Health and Fitness January, 2013

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby Harriet » Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:11 pm

Congratulations, OKay!

Remember when we discussed here the BBC Horizon program "Eat, Fast and Live Longer" by Dr. Michael Mosley - well, his book on what he learned just came out. It's titled, The Fast Diet – the secret of intermittent fasting: lose weight, stay healthy, live longer. Here is the recent BBC news video interviewing him. He says for 2 days a week, he limited calories to 600, until he lost the 19 pounds he wanted, and now he is maintaining on 1 day a week at 600 calories, and all his health markers are still at their improved levels. The paperback is available now, but shipped from Britain; the hardcover doesn't come out until February 26.

I found out that on the morning exercises I've been doing, you're supposed to stop for the weekend, so I'll get back to those next week.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby Cowinkie » Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:24 pm

Yippie okay..... Good for you!!!
I'm one of those people who wake up starving. First thing I do feed the puppies, feed me and sometimes not in that order. ;)
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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:04 pm

Congrats OKay! That's an aggressive goal. I'd be happy with half that. In my heyday, I only lost 6 lbs a month.

I'm on the treadmill at 8 p.m. instead of 8 a.m. because I missed it this morning due to a change in plans. Then I got so cold that it was either walk (and burn off the extra piece of pizza that I had) or go to bed for the night. I figure I won't want to sleep after this.

I'm so cold that 10 minutes into this workout, I'm only starting to feel warm, despite the fact that I'm wearing jeans, sweater and long underwear. I'll be shedding the sweater soon. In the morning, I'm in yoga pants and an undershirt or sleeveless yoga shirt. And warm enough.

I had enough points to get through today without working out (even with the extra pizza) but decided to work out any way. Set a better example for Lucylee and figure out what it feels like to work out at night (I know she can't do it in the mornings.)

My heart rate is up way more than usual. I suppose that is because I'm digesting as well as walking.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:08 pm

Did my 4 mi. on the ex. bike today.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby OKay » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:22 am

THANK YOU for the well wishes and encouragement.

I am pleased with the way I am losing weight. No meds of any kind. No special food or diet. Just normal food in correct portions. Hopefully, I am training my mind as much as my body what is the correct amount of food to eat. Nothing is off limits......but I just can't have it all at once.

I just pulled 36 apple/raisin/pecan muffins out the oven. They smell W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L. i ate one and am content to not have anymore today.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby Harmony » Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:04 pm

OKay, that's my kind of diet. I think that's the only one that really works in the long run. Change anything like take one food group completely out, etc., and it's not going to stick for years down the road. I'm glad it's working for you. I'm still down about 4 pounds since the holidays.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:13 am

Harmony and OKay That is basically what the main Weight Watchers diet is like. Everything has a point value and you have to eat the basics (some of which have point values, like oil, milk and fruit) but after that you can choose anything as long as it is within your points. You get extra points for moving, but, roughly, they require burning the energy for 100 calories, in order to get to eat 50 extra calories. And you use up the exercise points the day you earned them. So to burn off a piece of pie, I'd have to walk at 3.2 mph or higher for between 80 and 120 minutes.

My experience with WW is that it worked great when I was younger but I get fewer points now that I'm older (slowing metabolism, they notice it) which makes it really hard to stay inside the point limits if you can eat 'anything'. By limiting gluten, I've cut out a large number of higher point value foods or empty calorie foods. It doesn't eliminate the salty foods (chips and cheetos are gluten free) but it does take away cake, most crackers, snack cereal (I still have my regular cereal in the morning because I've never found anything better at keeping full), pie, cookies, and breaded meats. I'm on the fence about pasta, I used to have it only once a week and I'm trying to cut that back to once a month.

I'm only a few weeks into this gluten free eating but already I've lost 6 pounds which was 2 months worth of weight loss eating regular WW. The difference is how full I feel (I only ate some of those 'bad' foods before because I was eating within my points) so I'm guessing there is something to the theory that wheat/gluten is messing with the hormones that control/trigger cravings.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:19 am

Dinner tonight is leftovers only we changed the meal plan on Friday so there's nothing leftover. So I'm on the treadmill in order to bolster today's points. Not sure what will be for dinner but I'm leaning toward pork chops. Just not sure if they'll be in the crock pot, oven or bbq. If in the oven, they are stuffed so that introduces bread. On the bbq, they usually have a shake and bake coating (more flour) so I'm seriously considering my options while I walk.

My weigh-in for last week produced no weight loss but that's not surprising since I had three pieces of pizza the night before. I drank about 15 glasses of liquid yesterday and I suspect it was my body trying to flush the sodium. Haven't been on the scales yet today but it wouldn't surprise me to find myself back down a pound.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby OKay » Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:21 am

Keeping on....

My doctor recommended doing WW when he told me to "get that weight off" in November 2012. The closest WW meeting means a 50 miles drive and i didn't want to commit to it so I committed to using My Fitness Pal and FitBit. They monitor my movement and automatically adjust the calories I have left to eat if I have earned any exercise calories. It isn't as well rounded as WW since I don't have any guidelines what to eat (other than common sense). I don't have the weekly weigh in experience that WW gives, however I keep myself aware by weighing daily. I don't have the weekly encouragement of a WW meeting, so I use this forum to keep me on track. So far, my imitation WW substitute is working for me, but if I find it doesn't then I will commit to doing WW program.

I lost to my goal weight in 2011 by doing Low Carb. LC is an easy diet because all I had to do is not eat carbs. I wasn't hungry. There was no counting. No weighing. No decisions to make. However eventually I started eating carbs again and the weight came back like wild fire.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2013

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:10 pm

I suppose it's somewhat like WW and somewhat like low(er)-carb to use Cruise's recipe/foods book we're trying, although he says go ahead and have 6 daily carb servings. His concept is to finish off each day under 15 grams of sugar, and 6 servings of carbs spread through the day, and he re-does recipes to get the sugar down.

On balance, very pleased with the first recipe we tried from the book : Scrumptious Pork Stir Fry. This is his re-do of restaurant sweet and sour pork, which would normally be sweetened with either brown sugar/ketchup or sugar/pineapple juice. The book compares this to the Panda Express dish, and it only has a tenth of the sugars per serving (4 grams), one quarter the carbs. I notice that online sites that have tracked this recipe calculate the sugar even lower than he does.

Stevia for sweetening didn't slow anyone at our table down at all - tasty, and no leftovers with 4 adult appetites. Dstepson was very complimentary of the meal. But it does have soy sauce as an ingredient so the sodium is a concern. Should call for low-sodium soy sauce in my opinion. HRH commented to dstepson that it was an expensive recipe to make, and I'll admit we had plenty of work in the kitchen.

I can see how using this book as a daily reference could be a near-guarantee of healthier, low-sugar eating. You'd be flipping through the book all the time to find out the sugars (besides recipes, he calculates for packaged snacks, fast foods, beverages, salad dressings, all kinds of things.) But he has done a LOT of work for you, compiling all this info. (spiral bound, coated pages should stand up to constant back-and-forth.)

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