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Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:02 pm
by Nancy
I walked today split it up into chunks and spaded a bit in a weedy area for arm exercise.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:04 am
by Twins' Mom
Just over 10K steps yesterday and I logged my food into MFP. Day two was successful! :D Went to bed with hips aching but better today.

I will be on the run all day today so it will be difficult to get my steps in.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:07 pm
by LadyMaverick
I have been having fun with Fitbit daily challenges. I think a requirement to do the challenges is to have Fitbit Mobile app. The daily challenge groups are limited to 10 friends. One of the challenge groups I'm currently with is local ladies that I have frequent contact because of LO. Most are Moms of LO friends and/or school teachers that are 1/2 of my age. I am REALLY enjoying the challenge and keep it interesting. I have never won a challenge, but that isn't my goal so it doesn't have a negative effect on me. The challenge takes almost no time to stay up with because the Fitbit updates my status automatically. Since joining the daily challenges I have started exceeding 10K steps on a routine basis again with no exercise. Just staying busy doing housework and normal doings racks up the steps.

If anyone here uses FitBit mobile app and wants to have a daily challenge - then PM me. We can connect using email addresses.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:32 pm
by helia
Scale said I was down 1.5 lbs? We'll see what WW says tomorrow. I'm not convinced, though it was nice to see 145.5 on the scale.

I jogged this a.m., a bit more early than usual. I went slower than usual, but I had planned to take it easy after I pushed a little yesterday, and I stayed in the arboretum where the paths are gravel, dirt, grass, and sometimes sandy, with embedded rocks and tree roots to avoid. They're a little slower than the paved paths in the adjoining city park. The arboretum paths are also a little more up and down. Both routes take me along the river, so I got beautiful views of the river with mist on it and a forested backdrop. We were early enough to see a group of birders, though I didn't notice any interesting birds (or wildlife) myself.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:54 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm afraid to get on the scale right now. Today wasn't very good and the previous two days were poor. I thought today would be better but had chili for dinner.

Fortunately the baked goods are almost all gone. Of the 10 dozen I took with me, I brought back 5 cookies. Dh kept about two dozen things at home to enjoy himself.

I might just restart the program on Monday and try and eat carefully between now and then but give myself a break. Luckily, I'm out of soda right now so there 150 calories each day I won't be having.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:58 am
by Twins' Mom
Kathryn, you've done so well. Setbacks are natural - we all have a life and other events and happenings are hard on our focus. You'll do just fine.

Dinner out last night - very nice, very good. I logged my food and was over on calories, even with the few extras I got from walking 7500 steps. When dh got home, he said dinner wasn't until 6:30, when he had previously told me 6 p.m. I could have stayed on the treadmill a little longer if I had realized that.

Last night I hated to order the fillet - it was the most expensive item on the menu and most were ordering pasta or lighter entrees. Ended up with the salmon special that wasn't on the online menu - it was excellent. Had a slice of an appetizer, no dessert, coffee with whole milk (no lighter milk available, but skipped the cream for coffee) Two glasses of wine, tho.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:27 am
by Lynlee
Cheated on Milk chocolate at the station on the way home. Breakfast was less than normal. Out of a box. Lunch was hours late, and not really enough. That never bodes well for staying strong.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:46 pm
by Nancy
I walked yesterday. Today's exercise was cleaning gutters hubby held the ladder for me.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:02 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Weight back down this morning so that was a temporary blip due to poor choices made during non-tracking on MFP.

Ate an obscene amount of calories yesterday but was still under my allotment for the day thanks to the hiking. When I realized how much I had to spare, I switched the dinner plan to pizza so dh could enjoy some and I didn't have to go over, as I usually do.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:12 pm
by Nancy
I walked last evening after dinner.