Health and Fitness, November 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Harriet » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:20 am

Oh, I see Lisa popping in! I hope she gives a report from her Adventures soon!

Harmony, yikes about the blister! About aches and pains - IKWYM and am definitely still having aches and pains with the leg that went into the hole, for instance. Thigh, hip, ankle - which is it? Different at different times. And it would be my left side. Everything that happens to me happens to my left side. The thyroid nodule is even on - you guessed it - the left side!

Kathryn, I also had to smile in agreement with your "next day of the rest of my life" start over, since I've had some start-overs in this recent journey, too. I was going to comment to you in PWYC about the loss of the family vacation spot, so I'll still with that plan. But do try to notice and catch yourself if grieving over it begins to take over thoughts and make you absentminded - keep up the healthy habits you already planned so you are taking the best care of you.

Add me to the list of those asking, "WHY is my body not cooperating?". Today was zero change again. How is this possible, I ask myself, since because of upset yesterday I barely ate 800 calories, and almost all of them good ones. HRH says he wouldn't expect scale change on the following day, but that just points out how different we are, since I always show scale change immediately (certainly the bad kind flies to the scale). This leaves me wondering whether to make similar choices of foods today, since I never felt hungry (adrenaline?) or to change it up. We'll see.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Harmony » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:24 am

Some interesting information about thyroid health I learned this weekend from DSiL.

The thyroid and the liver are the only 2 organs in one's body that will regrow if taken out. Amazing. His has been taken out (remember he had thyroid cancer years ago) and he takes thyroid hormone not only to replace the hormone but to keep it from growing back. Once one has t. cancer, if some of it grows back it will always be cancerous. Also, he was told it is very very hereditary as is any type of thyroid disease. He is the first in his family to have issues, but now they have to stay aware because of DBaby.

Also, he says his body can no longer process iodine. So he avoids salt with iodine and shellfish that is high also. Harriet, I don't know why your dr. said no higher intake of iodine, but could be if your thyroid isn't operating at maximum efficiency, it couldn't process it.

Above is just anecdotal info, but he's been battling this for many years and seems to have a very good handle on the situation.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Cowinkie » Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:14 pm

I haven't been back on the scales...decided not to weigh until next Sat as I don't want to loose my motivation if the scales don't read what I think they should.

The good news is Thur. I had a drs. appointment and you KNOW the first thing they do is weight you. I stood on the scales completely dressed, jeans, boots, fur vest, determined not to look. However I had to peek ;) I fully expected and was prepared for an unwanted reading. Imagine my surprise that the scale read only 3 lbs above my 30 lb goal. Yippie!!!

I received my cholesterol results yesterday. For full total count anything under 200 is good. Mine is 157. And for LDL, the bad stuff, anything under 100 is excellent. Mine was 75 :D

I don't know if its my weight loss, change of food choices or both, but last year I was told my cholesterol was too high. This year I fall into the Excellent category. Time to smile :D
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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:36 am

Another restart day for me.

And I seem to be getting sick. Yuck. I have 3 choir practices this week (plus Sunday), a church board meeting, the Asian Supper, babysitting three boys on Friday, the talent auction and one of my preaching courses. Add in my volunteer hours and I have no time to be sick!

So today has to be at 100% in order to lay the ground work for the rest of the week.

Actually, looking at that, I'm calling in sick tomorrow for my volunteering. I can only be there 2 hours because I have to leave early due to choir so rather than add in the driving time, I'll skip it.

Ok, week is organized in my mind.

I'm on the treadmill. And feeling sweaty but suspect it may not be from my exertion but a fever. I also have a burning sore throat.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:34 am

I've started a food & ex. log off line so I can evaluate my choices. Did a walk after lunch.
Plus I did stationery bike miles in & got my arm work-out in last night.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Lisa B. » Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:20 am

Harriet, I will only start the Adventure Camp on Monday 21st as that is when it begins.
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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:58 am

Last night I had a diabetic episode last night after p.m. dose h. had to use the gluco-gun. :shock: {He said gloco tabs did not work.} I was in a coma seizing not a pretty sight I'm sure. I came to with him giving me juice, then later an apple, one candy, more peanut butter.
I'd had a graham cracker, candy & peanut butter before laying on the couch to watch tv.
Today no breakfast bs was 333 so black coffee it is.

It's my t.o.m. sigh I've been felling puny head ache last night from sinus issues.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:23 pm

Watched a movie we rented (dh and I each rent our own movies and he watches downstairs and I watch up in the living room so we can get the 5movies/5days/$5 deal.)

Then I went over my music again. Since the parts where I was lost earlier today were still fresh in my mind, I was able to practice that more closely and concentrate on breathing (and noting where to breathe.)

Now, I'm off to bed.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:56 pm

If you need mojo to get a flu shot get the movie Contagin sp? and watch it. Really makes you think.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:53 pm

Cowinkie, wow those are great changes in your health marker numbers. Woo Hoo!

I personally don't see how you could have been wearing an outfit that included boots and not have had 3 pounds worth of clothes on, but I understand why you are being patient and waiting on your own scale!

Oh, Lisa somehow I got the idea you had already started! Best wishes on Monday.

((Nancy and dh))

Harmony, I never knew any part of the body could regrow - I would have said tonsils, maybe. It's wonderful for your dsil that he got good care and also was able to learn so much to keep himself healthy.

Kathryn, I know you are weary today but I hope you get good rest and recuperate soon.

OKay, are you feeling any better?

I did Basic workout tonight. Then HRH baked cherry pie. Sigh. But I am counting it a sleep aid, since we read that eating cherries at night provides melatonin. He showed up to watch tv when I still had 5 minutes of exercise to complete, but I stuck to my guns and wouldn't let him switch the screen until I was finished. In the past I might have ducked out, because I don't like it when others watch me exercising (T-Tapp has variety of movements, a lot of hanging the head while bending at the waist, etc., and you definitely can't count on looking cool to others.) I hadn't been finished more than a few minutes when my ddad got up again, so I was so glad I didn't allow myself to be chased off earlier. ( I guess I need to reconsider the concept of tv in our bedroom, which I long ago vetoed.) I did do HoeDowns to try to counteract the carbs! I can do those without a screen or even audio.

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