Health and Fitness, February 2013

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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:35 pm

Hope you feel better, Ivy! Good job on continuing some weight loss.

OKay, figure out what your weight will be at each month-change if you lose a pound a week. That will probably give you optimism! And remember, at 1 pound a week you would be sailing past the loss rate I had last year! When someone in the household is sick, programs/plans for weight loss just have to take a back seat.

Nancy, I struggled through the math and tables on that calculation of lean body mass and protein requirement. :? Somewhat confusing. Bottom line is that I seem to need 10 or 11 blocks (7 grams each) of protein spread throughout the day. I could have done just as well going by his example on page 83, or looking at one of the sites online and considering myself a "medium female".

One thing I'm remembering is that while hip measurements may stay the same through the day, ab measurements change, and are always smallest in the morning. I definitely believe my morning measurement, not any other! :lol:

Two of my breakfast choices are working out well to 3-block meals : an omelet with half-slice rye and extra veggies, and the smoothie I've had several days. I'll work on more of those. I had a yummy 2-block snack today that I want to repeat : a veggie patty, half-slice rye, lettuce and a bit of bacon.

Nancy, I know I am blessed to have a lot of choices and be able to include servings of fruits and breads more easily.

This evening HRH wanted a pot of beans so I boiled some down on the stove. I had 3/4 of a cup - they were so good! Then I had to scramble to find protein, because that is a lot more carbs than you think! LOL! So maybe just 1/3 cup next time.

My 4th day in a row of checking off all my healthy habits. I'm glad I "made hay while the sun shone" during this time because I know a crisis/project can come up and keep me from good days. I'm not sure I could have done this even with a dr's appt or 2 this week. It was helpful that the week started off with snow that kept us home-bound, and then a day off for the schools!

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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby OKay » Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:54 am

Posting for accountability.

Keeping on. Daily monitoring weight, calories, sleep, water, exercise.

Weight was down another .6 lbs this morning so it is headed in the right direction.

Today challenges = eating healthy while being gone from home 9 hours. ignoring the yummy snacks laid out on a table next to the coffee pot and water bottles.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Harriet » Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:46 pm

Yesterday was the fifth day of all 14 healthy habits.

Today is the sixth! Yay.

Still haven't managed more than 8 fruit/veggies a day, and Dr. Sears thinks it should be 10, but 8 is better than 5 or 6.

HRH is also trying to go over to a lot of veggies every day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Ivy » Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:50 pm

I wanted to say I walked 30 min. yesterday, I did NOT have ice cream for a dessert, but I ate a banana for dessert instead.

I was down 1 Lb. this a.m. :D
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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:27 pm

Happy to hear about continued losses, OKay and Ivy! you're doing so well to make sure of holding the line on the scale and if there's a trend, nudging it in the right direction.

Not really trying to move the scale number here, lately, but holding the line is an everyday thing for everyone, and I'm in that boat with current "losers" here. :) Thinking about weight loss journeys, one piece of knowledge that has served me well is to recognize the difference between water-weight gain and true gain. When the scale is tragic one morning :( take a minute to think that there are reasons for that. The only response needed is a response to the reasons (was there too much sodium, not enough water, need to fill in with more fresh, light foods). No new emotion about the progress is needed, and certainly not a new emotion about self!!! it's just time to respond with actions that will be positive for the next scale reading and the next.

Yesterday was the 7th and today the 8th day of 14 out of 14 check-marks for me on my Healthy Habits Card !

Today my veggie/fruits were cherries/blueberries, peach, toss salad, apple, veggie burger, potato and pintos! for a count of 8, since the toss salad was large. Dd commented it took me a long time to eat it!

Of course this new veggie/fruit mission makes the healthy habits card much more surmountable, since not only do I never miss checking off the squares in that part, I also am nearly assured of checking off the (hardest to accomplish) "Mostly God Made" square. (There's hardly room for many man-made choices!) Water and vitamins have always been the easier ones, so by the end of the day, when I see that all I need is exercise, I'm very motivated to get that done and have all my check-marks.

Tonight I finished up a 3-part round through T-Tapp Total.

Hoping everyone is getting excellent sleep.

Harmony, what I learned in the book from Dr. Sears does remind me of your friend Gabe. I wonder if his brain would benefit from fish oil like the miner's brain did. I guess that is such a well-documented case that most drs are aware of it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Harmony » Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:04 pm

Thank you Harriet, I will pass that along about the fish oil. News about him is not good, though they are still hopeful. I posted in J & C about him.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:37 pm

Thanks for that info. Harriet on the Zone diet.

I've done yard work for some of my exercise Sat. Sun. & today trying to get the yard back in shape for spring a nice change in my ex. routine!

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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Ivy » Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:44 pm

I walked 25 min. today, I might do more later, or do housework for activity instead. :idea:
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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:50 pm

Yesterday was the 9th and today the 10th straight days of 14 Healthy Habits checked off.

Added in lately have been yellow and orange bell peppers, blackberries.

HRH and I made an especially good stir fry with many colorful veggies, and I've had that for 2 nights.

We have an elliptical exercise machine as of yesterday. I did several spurts on it yesterday for my exercise. Tonight I did Zumba.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February 2013

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:37 pm

HarrietI cannot eat bell peppers they bother my tummy. Time for me to get on the exercise bike. I was going to do some outside stuff but dgd is under the weather today.

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