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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:37 pm
by Nancy
I have been winding off warp good arm exercise.
Did a med. Walk with ddog & totN.

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:03 pm
by LadyMaverick
Last night at DMoms home she made scalloped potatoes, carrots cooked in brown sugar and butter, sweet potatoes casserole with melted marshmallows on top, sliced beef and freshly made cherry pie served with ice cream on top.

I was afraid to see what the scales said this morning but made myself get on them. The scales showed half pound loss ......even with eating over 2000 calories. It makes no sense.

Today I had a 200 calorie breakfast that was high protein with fat for fuel. (2 eggs with 1/2 hot link)

I made tuna salad for lunch but we got caught in town with more to do than planned so ate Mexican. I ordered fajitas so I could eat meat and grilled vegetables. I did eat some chips and hot sauce but left the cheese dip mostly alone.

Tonight was 1/2 of a tuna fish sandwich with 4 chips.

I am not looking forward to getting on the scales tomorrow

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:05 pm
by Nancy
Back from a walk with child & dog. :mrgreen:

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:41 pm
by Harriet
LadyM, to help make sense of that day....
First, it was not a high-sodium meal, so at least would not have had water retention as an evil.
Second, one large meal (or knowing that a large meal is coming) can sometimes result in eating less at other meals that day.

I noticed lucylee said she lost 3 pounds after an extremely stressful day (ER). I would not wish that type of loss on anyone, but at least it was not a stress-eating day that caused gain on top of the worry.

I have been able to hold steady so far this month, and actually a pound less than Jan 1. This is no great shakes. Certainly I'd like to see a loss. But I'm thinking that it is quite cold (not the usual weather for me to be able to lose - that's for sure), and I'm just now past all that end-of-year financial responsibility-stress, which of course could still flare up.

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:36 pm
by lucylee
* sigh * It was really more like 2.5 pounds lost during the ER day... and (to no one's surprise) a pound of it has already found its way back.

And I'm sitting here wishing I had something good to eat right now. I just really have an addictive personality, where food is concerned. And obviously, dmom does too. That's how she described her cheese-binge. I guess its a good thing neither of us like alcohol.
(Dmom does NOT feel this extends to her need for meds, btw -- she truly feels she is in control of her meds and only takes them as needed for pain.)
However, she certainly passed on to me this junk food craving, and I don't really understand it. As I told the doctor the other day, when I was growing up, there was a meat-and-three-vegetables supper on the table every night of the world. Most of the time it included home-grown vegetables. But obviously, when left to her own devices, dmom struggles to eat healthy foods too.

I hate to even start posting on this thread. Everytime I do, seems like my weight goes up. But OTOH, if I don't post, my weight STILL goes up. It seems like a losing battle here.

I just checked in to see if I could find some inspiration, and saw my name on Harriet's last post.

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:41 pm
by Harriet
Did the advanced basic T workout today, the one that goes up to 10 reps each movement. Certainly faster paced than her more recent ones. I know fast is easier, but it does have me breathing hard and my brain engaged.

lucylee, that is a wonderful heritage - 3 veg meals and many homegrown. She gave you and your db a great start by managing that. I doubt if the carb craving is inherited, since all your neighbors have it, too, now, whether they used to or not. (And the neighbors in the next state, and the next, and the next.) :roll: Ugh. Sugar and wheat grain have addictive elements, and sometimes potato is addictive, and we have so much more of those in our diets now, plus there are toxins dong a number on us, and beyond that, we turn to food in times of stress. Believe me I know of what I speak. Sigh.

But this morning? Oh, this morning I was so good. Exactly the breakfast I intended - could brag on it to anyone. LOL.

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:20 am
by Nancy
I walked with the dog in the field today, we had follow dog walkers there it went well.

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:52 pm
by lucylee
lucylee, that is a wonderful heritage - 3 veg meals and many homegrown. She gave you and your db a great start by managing that.

LOL, Harriet -- the problem is, it didn't really "take" in my case. Dmom says dbro and I ate like Jack Spratt and his wife. Dbro always loved vegetables; I always ate basically nothing but meat and potatoes -- and that is still my pattern. :oops:

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:47 pm
by Harriet
Today's workout was Arms at that same 10-rep faster tempo for 15 minutes.
Also I walked WMart, which is wearying, even if it's not all that great.

B - mushroom/onion omelet with wild rice side dish HRH made
L - small Indian meal of veggies and rice, cheese
S - burger with lettuce and tomato

I've been meaning to say to you that I may understand now how you and I had such different opinions on Skinny Muffin, as far as how filling it was. I've always used "Golden" Flax (not yellow) because that's what the groceries here carried, but recently switched to Bob's Red Mill flax that does not include the word "Golden", and really looks darker brown, makes a darker brown muffin that seems heavier. Using this product in the same recipe I find myself stopping at about 3/4 of the muffin every time, even though I used to finish it all.

Re: Health and Fitness January, 2016

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:11 pm
by Nancy
Slow walk in the field I am only able to do em ever other day.