Health and Fitness June 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:04 pm

I have a sore foot. So I am on the stationary bike for my exercise.

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Harriet » Fri Jun 13, 2014 10:44 pm

Great job on these workouts, guys! Oh, Nancy, hope that feels better soon.

The gift of "More" T-Tapp workout to dd34 was so well received. She is really looking forward to recovering and getting started on its most gentle moves.

All the driving and having to eat out has not been the best for me! :roll: Oh, dear. Sleeps at the hotels were disturbed by the strangest things, including fireworks :shock: after a football game the second night. I did get a banana for breakfast the first morning, but at the next hotel they shut off the mini-breakfast very early and I missed it. We decided to eat at a buffet one evening just to be sure there were plenty of veggies in our meals, and that was good in a way (not good for pocketbook, wow).

I was surprised at the difficulty of remembering to drink water, and glad to get back to my normal routine here. Place really does have a lot to do with routine.

One worry that was avoided was discomfort in the seat of the car. It turned out to be fine and I didn't end up with aggravated piriformis/sciatic, etc.

Such a joy to experience, with dd34, the first few days of breastfeeding again. That is always so interesting. Lots of cramping for her when he would nurse the first day, letting her know her body was using that to return to normal. Then she shared the next day that she was feeling some tingling start when she knew he was about to nurse. That made us both believe her milk was coming in. Sure enough, right before I left yesterday, I was the one who happened to be holding him when he spit up. (lol) So I was quick to observe and be able to tell her it was very white, so yes, her milk had definitely come in. At his first check-up this a.m., he was right back to birth weight, and she was so pleased.

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:55 am

I did lose those 10# as of today, Harriet. Now for the next 5. I've been taking my time and trying to do more walking. The thing now is to make sure I drink more water. I really need to measure that out each day and make sure I'm getting enough. I'm sure that will help with a lot of things.

My numbers from all my blood work were good. The protein could have been a tad on the high side but still within acceptable range. I felt my triglycerides were too high (202). 200 is the acceptable # but still on borderline high. So will work to get that down by October. My A1C was 7.2 down from 7.4 in the fall and 8.4 last June. Dr. was quite happy with that but I would like to see it fall into the 6. range. Lower than that is too much I know. I have a pretty consistent number in the morning -usually 61-92. Once in a while it's a little over 100.

My mammogram came back ok as well. Always a little nervous about that one. Though I'm still having a lot of pain in my left shoulder/arm. They had to keep pulling & repositioning that (total shoulder replacement with no muscle). Dr. feels it's the stretching that did it and will take a while to simmer down. There's always pain, but usually not unbearable.

I was reading one of my 'organized' emails this morning and parts of a particular one hit me:
An afternoon slump is when your body experiences a dip in energy. For many people, this usually happens around 3:00 in the afternoon.

As you know, when you're feeling that tired, not a whole lot is getting, mistakes can easily be made AND it could end up in a dangerous situation if you're on the road or using heavy equipment.

Here are some easy things you can implement today to increase your energy levels.

1) Get sufficient rest. The majority of adults, as a rule of thumb, need 7 to 9 hours of sleep to perform at an optimum level. If you find yourself falling asleep during the day, this is the very first area where you should look.
2) Get up and get moving. The more you sit--whether it's on an office chair or the sofa--the more tired you're going to feel. For every hour that you're sitting, get up and get moving for 10 minutes of it. Go for a brisk walk, stand up and do some stretches, do some jumping jacks... whatever, but don't just sit there. I know it seems like a waste of time to take 10 minutes out of every hour to 'exercise', but if you're falling asleep every day at 3:00, you're not working at a peak level anyway.

3) Grab a mini-meal. Usually when people get tired, they have a tendency to lean towards sugary treats like soda, candy bars, desserts, and extra-calorie coffees. Don't depend on a sugar rush to re-energize your body, because you'll end up with a mini-high that will turn into you feeling tired again soon after. Plus, you're not doing your body any good.

Water is the better choice. Speaking of water, be sure you're drinking enough to stay hydrated all day. Once you're thirsty, your body is already on its way to dehydration...another factor for feeling tired!

If you feel like you're doing fairly well with the above and you're still tired at 3:00 (or other times during the day when you should be awake), make an appointment with your doctor to determine if you have an underlying health issue that you're not aware of.

4) Finally, for productivity purposes...organize your day to match your energy levels. For example, tackle the projects and assignments that require more focus when your energy level is at its highest, and leave email, social media, or lower priority work for when you're not quite at your peak energy level.

