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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:06 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
On the treadmill. Both literally and figuratively!

Food choices yesterday were poorly. Must check the calendar and see if TOM might be rearing its head. I'm definitely in peri-menopause so can no longer count on my body to do what I expect it to.

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:00 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Back on the treadmill after taking yesterday, my sabbath, off.

Seems like it was a quiet day here across the village!

When I got up (hours after dh) he asked my plans and I said I was thinking of going for a walk somewhere as well as lunch out at IKEA. He assumed that meant the labyrinth and since that sounded like a good idea, I decided I'd do it.

The labyrinth is about 15 miles from here, set out in fancy bricks outside of a church. That means anyone can go at any time (as long as there isn't a wedding, funeral, or service just letting out since the labyrinth forms the patio outside beside the entrance.) It was a tricky walk yesterday because a light dusting of snow and shadows made it hard to pickout the two different colours of stones.

A labyrinth is not body exercise, it is mind exercise, learning to concentrate on the moment where you are, trusting that the path will get you where you are going. It is not a maze (although is often confused with mazes) but the uneven rhythm of it and the constant turning seems to focus my mind on the immediate second. There is no worrying about the future, what will come, will come, all I have to do is put one step in front of the other and concentrate on where I am now. Mentally, this is a wonderful exercise for me, since I spend far too much time worrying about upcoming events.

Anyway, I had an excellent soul-tending sabbath yesterday, the labyrinth, my favourite lunch at IKEA, a new murder mystery started and some Christmas shopping done.

Today the treadmill exercise is important because I have a preaching course so won't get out for a long walk with dh unless he agrees to one after my course is over. Dh is going to see Harry Potter at 9:30 in the same area of the city and then will go Christmas shopping while he waits for my course to let out between 2 and 3. So there will be at least an hour of daylight for us to go for a walk in that neighbourhood (which is all wooded and has lots of trails.)

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:37 am
by Nancy
I've not been on the scales in a few weeks and I thought I was doing okay.
But the scales are going in the wrong direction eeks!
This is not the news I needed this morning.
I did shopping for exercise with a 20 min. cardio glide work out.

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:07 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
(((Nancy))) I've learned that scales move in the wrong direction or not at all if I exercise. It truly is a case of calories in/out. A good hard 30 minute walk *might* burn 100 calories. But after I'll eat more that 100 calories to 'reward' myself.

When I did Curves, I gained at the end first month. Not just weight but inches on every part measured. I then joined WW and the weight and inches started to come down amazingly fast. I lost about 8 pounds a month and was the skinniest I've been my early 20's (and skinnier than I was at the same weight when I did just WW and aerobic exercise (mainly walking) and no anaerobic exercise (muscle building.)

Back on the treadmill again today after skipping yesterday. Dh did use the bike so there was no incentive for me to get on. Then it was miserably cold so I didn't want to walk outside later in the day. Ate pretty badly as well since I didn't realize the church meeting was at 1 and not 12:15 so I didn't eat at home but ended up munching at the coffee hours of both churches.

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:48 am
by Nancy
Thanks K in C for that encouragement and info.
I did give myself a day off to regroup from exercise yesterday.
I feel fantastic and healthy so I need to remember to focus on that!
We have snow today so if it does not melt I'll shovel that as part of my exercises and
do some indoor things like house work and time on the cardio glide.
My cycle effects wt. also hubby was sweet to remind me of that!

Yep it was my cycle mystery lbs. seem to have left! Yea!!!

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:52 am
by Twins' Mom
Last Friday I had a pretty good attitude going about eating well and being able to lose weight, but the weekend of lots of sit-down meals w dessert kind of blew that away. And now, we'll be on the road and away for Thanksgiving so it hardly seems worthwhile to get my attitude adjusted this week.

But I need to eat wisely - I didn't eat unwisely this weekend other than eating most of the meal that was put in front of me several times a day.

I walked ddogs this morning, a short-ish walk because Macs seemed tired.

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:00 pm
by Harmony
I seem to be stuck at a weight now. A couple lbs up from the highest I ever want to be. But that is better than the up and down thing I was doing, getting up higher that I am now. So more soup has done something for me I guess.

It is hard with the holidays. And traveling. And vacations.

You should see the box of food stuffs I have on my counter. Yikes! I'm better off not having stuff in the house, but this is a real danger zone.

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:53 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
On the treadmill again. It took me 40 minutes to get out of bed after dh did but I did make it.

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:26 pm
by Nancy
Yesterday 10 min. on cardio glide, and then I tried to stay active through out the day between knitting times; doing various things like snow removal, chores, walking in place while {watching t.v.} etc.

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2010

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:53 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
On the treadmill again (and I made it here yesterday too.)

My TOM had better be coming soon because I've got all the miserable signs. Last time it took almost 3 weeks to arrive (and signs all that time.) I've had 3 weeks of relief and now I'm back in it. My usual cycle is 24 days so it's right on time, if it is coming today or tomorrow.

All I can say is dh took a bad time to mess with me. Over and over again he said the objected to article was accurate so when I called my dsil on bad mouthing it on the internet my dsil corrected me. In every step over 3 days. Each time dh would provide me with a defense it would get shot down and dh would say, yes, dsil is correct. Well, if I ask you if this is A and dsil is saying B and you give me a proof to show how it is A, don't come back to me and say B is right after I'm shown up. The scariest part is that if B is correct, the Canadian Chair of the ISO committee to develop this technology is telling me the wrong stuff. That's why I trusted dh to give me the correct answer.