatmeal. I can't believe that bothers me (unless the honey does). Alternately, I want my sweet potato, but now I suppose I should consider a little protein with it one way or another, and a pat of butter doesn't count. Sigh. But definitely, if I am to go along with this new wisdom, fruit for breakfast is out. And I have always extolled the virtues of fruit.

Speaking of fruit sugars and other sugars, HRH read that if we have the sugar that is contained in one apple (15 grams), we should be through with our sugar consumption for the day and not ask our bodies to process more. Gracious. I don't think I could hold myself to that high standard.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Smile*Lee » Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:44 am

(((Harriet))) >>> Interjecting -- the "sugar" in an apple is not the same as table sugar - not by a long shot.

As far as meat - like you - I'm a little skeptical in that meat can help with your acid reflux, in that meat is acidic by its very nature. BUT -- I'm always open to real life results.

Have you ever tried taking food enzymes? Solary has a great one. I used to get gas really bad. Going through one bottle would eliminate it for months. For a couple of years, I would have to go through a bottle about 2 or 3 times a year. Just recently, I was chatting with a T-Tapp lady, and she felt a pain high in her abdomen when eating. After just one day on enzymes, the pain subsided. I don't know if it would help your reflux, but it might be worth a shot. Most health food stores carry the Solaray brand. ... ex=9236314
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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:07 am

Happy for Nancy, Cowinkie and others who are scooting that scale number where they tell it to go, and getting in good exercise.

Thanks, Smile (hope your scale is cooperative, too), I have also heard a few recommendations of digestive enzymes while doing searches on this recent rec. There is one lady on one of the low-carb boards that tells all AR sufferers they need them, but several others say if they helped they couldn't tell. She rec. probiotics along with it. Funny, it is HRH here for whom we have tried to get the right probiotic. As for me I've always figured a little yogurt did the trick. Now with some voices saying dairy is not good for reflux, I wonder. (But you can find voices who suspect almost anything - last evening I learned that beans are not good for some people! Talk about a staple being off-limits! I certainly hope I don't find that to be true for me.)

All this flurry of settling on a way of eating is for a good purpose, though. Dr. says he'll let me come off my med at next visit, so I want to be very prepared with knowledge about how to come off it, what to eat, etc.

HRH and dd11 awakened with interest in the kitchen this morning. Neither can believe a roast of beef is cooking away in there! As far as leftovers of this meal, I will not want to rewarm in the microwave... ... hmmm

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Harmony » Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:23 pm

One more pound and I'll be back to my pre-holiday weight. It's hard in this cold to want to do anything other than eat hot food and cuddle under blankets.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:57 pm

Interesting discussion.

Last year I finally got back to what I knew was helpful to me. Gluten , dairy. potato , artificial flavours,colours. and preservative free. and low on salycilates
I tried to test salicylated and amines (thru elimination and challenges) but found after a while the sulphates (in vegatables that were left) were a real problem and stepped back from those, and returned to sals I thought I'd handled before.
I agree with Smile sugar isn't all the same. I've looked a little at the low glycose index foods - (not a quick spike of blood sugar) Recently I found some people can't digest certain fruit or vegetable sugars and there is a pathology breath test for these. (don't ask me - I know no more than that.)
I read the % sugars in foods. <10% in cereals is better than the 30+% in most. And totally avoid sweeteners. Seemingly the body acts as if its real sugar.

Personally my health is better without sugar. And a little can be like stirring an addiction leading to more and more excuses. I once read of one other person with the same problem. Mostly I have done it since late Oct. It took 2+ months to start to really show results. and now I can better see things, irritations, cause and effect. before the reaction was continual.
I'm not recommending that for anyone else. I used have exceeding low blood sugar. Though my blood sugars are more normal now I still need to abstain for the sake of my mental health. It took almost 20 yrs to come to that decision.

I got some probiotics and enzymes but haven't been consistant in using them. :roll:

A dietian once told me real test for intollerence was abstainance (of whatever) for 2wks (I think longer would be better) then eat heaps of it an see if you get a reaction.

I could do with checking out a few things that I eat. particularly "burpy" food. I need get back off stone fruit too.
(OK fruit for me are peeled delicious apples and pears, bananas. I have added pawpaw (paypa?) mango and figs, occassionally watermelon. I think I'm ok with manderin I could test those I guess.

My goal is to stay off what doesn't agree with me, to build muscle without losing weight. I bought some scales that claim to measure hydration , fats, muscle, bone. I guess the better test of muscle is how easily I can do other things. And to get to the gym AND yoga classes. ugg. its all a stretch for me. :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:12 pm

I'm feeling better getting more fiber and eating
prunes is working yea!
[White bread and things made with white flour like pizza etc.
tend to plug me up.] Speaking of sugar it also turns in to sugar
in the system when the body processes it.
Did a work out on the cardio-glide today yea!

I put on 6 lbs. last mo. trying to get the other five to leave now too!
re: Coffee: We use half caf. ' coffee here I get it pre-mixed that way
Folders has some that is already mixed don't have to do it any more and it
saves me time!

BS was 110 @ 4:00 this afternoon.

Does any one do diabetic exchanges or know about that?
Blessed was asking in the card file thread;
I do carb. counting it's a bit different can any one tell me is 18 carbs. one or two exchanges
for like a serving of fruit for example?

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:24 pm

Sry Nancy - I can't help.
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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:39 am

Nancy, WTG on that excellent 4:00 p.m. number. You are really mastering BSugar monitoring, and keeping it where you want it. I don't know much about exchanges, but I'm sure someone does and will answer.

This morning 147.5 was a scale surprise for me, but welcome. So 1.5 out of 4 with 2.5 to go by Valentine's. A little faster loss than I thought I'd start with - I believe so much caution in WHAT I eat has slowed me in HOW MUCH I eat, which is okay, but I need to try to keep calories consistent. My lunch yesterday, for instance, was very tentative. I was unsure what I should eat so didn't eat much. It was a busy day and I wasn't at home much, too uncertain to eat anything away from home.

Oh, and crockpot chicken was delish to dd11, ddad and to me. (My dmom needed to choose other foods, which I knew in advance.) But HRH wouldn't take a second look and thought it was "soupy". Sigh. Story of my life. One of the reasons I am not a confident cook is that each person either has special needs, or particular tastes, etc. Also we are not "on the same page". HRH had had fried chicken for lunch and brought home a doggy bag. He wanted to finish that, which he did while I was away giving my parents' supper. He has sensible reasons, of course, of food safety to eat the earlier prepared meal soonest, and the $ he spent on it. But that messed up my plans for our own sit-down supper at table. I know some women would control their households so well that this would never be an issue.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:46 pm

Yes take out can mess up dinner plans that's for sure Harriet btdt!

This week I've found a program app. called project Diabetes and
you can keep track of bs carbs. calories meds. ect. on line and
it will e-mail it to you and you can get a graph of your spikes and dips
the doc. would love this I"m sure!

Harriet can you or any one give me the link of calories use for doing an hour
of yard work raking leaves for example. I guess 800 not sure on that for today's a.m.
ex. entry.

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