Health and Fitness, November 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:39 pm

Harriet thanks for that great explanation on the diff. diets in response of my "I'm confuzed" comment.

Had an awesome bs reading of #100 when I got up today yea!
Did ex. bike total gym work outs today and raked the whole yard feeling great!
Leaves are only about 50% down so more ex. opportunity next week raking leaves will be ahead for me! LOL!

I'm done eating pie told h. he could have the rest his appetite is returning now. Turkey is gone; turkey soup it gone too; stuffing w/ sausage is gone. Gravy is nearly gone now too.
Jell-o is gone. I'm going to have to cook again now! LOL! I think I like the idea of turkey than the actual taste of it glad it's gone!

Tomato bean soup for tomorrow I think. I've had a hankering for some fried chicken!

Dinner was raw zucchini squash actually pretty tasty! An apple and baked sweet potato last of the Jell-o.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Harriet » Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:47 pm

Lisa, I agree you did SO WELL! I hope you keep enjoying this. Are the people nice?

Kathryn, I really think our rates of loss will become better. No, holidays won't help, but in general I think rates improve as the body gets the idea and decides to "get on board" with a new reality of better diet and exercise. This is perhaps not the best time of year to tell our bodies to shed weight.

OKay, you will drop those 2 pounds so easily.

I, too, have a hard time reconciling the different info for what causes what. HRH was frustrated to read today that tomatoes contribute to inflammation. This after reading recently that tomatoes, especially cooked tomatoes, are so good for your heart health and disease prevention, too.

Nancy, I know you are relieved dh's appetite is returning. Keep up the "opportunities" (smile) and good bs readings.

Let's not even suggest listing my eating during the holiday weekend. Let's just say there were wheat thins and dip, and it's best I not dwell on those! OH, but I do want to mention that the veggie trays I made up for each of the two family meals were huge hits. Everyone especially commented on the asparagus being something different on a tray, and tasting and looking so nice. (I had used the harder ends of the spears for juice so these were then the same length as the other veggies and all tender.) Everything was eaten up. WonderBoy just loves a veggie tray.

This evening I've exercised. My only meal since coming to my senses :? was this evening's smoothie of berries, almond milk, coconut oil and protein powder. I have learned how to add the coconut oil to a smoothie and keep it all well homogenized now. The trick is to soften the oil then blend once before adding the frozen fruit, which otherwise can freeze droplets of the oil back into a near-solid.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Harmony » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:09 am

Well, here is my after holiday report. Chips DH had to have in the car, not good. My lack of appetite for them, good.

Thanksgiving meal pretty carb loaded. DSiL's family is from Amish country in PA and first they grow their own corn to bring, then plates and plates of the most delicious very thick Pennsylvania Dutch egg noodles cooked in chicken broth, that with the stuffing, yams all doctored up with sugar and marshmallows and pecans. I made the gravy, had to use the turkey neck & giblets, and I boiled that and made a fat-free one. A little taste of each even small portions makes for a very big amount of carbs.

But we walked in DD's subdivision a mile twice a day, good.

Surely I worked off any extra calories in the days after. Surely. Lots of up and down, stoop, bend, etc., and lots of standing on upturned bucket for height and up on edge of bathtub, straddling to reach uppermost wall/ceiling to paint.

Hands so sore I can barely move them, tips of fingers with pinholes of skin missing from being in grout and water. I must do another treatment on them tonight.

I took my yogurt with me and had one every morning, even though I am sick of eating it. Slowly my tummy got better and is 95% now, thank goodness.

You guys know so much more than I do about diet, etc. I was thinking the other day if I went low carb I don't exactly know how I'd do it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby OKay » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:51 am

RELIEF! 2 lbs is gone and I'm back under my goal weight. I've heard how hard it is to maintain so I am a little apprehensive about being able to do it. I'm eating all food categories now and want to learn portion control. My goal is no counting, weighing foods or writing down what I eat - just train my eyes and stomach to know. LO's doctor gave us a picture of a healthy meal plate , so I keep that in mind when preparing our plate.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:31 am

I sure wasn't hungry yesterday after overeating the day before.

Had breakfast without my chocolate or tea before church.

At coffee hour after church had one store-bought cookie and two raisin scones. Homemade with butter on one, homemade jelly on the other. Plus tea.

For lunch, a repeat of breakfast except I had my tea and chocolate too.

One 100 calorie snack food plus a diet dr. P.

Dinner was a dill pickle, 1 serving of dh's shepherd's pie and a bowl of blackberries. This was at 4:15 (we had to eat early because we've learned we can't sing on a full stomach.)

