Health and Fitness, December 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2011

Postby Harriet » Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:26 am

Well, I'm a little frustrated, Harmony, to look online for the one we bought and find the company has IMPROVED it. :? Hmmm... ... So the new model looks the same but now has an "internal massage" (?) and costs more. They don't sell a plain one any more, except in a set that includes under-the-knee wedge, too, so costs even more! Good grief. Anyway, here it is. They have a lot more products now, too. Some that mention AR. They are on the south side of our big city.

We never were able to enjoy what they call the "upright" position they show - it never seemed comfortable, might as well sit in a chair. But in the regular position it helped me through many nights I guess. You have to position yourself just right or your arms will suddenly fall off the sides - do you see in the photo how that could happen? It may seem overkill, but I would be on this and have my contour pillow under my head, too! Yes, I think the contour pillow helped me feel secure on a wedge, to use your word, quite right. And probably was just that much more helpful for AR.

Yes, HRH and I have talked about the height of this and wonder if we would have been better off buying one that wasn't quite so high - it is cumbersome. But I was really determined at the time to make a difference. I liked that it "started" at the hip level. When he uses it, he is likely to turn it over for a flat incline because the contours of it don't seem to suit him as well as they suited me. The cover launders well.

Yes, sucralose is an artificial sweetener. One of the names is Spenda. The differences of opinion on it are wide. Dr. Mercola is dead-set against it, but many make the case that it is better than other artificial sweeteners.

Btw, I picked up a six-pack of grape soda (they had other flavors, too) sweetened with stevia today at the healthy grocery. I think it's fine but dd13 took a drink and made quite a face. So since she's definitely someone I would hope to impress with it, I suppose stevia sweetened sodas remain a failure in our house so far. HRH (who used to make up mixes for Coca-Cola) says he thinks they just got the recipe too sweet, and that should be easy for the big companies to fix when their products get taste-tested. Stevia is made from grapes.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2011

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:51 am

I'm assuming I'm still up a pound since the beginning of the month but won't know until I'm off my treadmill.

The lack of exercise this holiday season was stunning. I knew my routine would be in peril for the 25th and 1st and possibly the 27th and 30th (taking dd to get/return the rental car so had to leave the house at 8:30) but I think I hit the treadmill only twice in the past week. I'm limping really badly because of the lack of exercise and stretches. In the stores I had to push a cart in order to be able to walk with the least amount of pain and in parking lots (where it is slippery) I'm barely shuffling along. Dh took my arm yesterday but I kept letting go because he was moving too fast for me and I was better to shuffle on my own than push myself in pain holding onto him.

I had expected to get walks in but dd didn't bring boots and I finally overruled her and found her old boots in the basement ("No, Mom, I don't have boots here.) When the weather was at freezing we had deep snow (so she couldn't walk), then it went down to 0 and was miserable. She walks miles every day at home so I had really expected to get at least 2 miles in several days this week. She's like me, without a goal, she won't walk. Her goal at home is life - they don't own a car so have to walk or bus (which involves walking) everywhere.

I've achieved none of my habits/goals for the month. I had told myself that I just had to write down what I ate (not point it) but I didn't even get that done after about the 5th. And water was down as well (when I don't do the treadmill that takes 2 - 4 glasses out of my routine.)

Today will be really bad since I got to bed at midnight last night thanks to the rental car company upsetting me. I'll be up to 1 or 2 a.m. tonight. Guests arrive at 1 p.m. so I'll be on the go from that point onwards. (Must remember to defrost dinner.)

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2011

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:19 am

Dd's OCD has concerned me this trip. It is even easier to see here than at her house.

She gave me a long grocery list which I bought for her but that is almost the only food she eats. She isn't eating special to lose weight but to keep her weight on.

She weighs all her food and measures her milk. She had asked to only use the measuring cup to drink from but I insisted that she measure into Christmas glass with lines and then use those for the rest of the trip because I was likely going to need my measuring cup to cook. Watching her weigh her celery sticks drives me the craziest. I'm used to eying food but she is exact and can't be happy unless she weighs it exactly. She also cut up an apple since mine are smaller than the one she gets at home (she didn't believe me that they were the same kind of apple until I showed her the packaging.) She had one from home so figured 3 of mine equals one of hers by cutting hers up too and weighing the two piles of apple chips.

