Health and Fitness, January 2012

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Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Postby Harriet » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:08 pm

Kathryn, thanks for the feedback on that. Noise level was a point I hadn't considered. In that case, treadmill might need to be listed among the things one of us cannot do without another one agreeing to be available to my ddad. I've already determined that when we decide on a treadmill (or other) we need to have a tv in place that can be viewed from it, so that's really a double purchase. Although tvs are so low priced lately I'm amazed. Years ago, my late dh had a NordicTrack and it was almost an attractive addition. I remember the wood was so nice. DVetNeighbor loves hers to this day - her everyday exercise, but she purchased hers more recently.

OKay I thought of you and dh when reading a discussion between Dr. Paul Jaminet, Dr. Ron Rosedale and Dr. Joe Mercola about which carbs should be a part of our meals. Dr. Rosedale is very strict about carbs and the other two not so much, but they agreed that rice (white is fine) would be their first choice for adding in carbs. One thing I did not know about white rice is that it has less likelihood of toxins that other processed foods. Dr. Mercola thinks potatoes (white) are a good choice. For what it's worth, here was a statement with which they all agreed: "Wheat and other glutinous grains are probably the worst starches to consume, in terms of metabolic impact versus micronutrient benefit, and many are heavy in toxins." Made me think of Lynlee and her efforts to avoid glutin. They like sweet potatoes somewhat, as long as it's understood that they are grown for sweetness now and have half the sweetness of the same amount of grapes - yams are still not overly sweet, having less than white potatoes.

I had to arise very early this morning and wasn't able to give the scale a fair shot. The scale is toying with a loss right now. Sigh. Another day waiting and only 1/2 pound lost all month so far. HRH brought home a lovely heart-shaped candy box for me with a pretty cloth lid. I know the gift is more about remembering I'd like the textile box than about the candy, BUT if I'm happy with my loss on the 14th of Feb, it will be nice to have some fancy-ish chocolate for a treat. In other years, we have taken each other out to Macaroni Grill restaurant, which somehow became the Valentine's Day thing. Unless we make arrangements in advance, I don't see that happening this year anyway, and besides, lots of sodium!!! We'll see!

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Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Postby Harriet » Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:23 pm


I was so inspired ;) I went ahead and took my measurements too, thinking what if this is my good day, LOL. And there are definitely a few quarter-inch slimmings going on. I will wait to double-check these mid-February, since the workout/measurement chart is for 6 weeks.

So this is one pound down for January, which is a 31-day month. Sigh. (so far - there's still hope I suppose) Not exactly keeping up with my speedy 2.5 pounds-per-month Nov-Dec rate, am I? :roll:

I'm changing up breakfast today and having a smoothie of coconut milk, mixed frozen berries, that "designer" brand whey protein chocolate and some coconut oil. Have had eggs every day for a week. Was thinking maybe that has kept me from any worse record, since it avoids carbs for breakfast and seems to keep me full. On the other hand, it hasn't started any great strides towards losses, either. We'll see.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:49 pm

Yesterday's exercise included 5 mi. on ex. bike plus a walk with wind resistance! :roll:
also Wed. and yesterday were lots of trips up and down the stairs checking on the freezer emptying water etc.

B.S. is down a bit today yea for that.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:02 am

On treadmill again today. Nearly skipped it because I did 2.6 miles on it yesterday and then 3 miles walking/hiking (less than a mile of hike.) My grippers are wire springs on the underside of the center of the sole of boots so walking on them creates a slight rocking motion, plus the boots they are attached to don't have proper arch or padded insoles so I thought I'd be too sore to get on the treadmill today but I wasn't, so I did.

It is sunny and above freezing so we'll probably walk for the mail today, too, so I'll have got a lot of workouts in. On the other hand, tomorrow I won't be exercising (my volunteer work gets me out of the house too early) and Wednesday might be missed too due to the funeral (depends on how involved I get and what time I should be at the church.)

Weight is the same now as it was at the beginning of the month. I went down a pound, up 3 and now back down 2. At this point, I don't care as long as I'm not gaining. My clothes for the ship mostly have room (some are too large but I don't have anything a size down so will rely on belts and pins, and my travel skirt is barely large enough, so I have to careful not to gain on the cruise.)

For those keeping track, I'm still 15 pounds away from 'overweight' and 25 away from my goal weight. I had hoped to make it to not overweight by now when I started last October, but I'm down 10 which gave me more choices in clothes for the trip, so I'll take that and be happy I'm not where I was in Jan of 2011.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:01 pm

BS was up again today.

I did my ex. bike 5 mi. this morning and walked in segments as my foot was acting up a bit, came home half way through to get a walking stick and shortened up my walk just a bit. 8-) Mild sunny day made it pleasant.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Postby OKay » Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:08 pm

My weight is up 2 lbs this month.

Sooooo this shows me I need to pay more attention. One of my physical goals for Feb is to post on H&F daily to keep me accountable.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Postby Harmony » Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:28 pm

On the subject of noise, our eliptical makes a squeak/clunk noise. One time DD1 was here sleeping in the next room and DH got on the eliptical and she was just astonished: "and just what IS that odd noise!" :lol:

I am down a few lbs. since the holidays and I'm trying to hold on to that.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:32 pm

I saw an elliptical at the thrift shop last week sort of considering getting one. This is good to know.

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