After the concert I had 1/2 homemade gingerbread man, 1 tiny brownie, 1 small piece of church cheesecake (it is a lighter version of cheesecake.) I had actually brought the cheesecake up for my music friend (she was upset) but she didn't want it so I forced it down. And tea. Had a hard time sleeping as a result.

Throughout the day was a ton of water.

So not too bad but really short fruits and veggies and heavy on grains. I had 3 services of berries in total and 2 of veggies (in the shepherd's pie) but some people don't count potato as a vegetable. Or corn for that matter (the other veggie in the SP.)

I'm still not hungry so I expect the music overload will help suppress appetite for a day or two.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Harmony » Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:58 am

I hope it works for you, OKay. I'm not able to do that. I've tried. If I'm not writing stuff down, concentrating very hard, my weight goes right back up. But see, I don't lose if I'm not 1200 pounds or less per day and that's too little to do all the time forever.

DD1 has an obsession with her weight / eating. I don't think she has an eating disorder, but man she is hyper focused on what calories she's ingesting, what exercise she's doing. She did have pie after dinner, but she skipped lunch because dinner was going to be heavy. She eats the tiniest portions of stuff. She also goes to the gym at least 3 times/week and walks twice/day. I'm a little worried about her.

Kathryn, it isn't easy, is it?

On the scale this morning. Just exactly the same as I was before we went up for the holiday. And that is after walking, showing restraint with meals/snacks, and working non-stop for 2 1/2 days. I thought at least a pound would have disappeared. :(

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:31 am

Harmony, here's a quick way to state what I think it is, and I'll let others here correct me. But the way I remember is just

"Avoid breads, sugared desserts, potatoes or corn, and the fruits should be berries."

My dr actually recommends going exactly by "The New Atkins" book for his patients who have several issues like BP, pre-diabetes, etc. and suggested I see what I thought about it for losing weight. To go cold turkey is pretty restrictive, I think. I aim for low carb and slip off the wagon and forgive myself, because when I tried "The New Atkins" I only lasted 8 days. Dr said if I had added berries I could probably have been more comfortable (he didn't tell me I could ahead of time because the book was brand new, he hadn't finished reading it and didn't know the new plan still excluded berries for the first 2 weeks.) DVetNeighbor recommends "The Paleo Diet" book, I believe, and seems to do very well on it herself. I think it's similar.

OKay, I still think a scale with an alarm feature would be a marketable item!

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:33 pm

Breakfast; BS was low #63 I was not thinking clearly so glad I had a plan to resort to from yesterday so I had a prune, granola bar, & sug. free cocoa stayed up long enough to journal and make sure I was coherent and went back to bed. ~Sigh ~ I seem to have nill for get up and go today.
I did 3 mi. on the ex. bike this afternoon.

Lunch was stuffing & one fried egg.

For dinner I had salad no dressing, carrots & celery, beets, hb patty & caved and had ch. pie it's gone now.

Dr. Phil with the P.I.N.K. program for loosing wt. coconut milk is something I'm going to check into. they were making a smoothie I only got a glimpse of that show; but the wts. are lighter than I'm wanting. I don't have nearly $70.oo to invest in this but found the link for it. The diet includes but it's not limited to a .power P.I.N.K. drink made with strawberries, whey protein, and coconut milk would be easy enough to whip up looks tasty too!
The other was called “Shred Soup” and included vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and onions.

According to Cynthia Pasquella, the first step is visualizing where you want to be through setting a visual goal of what you want to look like and setting a reasonable time in which to complete the goal. Finally, there is power in words and by telling yourself you can, you will!

Did you see Dr. oz with the controversial fitness dr. on about being fat & fit on today.

{H. just added his hb patty to ch. noodle soup for dinner and was excited at his creation this smelled yummy!}

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Lilac » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:29 am

Nancy, I am like you. After a bs low it just wipes me out. With this move, I need to remember to take as little insulin as possible to keep from having low bs. I will never get moved if I keep having to deal with those.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:15 pm

Today bs is not low #253 I think any way no breakfast for mawaa black coffee; I'm fighting a bit of a cold thing so I am not all that surprised. Today we have fog outside got the trash to the curb. Went back to spark people and got my food entered on the place to track it and you can see how much fat etc. you are eating so that is helpful!

At sparkpeople they have a prog. for type 1 & 2 diab. & other eating programs also and it's free. plus a blog, place to set up & log ex.; info. & other features like groups and message boards and a book out also I believe and tons of recipes.

Yesterday's totals were
1,209 cal.
160 carbs.
47 fat
27 protien

Today no choc. pie. should help! ;)

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