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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:34 pm
by Nancy
Helia yes we have a lovely place for walking in our neighborhood. Carrying walking sticks, wearing a visor, enjoying the sunset, watching deer play. Smelling and admiring flowers along the way and picking berries too.

I did 8 mi. On ex. Bike today. Plus I have been warping my floor loom a bit more exercise as it is in the basement up & down stairs.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:06 pm
by helia
Sounds like a lovely place, nancy!

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:49 pm
by Nancy
I walked tonight and did some mi. On the ex. Bike today as well.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:52 pm
by helia
I may not exercise today; it depends on how prep for our camping trip goes. It is already too late for jogging, but I could go for a walk or go to the gym.

I'm bringing my jogging stuff with me so I should be able to jog tomorrow at the camping site. Maybe there will be a beautiful path through the woods and by the lake (Lake Huron, so a big one!). Or, maybe I'll just jog along paved roads with tents and campers around me. :)

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:01 pm
by Nancy
Posting from exercise bike. 10 mi. Done.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:45 pm
by Harriet
Did 20 minutes floor workout again yesterday.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:19 pm
by lucylee
3 days in a row, walk away the pounds.
That isn't much but considering I only had 3 days this whole month before Monday, it is progress.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:19 pm
by Nancy
I walked across the med complex for my lab work instead of driving and from the far end of parking lot at the bank for intentional exercise as part of my ex. for today. More to follow includes steps to basement doing laundry. . . tba store run maybe.

Tip of the day the diab. Vits work took the box apart had em photo copy that as they always want to know what I am taking for their records. Told em it seemed to be helping. That I recomend em.

Got Rx print out from Rx place. Doc gave me a new one but it is not wallet size h their printer needs ink. Glad I have it with I did not have to take my bag of pills in with this time! Much more efficient thank you 3x5's.

Doc said my #s were near perfect bc I do not smoke or drink, but I have a friend that does not smoke or drink either and has high bp so I am grateful for good genitics!

Did long brisk walk and 10 mi. On ex bile today.

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:25 pm
by Harmony
helia, when I saw your post about lake and walking I pictured you walking around a little lake. Then you said Huron and I thought, yeah, walk around THAT, there'd be some real exercise!

DH brought home a doz. doughnuts. The kind that sing to me every time I go by. You know what kind of day I had. Sigh...

Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:26 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
This is my third bad day in a row for calories in/out. I'm not getting out for walks so I'm not burning enough compared to what I'm eating. And I'm too tired, again, to do my physio.

At least today I didn't have soda. So my carb numbers are back where they should be.

I keep thinking tomorrow will be a better day but then I get overwhelmed by other stuff and healthy eating or moving get left undone.