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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2015

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:30 pm
by Harmony
Harriet, you are a force to reckon with!

Interesting note from the health world: in the new health laws that came down the pike with Obama Care... everything is now online. Once when I was in Neurologist's office she looked somewhere online and came up with every medicine I had been prescribed in the last year. Found one contraindicated for me. Well. Today I looked at the discharge papers which I found in the scrambled up mess on my desk.... and saw the list of my meds and diseases and on that same page a note about that one medicine which is contraindicated for me. I never mentioned that at all. We weren't going in that direction at all, I didn't think that was a necessary fact to share, but there it was.

Maybe this is a good thing, I don't know. Maybe doctors will quit prescribing things that don't belong with stuff other doctors prescribe. Or duplicates of stuff. Anyway, know that if you go to a dr. that what happens there is now known everywhere.

I am going to make yet another spreadsheet. As much as I don't want to start logging every single thing I eat, I have a tentative plan to stay with and see if it works. I will put a couple empty blocks so I can tweak it as I go along.

Re: Health and Fitness, October 2015

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:18 pm
by Nancy
Got 30 min. Done on the gazelle today for my exercise.

Re: Health and Fitness, October 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:24 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Today I celebrate being at this healthy stuff for 6 months.

Not at half my weight loss goal but still close.

I've been experimenting with aspartame and think I need to leave it out of my life. I seem to get headaches when I have too much. Which is defined as more than 2 cans a week. Plus I feel funny, all jumpy and twitchy.

Thinking back, I've had far fewer headaches since my hepatitis (which is when I gave up aspartame.) I thought it was due to fewer periods as I aged but maybe it was due to the sweetener.

Re: Health and Fitness, October 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:54 pm
by Nancy
Got back into my jeans yea! Have not lost lbs. But must be trimmer bc before to tight to wear. House painting was great ex. It turns out. :mrgreen: adding this to my list of Thurs. Successes.

Re: Health and Fitness, October 2015

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:32 pm
by RunKitty
Fitting into jeans is an amazing success, Nancy. WTG Congrats on Ella too. She sounds adorable.

Re: Health and Fitness, October 2015

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:23 am
by Nancy
Thanks run kitty! Got a compliment have U lost wt.? Today.
did a walk today my reg. One plus a block and a half with Ella to get her used to it. Saw some glass on my reg. Route so will rethink that. For now shorter ones with her until I can guage her distance ability. Maybe the field.