Health and Fitness April, 2012

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:17 pm
Not sure if this link has been posted .
video is 90min so be warned. Its about energy sourses/ metabolism/ particularly futrose . Nancy mentioned the gout connection which is also mentioned on this.
Some views may seem contentious esp to FDA.
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:29 pm

Thanks, Lynlee! I won't have time right now but will split it up and maybe have it watched by tomorrow night.

Thinking of Harmony and the difficulty of getting the fiber right. I realized I needed fiber with supper since that's what I was low on for the day. I had several choices, oatmeal for dessert was one that seemed to make sense, but remembered her saying which type of fiber makes a difference. So since it had been several hours since I had eaten, I had a pear alone and supper 20 minutes later. My stomach accepted this without protest (thank goodness) and that was 5 more grams of fiber.

I also was able to stay under 30 grams of sugars today even with the pear. That has been a tough one for me (thinking of Lynlee's video now). Seems like even the most healthful choices sometimes really pile on the sugars - sugars can come out of nowhere!

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:27 am

theres a lot on fiber, fats as well as sugars on the video. Harriet - a lot is chemisty so HRH might figure a lot of it better than us mortals. Towards the end he has 4 rules he gives to his obese ped. patients, I figure they would suit many people. I'm guessing in part all he says may be part of why I don't handle sugar well as an added item. without watching the video again .
If anyone does watch it could you note down the 4 rules? please
I remember no sugar drinks - just water or milk.
then it was about fuit with fiber or was that carbs only with fiber?
I do forget how it went. :? :roll:

great explanation as to why all calories aren't treated the same way by our bodies..

I have been avoiding using the coconut oil I bought because I don't like my "smell" when I have it. Does that effect anyone else? I'm wondering where it sits regards trans fats.
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby OKay » Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:04 am

Step 1 - Admitting to the problem (April 17th)
Step 2 - thinking about putting in effort to change. It is easier to ignore it (April 20th)
Step 3 - Reaching that i HAVE HAD IT moment (April 27th)
Step 4 - What is going on???? Tracking

I have now gained 10.2 lbs this year. :oops: I have admitted to the problem (weight gain) 10 days ago and foolishly thought that would take care of the problem. Wrong! IIt is getting worse instead of better.

I honestly don't know WHY I am gaining weight. I think that I stay active and eat fairly healthy, but obviously I'm missing some very BIG blunders. So now I am starting the process of tracking my activity and intake. I expect to see some surprises that I'm not aware of because obviously something is causing this huge weight gain!

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby Harriet » Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:47 pm

((OKay)) I'm confident that with some recordkeeping you'll get back to where you want to be. We are right here for you and truly interested and hopeful for you.

Kathryn, from what I've learned from my hormone dr, it's only the by-mouth versions of estrogen that are linked to problems. You might be prescribed only progesterone hormone (capsule) from a compounding pharmacy, or if a dr thought estrogen would be good for you too, you could also be prescribed estrogen patches or lozenges. I think it's the progesterone part of 'the pill' that is known for helping with heavy periods, so no need to commit to estrogen as well if you don't want to.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:51 pm

{{{K in C}}} Maybe you could get some herbal ones I forget the term bio something identical maybe susan summers was on dr. oz and other shows with a book about it.

I mowed the front yard this afternoon.
Did my walk this evening.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby OKay » Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:48 am

Keep track is keeping me accountable.

The scales showed 1.6 lbs loss in last 24 hours

Category (goal) actual
Calories (1500) 1395.0
Fat (55g) 76.6
Sodium (2000mg) 2574.0
Carbs (125g) 111.0
Fiber (25) 38.8
Sugars (60) 40.5
Protein (55) 69.3

The cut/paste from my spreadsheet doesn't look right here but I am posting for accountability.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby Harriet » Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:19 pm

Great, Okay! You are on your way.

Coconut oil = Zero trans fats. An odd taste or smell, change brands for an organic, cold-pressed, unrefined one. Should smell like fresh coconut when you open the container and when you heat it on the stove. Mine (nutiva brand) is an extremely sweet coconut smell - you'd think I just opened a package of shredded coconut.