She is eating to the Canada food plan so feels she needs to measure each serving to make sure she is getting enough (her problem is she eats too little of healthy foods.) Once she eats all her healthy foods, then she'll eat whatever else she wants but that isn't much. I'm not sure she is getting enough protein.

She is barely 100 pounds and is really cold here because there is no body fat on her. She only drinks water and milk, and drinks hot water like crazy to keep warm. I loaned her my fleece sweater to wear instead of a blanket and gave her slipper boots that do keep her feet warm. She's now turning on the fireplace but that cools the rest of the house (the furnace thermostat is in the same room) so the heat gain is uneven.

I guess my biggest concern is what pregnancy will do to her OCD. And then parenting.

She at least observed that her OCD doesn't come from me but her Daddy. He stopped the car on the road at the end of the driveway to kick off the slush because he doesn't want it on our driveway or in the garage. He reads the electrical meter every night, noting the daily high outdoor temperature at the same point. He also takes 3+ hours to do his morning routine and is all or nothing about it. If he has to leave the house at 8:30, he won't get up at 6:15 (must stay in bed until 6:40 each day) or just bike for 40 minutes, do 20 minutes of floor exercises and then s2s, eat his breakfast and leave. If he can't bike for 1+ hours, then do an hour or more of floor exercise, then slowly s2s, then eat his breakfast while reading his 150 comics (which takes at least an hour), he won't start the routine at all.

I'm so thankful that I had Pam & Peggy (and Flylady) to teach me that anything done is better than nothing and still blesses me. It has helped me handle the curves life throws at me. Routines are important to provide structure but not at the expense of living life.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2011

Postby Nancy » Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:50 pm

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener according to wickipedia.

I'm up two pounds and majorly frustrated a lesser person would be suicidal! LOL! Either soda and or my t.o.m. to blame I suppose sigh! The good news is my pants fit better I'm more toned and am loosing inches yea!

Last night I did my 5 mi. on the ex. bike yesterday I walked a shortened walk and did some shoppingall afternoon for new to us T.V. was my exercise.

Today H. did 2 mi. on the ex. bike we were talking about our plans and goals for the new year as far as health and exercise and he was saying how he wanted to ride bikes and I was saying that I'm hoping to be able to ride further now that I've been getting more time in each session on it.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2011

Postby Harriet » Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:42 pm

Well, Nancy, don't feel bad. I agreed to eat dd13's corn chips with her yesterday and they were SO salty. Boom, up another pound! Right when my whole plan was to lose an easy 1/2 pound and feel virtuous. I'm telling myself that good eating today and plenty of water will get me back to square one. No more corn chips!!!

Kathryn, I'm sorry the call bothered you to the point of losing rest over it. Surely it will be resolved quickly. "Stunning" is a word I could use as well to describe disappointment over time for exercise going down the tubes while folks were here. I wish I could do what you and Ken do and choose the early morning for exercise. But I am just WAY more flexible in the evenings, and that is also when my ddad is back to his bedroom. Anything can happen in the mornings. I have to be ready for him to awaken earlier than anyone in the household, or later than anyone.

As far as dd26's size and weight, she is probably pretty healthy but there is some research out there that suggests a woman is more likely to get pregnant at a time she carries some body fat. After dd becomes pregnant, this mindset may serve her well insofar as planning exactly how much she chooses to gain and when. One thing you might suggest to her is that a large variety of foods now can contribute to her future baby's health. She might enjoy researching that, and determining what she'd like to add to her diet; perhaps she already is. There are online programs that will calculate protein and suggest changes. At her age, though, I'd like to think she could just enjoy food and not worry too much yet about the facts of each meal. Goodness knows, there's plenty of time later for fretting over it. Don't we know.


Re: Health and Fitness, December 2011

Postby albana » Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:56 pm

Kathryn, I understand how your dd's behavior can drive you a little crazy. I'm not one to weigh celery sticks, either. It's great that her health is such a high priority for her. I'm sure her size will never be an issue for her because she has such a tight watch on it. As long as she's getting enough calories and the nutrition that she needs, then I'm sure she will have a healthy pregnancy. It's important to use her short term health insurance and go to her doctor appointments to make sure she stays healthy at each point in her pregnancy.
Last edited by albana on Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2011

Postby Lilac » Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:14 pm

Kathryn, is your dd taking Folic Acid? It was unheard of when I was having children. Now you hear how important it is and that you should start taking it prior to pregnancy.

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