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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:10 pm
by Harriet
Carefullly carefully did a floor workout tonight. Lots of alignment emphasis. Avoiding anything that seemed to bother sciatic pain, and had preceded with stretch and some specific sciatic stretches. Hopefully, I will not be immobile tomorrow! If ya'll don't hear from me, call the tow truck to come lift me.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:54 am
by Nancy
I did not take a walk today, sore feet cracked heels groc. Shopping was my activity tonite.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:43 pm
by Ivy
I stretched, walked 30 minutes, and stretched again. High pain day today, because of emotional things, being concerned about DD and her BFF, with anorexia. Stress = pain. :(

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:57 pm
by Harriet
Sorry about the heels, Nancy! Can you try some kind of oil or lotion under socks through the night?

Ivy, I hope your pain eases and you hear better news about dd's friend.

OKay, I was grateful, too, because I ended up even, on the morning after taking the girls out.

I felt better today after a floor workout Friday and then a day off yesterday. So I tried another same floor workout today. I'm hopeful. It's actually a half-hour workout that's more intense than I really want. So I leave off one part that is extremely aerobic, plus the Pilates-like work at the end where you are sitting only on your bottom with both legs and torso up. I think those would be too much right now, plus I'm sure I wouldn't do them well. So with the stretch added at the beginning, I'm probably doing 25 minutes.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:18 pm
by Ivy
Thanks, Harriet. DD has Fibromyalgia, too. Diagnosed yesterday. :(

I filled in my weekly calories in & calories out page, I only did it 6 days, as the book came on Tues. & not Mon., the beginning of the week in the book. I'm over 2,000 calories' 6-day average, only averaged 1 1/4 hours activity a day, over 6 days, but did not exercise for 3 days. :(

This week's goals are:
1- To move more, to earn more activity calories going out,
2- To eat healthier, since I'm counting calories, choosing more fruits/veggies & low-cal foods.
3- Get in more protein.
4- Try to not give up.
5- Don't beat myself from my waist going up 1/2".
6- Don't beat myself up from only losing .7 Lbs. for my 1st week.

I hope to have better results this next Sunday night. I'll work harder & 1 thing I learned from Dr. Oz's magazine, The Good Life, is as we get lighter, we naturally get to moving more.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:00 am
by OKay
Today is doc appt to discuss weight/healthy habit development. I scrambled this morning to finish putting my plan together and onto paper. I showed it to DH and he thought it was good. Now to present it to family doc and get his recommendation and feed-back.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:07 am
by Harmony
I have been backsliding, numbers going the wrong way. So this morning I got out my card plan and set it up where I can use it. I absolutely HAVE to do this.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:28 am
by DeeClutter
Oh, my numbers are not good either, Harmony! So need to get weight off and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong -unless it's not enough exercise. That has slacked because of my knee/ankle problems. BS for the most part has been very good.

Just exactly what is in your plan, Harmony? And what have you mapped out, Okay?

For one I absolutely need to get my steps count up by quite a bit. I'm lucky if I get to 3 or 4,000 and I know from experience that's not enough. Tell myself I'll do better "today" and then it gets too late in the day to add even close to enough! :roll:

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:18 pm
by Nancy
I mowed one yard today for my ex. today. 2 lbs. To get off that I put on this winter.

Re: Health and Fitness, April 2014

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:01 pm
by OKay
family Doc looked over my plan and approved it. He did made a couple changes and explained why he was recommending those changes.

After looking at a cazillion options, I went with boring but effective healthy habits to create lifestyle changes.

I put together a list of healthy habits to be the cornerstones of my lifestyle changes. I came up with 16 habits that I want to establish so firmly they become a part of me without thinking. My plan to implement these habits only allows for 13 so I removed three of them that I felt were firmly established.

I tried to stay with something that I gave me confidence of being successful. I didn't want fancy or complicated. I decided to copy the deep cleaning/decluttering zone rotation because I'm familiar with it and it has proven to be trust worthy method.

So I will focus on one healthy habit a week and to rotate through the 13 healthy habits the same way that I rotate through deep cleaning the house. Each healthy habit will receive a week focus four times a year (52 weeks divided by 13 habits). I set them up on calendar as a reoccuring event (just like the deep cleaning rotation is tracked).

The 13 habits I have selected to work on are -
1. Drink Water
2. Plan meals.
3. Fruit - 3 daily
4. Vegetables - 5 daily
5. Fast from food daily 6pm - 7am
6. Stop eating before full
7. Weigh daily
8. 10,000 steps daily minimum
9. 1200 calories daily
10. Chew gum
11. Positives/blessings/Successes
12. Sleep 7 hours daily
13. Have some fun & Relax daily

This week I am focusing on getting 5 servings of vegetables each day.