Health and Fitness, August 2013

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2013

Postby Ivy » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:15 pm

I know that I already posted this book title over at Across the Cafe Table, but for those who did not read it, who may be interested, the title is "The Metabolic Storm," by Dr. Emily Cooper. She's a doctor practicing in Seattle, stresses this is not a diet book, but a book that talks about metabolism and how it can prevent weight loss among so many people who diet strictly and exercise a lot, too. :idea:

It's available on the Nook or Kindle. I didn't see a paperback copy of the book. :(
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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2013

Postby Harmony » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:20 pm

That sounds like a good book to read and one I need, Ivy. I just finished one on cholesterol. Was an eye opener.

Harriet, yes, that's the sort of things I was wondering about. My experience with my Dr. this last time, now that I think about it, is that she was rushed, and didn't take the time she did with me the other 3 times. I believe she is disappointed in me and blaming my choice to try the Armor on my bad labs (& got worse) and that came through loud and clear. She asked me again why I wanted to be on that and I told her to save my bones, etc. and she said the other med had no bearing on that - which is absolutely NOT TRUE.

I am upset that she doesn't recognize (or chooses not to) that side effect. I got it right off the package insert about bone what do I do, call her on it and make her more annoyed? I do believe what she said that my out of whack thyroid is harder on my bones than the medicine is, though.

Anyway, even after all these days, the visit bothers me. I'm trying hard to make my numbers better this next time. It's a lot of work.

Harriet, did you think of asking for Thermography instead of the mamogram? I hear that finds tumors quicker than mamography and isn't harmful. These new 3D machines they're using has 3 times the radiation as the original mamogram machines, and they do a regular mamogram and then the enhanced 3-D one...and don't they read anything about radiation being bad for forming tumors? I don't yet know what I'll do.

I am working my plan, but I need some suggestions for very low-fat/cholesterol low calorie protein. Maybe some salmon recipes? Anybody got any other ideas?

Oh, that mail order place called me yesterday - 6 days after they got the form from drs. office - to say they couldn't read the insurance numbers. Meanwhile I'd been taking the generic form for 5 days.... thought about Dee....

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2013

Postby Lynlee » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:51 pm

Harriet - Doing the physio exercises twice in the one day turned into a one off event.
Wed - yoga was more strenuous - and I tried hands and knees i/l of downward dog when we were doing salute the sun cycles - for the first time. I did some stretches - forward extentions of my arms on hands and kneeds that pushed my limits. The instructor had a rough voice/ has been sick so demonstrated to a recording of her instructor.
Also that day - I gardened. I pulled vine mostly with right arm, but left helped to twirl it up to bundle it into bin.
I did too much. Driving.
Thurs - Felt super fatigued and achy. It would have been good to lie in a bath w epsom salts but I didn't get organized for that. Did a few isometric exercises in a meeting - that didn't need equipment / cushion / vac tube. Shopping. Driving.
One of those nights I did a set of exercises from PT. It takes 40 min - with 10 sec "rest" between 20 sec hold x 10 of each. It might have been Wed night.
Friday morning I did a few that I reconned I could do lying in bed. Exercised in the pool for 45 min. My neck was out and stayed out despite being in the water. In the water I can get arm almost to 90* almost laterally. Tried holding onto edge and lying in water on my side and doing a lateral arm drop - bit much for me. Maybe another time. I do exercises remembered from aqua aerobic classes Lots of arm moves - everything has arm moves - some have similarities to tai chi as well. a little dog paddle and breast stroke - trying to reach out in front of me which is much greater extension than I get on land. Also a bit of back stroke with flipper arms at side which has to count for something. Similar to some of the isometric exercises for muscle use I think. attempt straight arms out to held kick board - arm does not straighten yet. I didn't bother with PT exercises on friday.
Driving has to count as physio too. It really pushes me to do it. Arm and shoulder aches - but I have better hold and improving ability to steer with left while repositioning rt hand while cornering. It (left arm) does still retreat from steering wheel at times.

I'll aim to do one lot of exercises today. plus using it as I need to. Straightening it / reaching into the fridge to grab something is not really happening yet. Still a problem with any weight as well so it might be a while to lift the litre of milk out. Doing stuff without lifting left shoulder - impossible. imo.

I got a hospital appointment with orthopedic section - re tendons - for October. I still need to confirm that.
pvt mri is set for 8 Sept. I'm mostly wanting second orthopedic opinion - and physio well be more forth coming from hospital. I'm not sure I am a good candidate for surgery if that is also indicated.
Hoping I don't get into trouble for playing both pvt and public treatment options.

Harmony - I was of the impression that it was only if thyroid levels were too high that it effected bones. Maybe I'm wrong about that.
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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2013

Postby Nancy » Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:05 am

Bady weekend for me a bbq and other foods to tempt me.
Missed a day or two on the ex bike this week
but I did get it done yesterday yea and long walk as well.

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