Health and Fitness, November 2010

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:10 pm

Oh, so many smart moves here. Harmony is already through the unsteadiness of the first day and into her bright plan. Nancy is gliding through her after-meals. Kathryn is tweaking treadmill prep and staying out of the kitchen. Lynlee checked her blood sugar for World Diabetes Day. Indiana has recipes at the ready and knows butcher-savvy. Macs and Twins Mom are walking buddies again.

Zumba - heavy sigh. Yes, I noticed that infomercial a couple weeks ago too, and marveled at it. That is what I call moving FAST. I think I may hear the beat of a different drummer. :)

I got in 25 minutes of T-Tapp today.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:44 pm

This morning I did a 15 min. work out on the cardio glide after breakfast.
Would like to do it first thing but my sugars were not up enough for that today.
I did that whikle watched a segment of the doctor oz. show
I like what he said about replacing carbs with vegatbales. :idea: Now
there's an idea!

Knitting on one project is done and it just does not burn very many calories!
I completed the purple child's cobbler apron it turned out really cute.
At least with sewing I"m up and down to press as I sew.

I walked a bit short walk and got the mail it was not raining then.
After lunch I'll walk but will need to take an unbrella.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:52 am

Harmony my food issues are mental too. As I've said before, my main weight gain happened after I stopped buying anything new. So I was using shopping therapy to calm me and once that was gone, I started to eat for comfort instead.

I had soup for lunch (along with toast with peanut butter) and did very well for the day. I was probably well over on WW points (I'm still not counting) but there were fewer snacks and less high cal food at dinner. Lots of veggies and dinner felt luxurious.

I've been steaming broccoli for myself and discovered I love it. Normally I only have it when at restaurants so it feels like a luxury.

I'm back up on the treadmill this morning. And did it by 6:30 instead of 7 so I'm making progress on rolling out of bed too.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:38 am

No walk last night or this morning for me and ddogs as rain is coming down. Hoping that rain stops and it's still light when I get home after work so we can get out. Ate well yesterday through the time I got home from work. While at work, I had walked to the junk food machine twice but each time it needed coins only, and I had a bill only. Ds and I had chinese for supper and I ate too much, but have to take comfort in the fact that I didn't have a fast food "second breakfast" or a heavy lunch out. In fact, since I made soup on Sunday evening, I brought soup for lunch yesterday. Harmony, this is one of my tax season strategies - soup on Sunday, then bring for lunch for several days at work.

I tried on pants of the next size down - the size I could still wear last year - and they are depressingly tight at the waist.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin


Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Indiana » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:40 pm

I just was reminded by an article I read. Make sure you tell your doctor of any supplements you are taking.

Unfortunately, this oversight can lead to problems with prescription drugs, especially drugs that are highly sensitive and easily thrown off balance. Either ones you are taking now or ones your doctor prescribes in the future.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:26 am

Today I did some yard work cleanup after the storm
picking up branches and sweeping leaves for 30 min.
plus a 30 min. walk and
25+ min. tonight on the cardio glide.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Harmony » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:30 am

Indiana, we took DH's long list of supplements with us and drs. and nurses were very interested in it all.

Soup, meh, I can't do soup for all three meals. But I can do it for some. I am down 1 1/2 lbs. since I've started this, so I guess it's ok.

Twins, I so understand the too-tight clothes dilema. A few months ago I had some set aside that I was almost able to wear and instead of getting that little bit off, I put that little bit on, and am further away from wearing them. Weight control is just so depressing. I can never find the fun in it.

Nancy, 25 min. on your cardio glide? That's tremendous. I can only do 8 or 9 on my eliptical - which I haven't for ever so long. :oops:

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:41 am

Thanks Harmony!
I can't seem to balance on one of those elliptical machines they are tricky for me I tried one at the thrift shop. :idea: I have it in front of the T.V. that helps!

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:59 am

Harmony wrote: Weight control is just so depressing. I can never find the fun in it.

Amen, sister!

Back on the treadmill again. Because of my errands yesterday we didn't get a walk to the mail box. And may not for the next couple of days so I dragged myself on again this morning.

Eating yesterday was mixed. No snacks until the evening because we were out (although I had a box of 100 cal snack packs in the back of the car I managed to avoid opening it.) Subway for lunch, frozen lasagna (which is very acceptable because it is portion controlled and I eat it with a large salad and milk.) My downfall was french bread (I was starving when we walked in the door and it took 20 minutes to get my dinner on the table.) I had a snack cracker package in the evening so ended up with an evening snack, which is unusual for me.

Reading this, I'm thinking if I had eaten a snack package in the afternoon I might have avoided the french bread and ended up ahead on the calorie count. Buying a banana at the grocery store to have as a snack would have been even better. Oh well... I did opt for the lasagna instead of buying chicken nuggets from the deli counter so I could eat when I got in the door. I shall celebrate small victories.

I'm thinking of Harriet's friend who lost the weight using a 'no white' diet. This is not the first time I've heard of this and I've thought of that diet but just can't see it working for me.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Postby Harriet » Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:55 pm

Nancy, creative outlets burn the cobwebs off the brain!!! We stay mentally younger when we exercise our creative curiosity and enjoy seeing the work of our hands. I did not make that up, ya know! That's proven! So appreciate your knitting, too. ( I know what you mean about the up and down of sewing and pressing, though.)

((Twins Mom)) you whittled that waist once and you can whittle it again!

As you sweeties have had to listen to already, I had a migraine yesterday and so no exercise, in fact napping as a replacement.

Today I was back to 25 minutes of T-Tapp. I do the first 30 of the 50-min Total Workout (also called Beginner Rehabilitative) minus the move called "oil wells" because I fear the swinging motion with head down might aggravate my LES valve and acid reflux. For anyone who knows the workout, this is up to the moment when you have finished lunges to tire the legs, then the balance sequence to tire the core, and have somehow staggered ;) through "puppet pulls", which is a very cardio move for both arms and legs. At that point, the leg stretch is too much for me to consider and I fall onto the couch with my water!

I remain a little confused as to why I can't do more. Either why I can't face more minutes or why I can't seem to graduate to more than every other day. When I turned 50 I did 2 straight weeks of daily 50 minute workouts as a "bootcamp" to go into three 50s per week for a year. Oh, well. I'll be philosophical about that later. Time for the school run!

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