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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:00 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
They're dropping like flies around me. Ds was a bit sick yesterday and worse today. Not allergies as he thought (allergy meds didn't help much.) Dh is now getting a sore throat (ds's symptom from yesterday.)

We bought Korean citrus honey tea today at the store for the sore throats (TGF will drink it too.)

Everyone is taking vitamin C in mega doses.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:54 pm
by Nancy
I was was coughing a bit this morning.
Did some pruning, watering yd. Wk. for part of my ex. Today. Took a walk for the rest.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:12 pm
by Harriet
Gee, I hope everyone feels better!

LadyM, I am with you on that focus on long-term plan.

Have been going over some old records of mine to find encouragement. There can be some downer info there, too, but mostly helpful. A few things to jog the memory about meals, for instance.

Had plenty of calories today. Traditional brunch, little gluten-free veggie burrito for lunch, supper included fish and greens, then chocolate squares for dessert.

Tomorrow I may pull back to a low-cal day again.

20 minutes of floor workout today.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:58 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Grazed on too much yesterday and not all healthy. Although it could have been worse and there were way more veggies than when I'm actually traveling (and, no, I didn't count onion rings as a veggie!)

Managed over 7500 steps without too much pain and am moving well this morning. No swimming yesterday. Hope to swim the lake today if it isn't too punky smelling.

The weather is good today and tomorrow will be iffy at best so today is the 'tour the countryside' day if TGF wants to and the guys are feeling up to it. Dh doesn't sound as congested, haven't seen ds yet this morning.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:56 pm
by Ramblinrose
Kathryn... I was going to ask how everyone was feeling today. Hope its all good.

Harriet...focusing on long term plans sounds like a winner to me. I need to do that too.

I ate a little off yesterday. Came across a frozen king cake, thawed it and then tasted it to see if it was any good. Nope, turned out a little soggy, but that didn't keep me from sampling a bit more. ;) Did throw the remainder into the garbage.

Did 3.5 miles on my gazelle and boogied around the house while doing my blessing.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:45 pm
by Ramblinrose
I was just over at my dietbetter site and came across some interesting facts...

More than $7,600,000 have been won by individuals but more impressive is that fact that over 1.5 million lbs have been lost. Thats amazing considering everyone is doing their own kind of eating plan.

And now the site is posting peoples' tesitmonials. To play you must post a beginning and end picture. It is so me at see peoples' comments and results. Most are just like me who wanted to loose 20-30 lbs. Many share the same issues that I do.

I didn't find the testimonial site until today and I'm really glad I did. I'll use it to keep me motivated for the next two months to come. I've lost 20 lbs so far, but I think these next 10 lbs will really be my hardest. And I know I will need all the help I can get.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:47 pm
by Nancy
Today's ex. Ladder work picking plums and a ten min. 1 mi. Walk.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:43 am
by Ramblinrose
Yesterday it was cool enough that I took Willis for a walk during the day and one during the evening. I also did my gazelle for three miles.

I know I'm really close to my big goal, but don't want to weigh till Monday. I want to stay on track with my plan through the weekend. We are eating out with friends tomorrow night, but I'm not worried about that as there is plenty on the menu that is on my plan... That is except for the peanuts in their shells. They sit in a bowl at your
table and you can munch on them while waiting for your meal. This will call for my one piece of sugarless gum that I allow myself to chew each day.

Need to remember to measure myself on Monday....I haven't done that in a while.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:53 pm
by Nancy
I am icing my shoulder figured it might help.
Pru ed back the plum tree so I do not need a ladder before doing errands.

Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:43 pm
by FelineFriend
I had a little loss, after a gain, so I'm coming down now again.

I ate healthy yesterday and today, I walked 1/2 hour yesterday, but today I've just done walking while shopping and puttering around the house for about 20 minutes, with a 10-minute walk. I guess anything's better than a big fat zero, right? :?:

Hoping to continue my streak of healthy eating, as my physical's in mid-Sept., too. I'd like to be back down to what I weighed in last time at my Dr. office or a bit less. He asked that I move more or exercise more; either one. I'm trying to do both. Using my timer helps, too.