There's some good advice within these words, and most of which we already know but still need to be 'reminded'.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:55 am

Good advice, Dee! My afternoon naps have decreased since I started using the CPAP. I still take a nap a lot of Saturday/Sundays when possible, but usually not on week days. I felt I needed some winding down after the funeral yesterday. I still can't believe this person is gone. She has always been there for so many people at the temple. Nice funeral with her grown children (a little younger than I am, but their kids grew up with my kids) speaking about her baking habits (basement freezer always full of baked goods) and her propensity for social justice issues.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Harriet » Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:51 am

Now waaaaiiitt a minute. :|

Anyone else distinctly remember DeeClutter challenging herself to lose 6 or 7 (six or seven) pounds by her dr's appt?

And then she saunters in here, pretty as you please, and says she's lost TEN?!


Do tell - HOW have you been managing the weight loss, Dee?

Agreeing that much advice in Dee's post is good, Twins' Mom. (Oh, a blessing that the grown children spoke.)

There's a T-Tapp move called hoe-downs that can be learned on their "Try Before You Buy" free page. Lots of people say they use it mid-afternoon to rev back up again, the way Dee's highlighted section says.

The hormone dr listened to me about my surprise at tiredness and recommended the sublingual B-12, which Dee and I have also talked about. I think it may have helped, actually, although he had also predicted that the greater number of sunshine hours arriving would help as well, so not sure which/both may have helped.

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:52 pm

Well for some unexplained reason my scale reads 1.5 lbs higher... not sure why cause I'm still focused on my plan ,but thinking my floor exercises are turning my fat into muscle which weighs more... a girl can hope anyway :lol:

Did 4 miles on my gazelle yesterday and already 3 this morning... Haven't done my 30 day challenge yet because I've run out of water... but I will. Need to do a small grocery run to pick up more bottled water. The tap water here smells of sulfa, so if you like drinking the stuff with the smell of rotten eggs thrown in, this is the place to be. People tell me its an acquired taste, but it still hasn't happen yet after living her almost 14 years.

WTG Dee...small changes make for big results. I am trying to drown myself in water and when I hit my afternoon slump, I have found that my orange spiced tea is really helping me. Sometimes after dinner when I get a sweet craving, I've been turning to the tea as well.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Ivy » Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:42 pm

I'm so HAPPY! :!: I've lost 10 Lbs. since I last saw the Dr. for a weigh-in in Jan. & boy, oh, boy, Gals, it's come off slow & up & down & up & down like the happy yo-yo I am! :lol: I got into my skinny-skinny jeans, I believe they CAN'T be size 16, b/c they "feel" like a 14 to me! I'm able to wear Medium and 12/14 tops, but also, don't get your hopes up, I still wear Large and XL, too. ;) I keep a baggy pair of 18-W pants, for days I'm bloated, too, which are a dark, dark navy denim, so attractive with the longer legs, and so comfy. I don't go "bananas" that they're my largest pair- b/c I go for comfort, not the number-size ego trip. It does not matter, as long as we're healthy, feeling good, and are happy, too.

I walked fast for 15 minutes, doing 1/2 mile, but I had to throw branches off the driveway, going an uphill slope, I got all sweaty, my lungs got a great workout and I'm sure my heart did, too. Told DH before I left, "If I want to stay in skinny jeans- I need to walk outdoors once in awhile!" :idea: :!:

Now, I'm re-thinking a sort of "situation" I might get myself in to, if I do it and I don't want to hurt DD's feelings in ANY way. I'm 5-ft. 5.5" tall, wear a 14-18, have longer legs, short torso. DD is 4' 9.5" and is very broad through the chest, back, and has a muscular build, she's heavier than me. I was "thinking" about showing her some of my ARC clothes I'm donating, which are too large for me, like flannel p. j.'s, a cardigan, a top, 2 turtlenecks, and now I feel so odd! :!: :roll: :oops: I feel like I might hurt her feelings with this silent message that says "You are larger than me now. Do you want my fat clothes?" I feel bad about myself and feel like putting away what I've gotten out. She's got extremely short legs and arms, so of course, my turtlenecks, nightgowns and p. j.'s might not fit her. I cannot bear to give her my red cardigan b/c it says 2xx on it, which is what made me about FAINT when I saw it, b/c I looked b/c it no longer fit and bagged on me. If it bagged on me, with my long arms/legs, what would it do on DD? So I'm just NOT going to show her the donation clothes at ALL and spare myself the shame and embarrassment of a stupid idea. If she was my body build type, it'd be different, but she's a Petite person, wears Petite sizes and her in my longer, larger stuff would look hideous. I'll go in there now, to put back into boxes, what I've gotten out and save this "secret silly idea" to myself. I want DD to enjoy Father's Day and not be offended or hurt by me. I love her and we're all different sizes, builds, etc.... So I'll do that right now. Thanks for "listening". I think I'm doing a good thing. ♥
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:35 pm

WTO Ivy..same thing is happening to me...I'm now wearing shorts that have been in my dresser drawer for at least 4 years. Always great motivation.