Lynlee, I have watched about half, and he had just started talking about the liver, saying, "What the liver does to fructose is really unique." I'll get to the rest soon. Very interesting, but I haven't gotten to your question yet.

Highlights that stand out to me in some notes I made -
Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCaliforniaSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology

We all weigh 25 pounds more than we did 25 years ago - all of us. Why? Our genetic pool didn't change.
We have an epidemic of obese 6-month-olds around the world now.
So any hypothesis to explain this situation must explain that, too.
(6-month-olds are not sloths, nor are they gluttons, so sloth or gluttony can NOT be explanations.)
Average adult US male eats 187 more calories now than 25 years ago.
Average adult US female eats 335 more calories now than 25 years ago.
So there's something wrong with our biochemical feedback system (Leptin hormone).
We're not getting the message from our cells (through Leptin) that we've eaten enough.
What are all these new calories? Carbohydrates.
In 1982, the AHeartA, AMA and USDA told us to reduce our fat intake from 40 to 30 percent and we did.
But we had a 41 percent increase in soft drinks, 35 percent increase in juices.
One daily (150 calorie) soda equals 15.6 pounds per year.
Is it a (cola) conspiracy? In 1915 one soda a day would have meant only half that (bottles were smaller).
What ELSE is in a cola? Lots of salt (55 mg sodium) "It's like drinking a PIZZA."
And caffeine, a diuretic. These two ingredients mean you get thirstier as you drink= smart business.
How would you cover their taste, though? Lots more sugar than needed for any other drinks.
"All the sugar in Coke is to hide the taste of the salt."
Study of what makes African American women go into Type2 Diab: Soda does it, orange juice does not.
Remember introduction of "Snackwells" cookies to help us? 4 more grams of sugars per serving.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby Harmony » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:46 pm

Harriet, that is extremely interesting about the sugar / salt. My soda consumption is a scant 1/2 of a juice glass, often with an ice cube. It takes care of the craving, after I drink that I no longer think about needing that soda.

I'm being successful with my fiber. Staying up around the right number. I'm eating more food and feeling fuller, but my weight is about the same. I fluctuate up and down within the same 3 pounds. I don't know why that is. Maybe if I see it going higher I subconsciously eat more carefully? And if it's down I relax? I'm not presently counting calories. It is finally helping my symptoms.

Lynlee, I'm hoping to get to the video link soon.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:28 pm

I think the other rules for kids were to eat frutose with the fiber - whole fruit.
to eat carbs with fiber
(all the talk on getting enough fiber here really was reflected on video.)
other rule for kids was to play outside (ie exercise) as long as they had screen time. (tv and computer) I guess that would work for grown ups too.

The what happens in the liver bit I found interesting - even if not fully intune with all the processes.
normal sugar is used up so differently from frutose. Interesting its comparison with ethenol too.
Interestingly - sugar is the more often used sweetener here (in australia) than futrose concentrate in soft drinks.. though the obesity epidemic is here too. currently has a piece on the artificials found in a big mac despite claims the company.

I'm trying for more veg in particular. Still holding optimal fruit to 2 serves plus fig at breakfast. Trying not to over do the rice intake. and use the black rice more.

Just did a search on Glucono delta-lactone that is in my bread. wickepedia says it metabolized to glucose; is found in honey, fruit juices. another site says GDL is a corn based product. reading a page by someone with corn allergies of all the things corn can be in = . :shock: That would make life difficult. Also the list of 2 types of sugars. dextrose and frutose ??? I do hope the nature provided cob of corn is not as problematic as a sometimes food. For me anyway.
Anyway - it was interesting to see what is sometimes "hidden" in ingredients.
Unfortunately our govt has decided a little bit of unknown ingredient need not be disclosed. A good reason to just use real food stuff as nature provides them. I might just go back to making sandwich press flat bread with own selected ingredients. Looking at this GF Hot X Bun lable there is 54.8% carbs, of which 19.5% are sugars. thats way high. msg to self. Use only as desert. Don't buy any more next year.. Sugars in the pumpkin bread were just 1.9% so I'll say thats still ok.
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