Health and Fitness, July, 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:56 am

Last night was the last night of the beginners yoga series, and we went through the equivalent of a power yoga class with the room heated and all. It was exhausting, but I got through it using modifications. I was soaking wet sweaty with the heat. I did feel a little nauseated - I spoke with the assistant afterward and he said it was normal. I was hungry and thirsty so I went to Whole Foods afterward for a piece of salmon, salad and cold water but then couldn't eat it. Now I need to be "daring" enough to sign up for a power yoga class before the effect of this one wears off. Everyone was a beginner once, right?.

And then.....dh had gotten pizza for dkids when I got home. I finally ate my salad, a couple of bites of salmon, and a sliver of pizza. (Last time this happened, I ate two slices of pizza!) I'm also checking on the availability of WW meetings. There's one on Friday a.m. nearby.
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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Nancy » Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:16 am

Way to go Twinsm!
I rode my ex. bike another session last night got 4 mi. total in on it yesterday.

ex. x saw 4 deer and one owl or brown headed eagle sitting on a tree branch on my walk today.

H. did 1 mi. on the ex. bike today.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Nancy » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:31 pm

Yesterday I walked 3 mi. my foot and was sore to today,
so I'm not walking but I did one mi. on the exercise bike I'll do another one later on it.

My hands fingers were swollen and they are back down now, glad I got my rings back on.
Walking & shopping has me limping again so if I do any more exercise today it will be on the exercise bike!

OK great report! Love it when the doc. says nothing about wt.!
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby OKay » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:19 am

Just reporting in -

Day 44 with an average daily weight loss of 0.29545 lbs, which equals 13 lbs lost. We are eating the exact same food, but DH has lost 32 lbs!

We continue to eat 6 times a day. We are mostly eating protein, vegetables & fruit. The main things we are not eating are flour, rice, sugar & potatoes. As I discover new recipes for this eating style it is getting easier and easier. The part I like the best (beside the # of the scales going down) is there is NO hunger.

Last night the local pizza place owner sent a piece of pizza to LO. I was surprised that I wasn't tempted by it. So far I am mostly satisfied with our meals and food selection.

My clothes are getting baggy. I plan on getting new jeans when I can pull these off without unbuttoning them (meaning my hips are the same size my waist used to be!) :)

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Lilac » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:24 pm

Nancy, how many shots do you take a day? Also, what do you take? The dr. wants me to start with 5 units at each meal of the fast acting insulin and he didn't tell me what kind. Then he wants me to take 10 units of Lantus at night. He said that is just a starting point and I will have to see what works. All I know is that lows are so scary. When I get low then I tend to over do it and then I am too high. Vicious circle. What really frustrates me is that one day a certain food will cause a high and then the next time it doesn't. No rhyme or reason to it. Not knowing what it will do then messes me up if I use too much or not enough.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:22 am

Lilac I agree with you about the pumps I'm on shots and what I like about them is after you take one you don't have to mess with tubing or anything until the next meal.
I test on the base of the heal of my hand too.

I take four shots a day meals and bedtime.
at night my long acting {nite} insulin is Lantis; {18-22 units} {I'm 165 lbs} I'm moderately active. The doc. had me adjust the long acting in three day increments of time. Gave me a target to use but I had to tweak that target as I was having to many lows. 85-150 was my old target range my new one is more like 110-180 and I've not had to call emts since raising it; the doc. did not say any thing when I told him I had to raise my target number on the upper end.

I've used novolog but am now on humalog both are fast acting kinds.
Hope you go well getting on top of the learning curve with this.

I'm hormonal and my insulin doze was a big one this a.m. of ten units; bs was #344 when I got up I knew it was hormones as I'd been having hot flashes in the night! {Yesterday I had a low before lunch as it was late we had been shopping. It takes a dive during my monthly cycle and then spikes and tapers off.} {Stress and digestive action can cause it to spike also.}
I normally take 2-6 u. for meals. @ ten carbs per u.
Okay I'd better go eat now b/c I'm sweating profusely might be the coffee however! LOL
My walk apx. 3 mi. at a moderate exercise level drops my bs by 25 points.

There is a book that might help called Think Like a Pancreas by: Gary Scheiner ms cde this book helped me a lot!
There is a TV show called dlife that has great info. on it check your local listings it comes on Sun. pm here, they also have a fantastic website I get great info. from.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:27 pm

I'm done with my exercise I've mowed, raked, and cleaned up a bit in the neighbors front yard. So glad that I took my before lunch reading it was #105 and I did not need any more insulin for correction just what I was going to have to cover my lunch.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:57 pm

Oh, that's wonderful Nancy and Lilac can talk intelligently here and share tips and thoughts. ((Lilac)) for this confusing time.

Woo Hoo, OKay, that is a really big successful weight loss, especially for your dh. But really, 13 pounds in 1.5 months is surprisingly big news.

Dd12 and I are considering doing the 28-day kick-the-soda-habit challenge from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen. HRH is already pretty much off sodas. And you all may remember that I spent 4 months off sodas in 2010. Dd and I are probably having one a day each, more on stressful days and lately they all seem stressful. So it's not huge, but it needs to stop. I think it could be contributing to her skin breakouts. Her big sister had good results as a teen moving from dark to colorless sodas to help acne. But that is not as much potential help to dd, because she can't have lime.

It's a very gentle method. The first week is spent exchanging for diet sodas, the second week for diet caffiene-free sodas, the third for sparkling juice/water (at 20/80 percent), and the 4th for chewing gum and water. Dr. Oz thinks this works better than cold-turkey and people are more likely to stay off of the habit. We're supposed to eat more eggs, fish and beans the first week, because those help with missing sugar.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Lilac » Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:59 pm

Nancy, thank you so much for all the info. My dr. didn't even mention carb to unit ratio. I checked out the dlife site on pumps. Everything that I read there makes me feel like that is really not for me, the pumps not the dlife website. :lol: Anyway, after reading what amounts you take, I feel more comfortable with what he is starting me on. I can always go up on the Lantus if I find that I need to.

Harriet, I am so glad that Nancy is here and so helpful. I will always remember how shocked I was when she told us about her diabetes and hospital stay, etc. Because of my db, I always hated to hear that anyone else had to deal with it. Little did I know that I too would end up with it. :( :o :shock: :?

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2011

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:29 pm

This evening I did the T-Tapp "Super Slow" instructional through all the basic moves that usually take 15 minutes. It takes at least 40 on this one, with the careful explanations of exactly how to move and why. I went through 3 cups of water, so much sweating. You hold the positions so long and work to get the form just right, with lots of isometrics. Tobias helped. :) I think he was genuinely disappointed that it took me so long and I wouldn't turn my attention back to him, though I'm sure I seemed very still to him many times, as though I should be finished. DD12 had to wait so long to tell me something that she forgot what it was! LOL. That's all right, it'll come to her - there was so much instruction to listen to I couldn't let her talk over it right then, and couldn't move to get to the remote!

There is another hour left on the DVD for all the rest of the moves in the full workouts, which about 30-40 people did "live". My hat is off to them. The next move would have been lunges and I knew to quit. Maybe tomorrow after doing the usual stretch (not the super slow one!) I can go back to that point in the video. Tobias is now between me and screen yawning pointedly.

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