Health and Fitness July, 2012

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Harmony » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:55 pm

Harriet, the things you mention as being ok sound appealing to me, though I will certainly miss my tomatoes and onions (I cook with onions in everything, am not much on raw ones, I wonder what the cooking does to them in terms of ph) and I'll miss my peppers. It's been years since I've done black pepper sprinkled on anything...but my green ones.... It sounds like there is an awful lot of scientific information in her book.

Lynlee, I don't know how you stick to a diet like that, it seems so restrictive. Still, if it makes you feel better.... self-control where food is concerned is not my biggest accomplishment.

I am in the middle of so much stuff right now, I'm not sure where I'll get the time to study this book when it comes. At least the milk I drink is skim and I've pretty much quit all sodas.

Oh, the pain in my throat radiates up into my jaw. Mostly it doesn't start down in my heart area. It starts in the base of my throat. I sure wish there was a permanent cure for this.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Harriet » Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:04 am

I have become sensitive to touch around my lower throat - like Harmony mentioned I think. Front of windpipe, just above where collar bones come together.

A big "ME, TOO" on this, Lynlee.

Harmony, HRH thinks she is not talking about bell peppers, at least - he thinks she is talking about other varieties. She mentions "bell pepper - green" in another place in the book, in a list, and says they are Ph 5.1, which would be above her limit, even for that 2 weeks.

I am hurting right now because dd13 wanted to go out to Chick-Fil-A so I basically had a fried food with cola. Sigh. You'd think I would learn. Also, their sauce, which is probably full of hot spice.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:10 am

lots of train travel today and got waylaid on a platform by a unfood dispenser thing by a cadbury choclate bar. Hadn't eaten my usual food. Though really I've wanted taste of choc for a while. There may be migraine in my future. And dealing with cravings - I've flicked that switch again.

Remembering when I first stopped cows milk end of 94. The constant waking with dull achey stomach left me. Now I know what thats about. I will mention the gerd thing to doc next time I see him. And repeat the throat problem.
I had wondered if it was also part of running into an electric wire (cattle control) with my windpipe when I was young - In the dark - outside the dairy - directing cows to another gate.
Also considering all the little burpy things today. Its likely.

Just took 1 dose of probiotics today. It certainly is helping with food digestion. I'll need take care not to err towards constipation. That does thats system prolapse no good. (as opposed to the other 2prolapse.) Just doing the best I can .

Harmony - any effort needs have sufficient benefit to make it worth while. Time after time, indiscressions ?sp? prove it to me. mental or physical well being. energy. And I can love the other things. Some have me feel sick straight away. like 2 strawberries.
did try some californian cherries recently. banned but nice. Maybe thats part of this "break out".
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:45 am

Still plugging away here. Not counting points, though. Am focusing on water and have started limiting myself to two diet dr.P a day. My cousin is currently detoxing from diet coke and none of us told her about the headaches (I was hoping she wouldn't get them.) It still only took 3 days for them to go away, same as for me. Makes sense since we have very similar physiological makeup.

Funny how memory of the headaches is part of why I don't want to give up my diet dr.P and coke. (The main reason is that I just keep falling back onto it because when I travel it is the one flavoured drink I can easily get - overseas even fresh milk is very hard to get and any milk impossible to order in restaurants.)

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Harriet » Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:35 am

Did a DVD of 3 grouped T-Tapp floor exercises for lower body yesterday after the back stretch. About 30 minutes. It's called Target Points of Perfection 3, meaning 3 exercise series with instruction - legs, lower torso stretch/twist, and then specifically glutes. It's not new, but I've only done it 4 or 5 times, I guess because the instruction is so detailed I feel like I am "waiting" to exercise, yet without the instruction I can't remember how to do them! :oops:

got waylaid on a platform by a unfood dispenser

:lol: Lynlee. Very interesting that you improved stomach pain by eliminating cow's milk.

I've been trying to think what on earth I'll eat today, when I was going to have a whey protein shake with coconut milk, but happened to glance this morning online some negative opinions about whey protein products, and now you mention this. I think I'll avoid that today - just too many little warnings! LOL! I do know I want a nice fat sweet potato mashed with coconut oil - haven't had one in a couple weeks.

Kathryn, sodas are just everywhere, convenient to all, too easy, too easy. I "fall back onto it" too, as yesterday's fast food moment. Yes, I know my ddad would agree wholeheartedly that North America is blessed with its dairy farms keeping milk available regularly. He used to consider it almost a calling to produce milk, and says that once upon a time you couldn't get enough out to the stores to satisfy local demand, and the careful rotations of getting cows bred just a few at a time was vital to help keep the supply stable, at least. A mistake with pasture fencing could be bad, because of course insemination was not artificial then.

So now I'm back to electric wire, Lynlee. Ouch, ouch, been there, done that - mostly on legs/hip.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Harmony » Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:01 pm

I have a tiny barb wire scar on my upper arm from our experiment on raising a calf...many years ago... never gonna do that again!

My book is here, still in its envelope. I had awful reflux last night, I was stressed badly all day yesterday and I tend to want more coffee at such times, that's probably what it was about. I must attempt to cut back again.
LOL Lynlee! :lol: Chocolate attacks me too. :oops:

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:47 pm

Harriet - don't be put off just because I try not to do dairy. You said non fat yoghurt was better, so see if nonfat milk is ok for you too. Whey - if it works for you do it .. or test. Finish what you have. Then eliminate it and try to keep everything else the same for 2-3 wks. Then have it again. A few servings in the day and it will bring on symptoms if they happen quicker than if you just add a bit - unless it a true allergy in which case a little bit will set you off. Mind you - getting rid of all dairy is easier said than done if you buy bread and what we call biscuits.

Big wtg on the ttap. Remember there is benefit in fidgeting, or even mountain pose, so a simple movement - sway of hips even, or transfer weight from one foot to other - while you wait for the next exercise may be helpful. Mountain pose is to stand solid, erect, head tall, arms by sides and hands palms forward a wee bit away from body, and breathe slowly, deeply. Feet parallel are either together (toes together, heals apart) or feet apart. Consider it exercise.

Ouch on the barb wire scar Harmony. We had electric fences everywhere - usually the middle wire so there was a real art to getting thru fences.
Harriet - the one I ran into was plain 8 guage wire neck height for me.

Trying to up my fluids today. I missed the mark yesterday. 8 glasses /2 L is the target. Water jar + 2 big glasses will do it.
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Nancy » Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:42 am

I walked yesterday morning for my exercise. Today yard work will be my exercise some plants to move after the rain yesterday it's going to be a good day for that! First I need h. to tell me what ones need to be moved.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Nancy » Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:05 am

Found an elliptical machine I've been keeping my eye out for today at the thrift shop but it was $32.50 I was hoping for under $25 price. Got ex. digging dirt out for the patio expansion today.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:36 am

It is warm (77) in the exercise room but high humidity and hotter outside so I've got the ceiling fan on high and simply dripping with sweat. I'll drink an extra cup or two of water before getting downstairs, thankfully I have extra upstairs (we don't drink from our taps except the kitchen one, due to the water softener.)

The other day, when I checked my weight I was down 2 lbs. But that still puts me 1 pound higher than before our holiday. Of course, I haven't restarted counting WW points yet. And we leave tomorrow for another 3 day trip so I won't for the next while.

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