Just finished Day 14 of my ab challenge...
65 sit ups
75 crunch
40 leg lifts
60 second plank

Can I say I'm done for the day :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Ivy » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:18 pm

Dee , Good tips. I've heard that pacing between activity and resting duties or chores, is good for people with arthritis, Fibromyalgia, etc.., too. It pays to move and not be sedentary too much, because if we're too sedentary, so many health problems can arise. :idea: So many people will have pain, so sit, but then gain more weight, so there's even more stress on the muscles and joints, they end up with cortisone shots, MRI's, x-rays, and PT and sometimes surgery, too. Also, I've seen where people end up using a walker or wheel chair, because they didn't move, exercise, and keep active because of pain. On the news last night, they stated that 1 hour of walking was good to control knee pain, for instance. :!: :shock: I guess it goes to show you how moving does release that natural joint lubricant to make it less painful to move. Dr. Oz said that as you find yourself losing weight, too, how you naturally move more, even if you exercise less. So losing weight is a good thing, too. :idea: Exercise helps our outlooks b/c it gives our minds/brains endorphins & I read at the Mayo Clinic's site how it meant "Morphine Within", the endorphin word! Wow! You can self-medicate yourself without a pill or pain pill, just by moving and it helps our emotions, too. It's a win-win situation. I've had so many pen pals go downhill, unable to walk to the mailbox to write letters, they have 100+ pen pals, but are in terrible pain, and just go downhill. I once watched an interactive tutorial at and it had graphics, and a narrator, explaining how an individual ends up in a wheel chair, by not exercising and taking care of themselves. It was downright scary to me, made a vow NOT to do that to my loved ones or myself, because it can be prevented if we work at it. I know there are cases where knees and hips just wear out, too, and need replacement, but if you're active longer, the time which comes for replacements will happen when you're older and further down the line. So moving is a good thing. :)

WTG, Cowinkie! Wow! Your ab challenge marvels me! :!: Be proud! :)

I showed DH 1 nightshirt, 2 nightgowns, 1 pair of flannel p. j.'s, to show DD tomorrow and HE doesn't think she'll be offended over that. They are all size Large or 1-size-fits all, so would be good for lounging and with a robe. I tried on the XXL red cardigan, it's a looser style, 3/4-length sleeves, so decided to keep it and another 1X cardigan. I ran them through my steam refresh dryer cycle and they're back in my closet. If DD doesn't want the gowns, nightshirt or p. j.'s, I won't be offended. Not too long ago, she mentioned how she sleeps nude anyway, but I felt the nightshirt and p. j.'s would be good for lounging in. :idea:

I'm on my 2nd lol, am slowly getting more activity by cleaning for Father's Day. That's another way of getting up and moving around 10 minutes, by doing housework, dishes and laundry. It's all exercise and moving and grooving. ;)
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:01 am

Ivy.. My mom started aerobic classes at 47 and switched to running at 49. She ran 1-3 miles M-F every morning till she was 78. She ran in her old neighborhood and continued to run there even after she moved several miles away. She stopped afer my dad became ill... He also drank and that kept her closer to home, but that's another story.

After giving up running, she would walk a mile around her community every day. As she has aged, the drs have continued to marvel at her health attributing much to her running. Now she has a balance problem... She's had if for several years.... I tried to get her to do core exercises with are essencial to your balance, but I don't think she believed me. Rehab helps her emmencially because they stretch her muscles. The guys there have also taught her floor exercises which she is now doing every day.

My mom and I are very much alike when it come to health matters... Whatever happens to her happens to me. So knowing that I want to focuse on good core strength and continue with it daily. Doing this challenge has taught me that sit ups and crunches, not to mention planks don't take much time to do, so I hope to make this part of my daily routine for the rest of my life...

This focuse on my health with weigh loss and exercise came with the realization that I need to do this NOW while I can. I don't feel 64 and don't look my age. I've always admired women who later in life continue on like they were much younger and I am choosing to be one.

Aside from that my son has never married... He's 33... And has no children. Even if he produced one right this moment, I would be 84 by the child was 20. Time goes by at warp speed, one moment your in your thirty's blink 50's and blink again and you're 64. My body vessel may be that age but my soul isn't. Someone once said that aging is really your body in a constant state of deterioration. I hope to be slowing that process down.

Good news... My scale is down 1.6lbs... Go figure :x
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