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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:04 am
by LadyMaverick
I missed my nap yesterday and my body responded with demanding a longer night sleep. This summer cold is requiring about 2-3 hours a day of extra sleep. I am going with it and assume I will return to normal sleep & energy level soon.

The scales were down again this morning. Bounce Bounce. I'm keeping my eye on the trend and my goal on 2 lb weight loss for the week.

Yesterday a very DFriend asked if I had any okra in my garden. I told her the okra was just about to start producing. She asked for all the okra I could spare. She has been drinking okra in water everyday and it has had very positive results with her diabetes. For years she has frequently had blood sugar in the 500's. Since she started drinking the okra water her blood sugar has stayed below 200. I did a quick google search and found documented cases showing how okra water affects blood sugar. They don't go as far as saying "cure" but it can replace insulin in some cases. Anyway.....I'll be giving all my okra to VDFriend and planting more immediately with hopes it will grow & produce in my fall garden.

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:15 am
by Nancy
2nd time I have read about okra water helping with bs #'s this week. Wondering if canned okra works. Not a long enough season here for it. Maybe could buy a can of it and see if it helps.

Time for some a.m. movement here in a bit. Have a great weekend!

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:04 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Absolutely nothing positive to report about yesterday. No biking, overall poor eating (although I did eat salmon as per the Dr. Weil plan) and no swimming or physio.

On the other hand, soreness level was low and today I'm not even sore in the shoulders from swimming. So that is a plus.

Not sure if I'll get any exercise done today. There will be some walking if I go to the concert because dh wants to take the bus so we don't have to worry about parking. For me, that adds up to about 1.5 miles of walking. I hope I can manage. (Can't take bikes because it will be dark when the concert is over.)

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:46 pm
by Harriet
Okra water - I think you are supposed to slowly build up and not take a whole bunch one day, but that is only something I read, not experience. Wouldn't just eating okra be good, too? (Not that you would depend on fried okra, but succotash maybe.)

Yesterday I only got in stretching and the next part of Total. But that still moves me along.

I have been enjoying looking up charts for record-keeping and see a few I like.

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:58 pm
by Nancy
Re: okra water (slime) blc-a-ahk yuck not good for kidneys according to what I read.

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:32 am
by LadyMaverick
DH surprised me by saying he would give the okra water a try (he doesn't like okra). I put 2 pods in water overnight as instructed. This morning I pulled the okra out of the water and gave it a taste test. YUCK!!! I seriously doubt if DH will drink it. I love okra, however IMHO this is the worst possible way it can be served. If I wanted to get 2 pods of okra daily, I can think of a dozen better ways.

Weight is up today. Four of the last 5 meals have been social meals (lunch with friends, dinner with DGS19, lunch with DMIL, Dinner with DGS17) which typically means I over eat. I'm hoping 99.9% of the weight bounce is sodium and will disappear easily

I did do a few things right yesterday.....
Drinking water
Eating 10+ fruit & vegetables
Exercise 60+ minutes

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:54 am
by Ramblinrose
I am happy to report I am at my pre-vacation weight.

Sweetie was teasing me yesterday saying I was a bit grouch and then commented it must be time for my happy shot... Which is exactly one of my planned errands. I will be able to question my gal about the shot and why my body is responding so well to it next Wed and will share the information with you then.

I went shopping yesterday for a few more things I need. The Olga bra that I bought before my trip fits so well and is comfortable to wear so I bought another one. Also purchased a new pair of shorts and several more tops..need these for work this fall as everything I own is now too big.

I love to wear dresses and am so glad the rest of the world likes them again. Here's my buy of the day... Found a cute causal dress that had my name all over it. Price $100.. Marked down to $7.98 couldn't understand why no one had bought it. Went to try it on and discovered why...that security thob had been attached right where the zipper was, which meant you couldn't unzip the dress to try it on.

The size was also much smaller than what I have been wearing but took a chance and bought it anyway. Got it home and it is a perfect fit. G will will be getting a huge donations from me this fall... Or perhaps sooner.

Such great motivation for me...if my son has a digital scale at his place I will be doing diet bet again this Aug. I need to submit a photo of my weight and me on the first day of the month. I love playing and the game really helps me stay focused. Such a silly thing. Who knew it would be just the thing to keep me on my plan. Think I will only need to loose 5 lbs for the month... That's 1.25 lbs a week. So doable for me ;-)

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:46 pm
by Nancy
Today yard work was my exercise today, we went to the dump as well.

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:38 am
by LadyMaverick
Nancy - POTB for consistent exercise!

RR - OH WOW! Vacation with no weight gain?! CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm looking forward to information about the shot.

I'm physically struggling. Floundering. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity.

Time to make a change.

Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:56 am
by Nancy
Thanks! Today it is smokey out so I am glad that I dud the yd, wk yesterday, today I will be doing inside ex.