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Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:32 pm
by Harriet
We chat here about all aspects of health, with an eye to building strength for the calling of Homemaker. Taking care of ourselves is vital, but it also means a better chance at taking care of those around us. We hope you will join us.

"Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health, and is as friendly to the mind as to the body." - Addison

“Cheerfulness is the very flower of health.” - Japanese Proverb

How cheerful is this full year of possibilities spreading out in front of us!?!? :D It's gotta make you smile! Just think of the goals that could be reached, the new healthy habits that could be formed in 3 months... ... 6 months... ... 365 days!

Tell us here about your goals, ideas, plans or resolutions for 2010. All tips warmly welcomed!

And be sure to report on your news of 2009 - progress made, proactive health measures taken, milestones reached. And if you had frustrations, this is the place to tell that, too, because we all understand.

There was a flurry of chat in the last few days of December's thread :idea: be sure to read there to catch up with everyone's ideas and tips.

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:58 am
by Cowinkie
Ok, so I've spent the last 2 weeks preparing myself mentally to make this a healthier year for me. I need to drink more water...tough when teaching, get in a daily walk, staying away from negative people, and choose food that have either starch nor or sugar and laughing way, way more :lol:

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:45 am
by Smile*Lee
Here's a start of some of healthy habits that I want to keep track of:

clean eating:
no eating after 6:
cutting back on coffee:

In the Kitchen: Having a juice-feast day because I'm battling a virus
1/2 gal. of fruit/greens juice: coconut water, pomegranate juice, water, mixed greens,
sweet pea shoots, wheat grass, fresh turmeric & ginger, oranges, pineapple, jalapeno, cuke, celery
1/2 gal. of veggies/greens: wheat grass, sweet pea shoots, chard, celery, cuke, beet, turmeric, ginger, toms, carrots

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:21 pm
by Motivated1
Good lists :D

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:23 pm
by Smile*Lee
ty :lol:

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:26 pm
by LurkyLou
Oooh, today I weighed and measured me. And I wrote it down! Eeewwww. But I have successfully waved goodbye to 25 pounds in the last 5 months. And said hello to more muscle. I think I've said goodbye to more than 25 since that is what the scale shows and I know I've added muscle, so if I'm lucky: lost 35 #fat, gained 10# muscle.
One of my fitness goals for the year is to continue losing fat and gaining muscle. I want to be able to wear slimmer clothes when we (hopefully) go to Italy in the fall. I want to be able to hike and keep up with dh and his longer legs! So I will continue seeing my trainer once a week, cardio 6 times a week, weights twice a week. Water continues to be my friend to the tune of 3 liters/day. I need to choose my carbs with care and I should continue to improve.
I think I'll continue to write down my measurements once a month so I can see my progress. Still is icky to think about! Bad enough for ME to see it, but wouldn't want dh to come across such scary numbers!

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:07 am
by mamapiano
My goals here are - and probably no surprise to you gals - to continue to explore ways to deal with my Fibromyalgia. And to drink enough water, and to find the strength and motivation to fix good meals for myself every day. I need to gain weight, having lost around 25 pounds in the last couple of years. I do like to cook so it's more a matter of organizing my day more efficiently. Drat! It all comes back to organization, doesn't it?

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:19 pm
by Cowinkie
Day 2...

Yesterday I ate right, drank 80oz of water...doesn't count couple of cups of tea...and drank no sodas. My reward??? I lost 3lbs. Probably water, but thats alright with me. Its a start.

I can cut out the starch and white stuff, but staying away from soda is gonna be a tough one for me.

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:27 pm
by Nancy
I need to pay attn. to getting more water intake also,
plus getting more fiber.

I did get a walk in yesterday
it was great and temps. are looking good
for more in the upcoming week yea!

Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2010

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:31 pm
by Smile*Lee
Saturday's Starship H&F Log
~ I'll be editing throughout the day ~

exericse: :!:
clean eating:
no eating after 6:
cutting back on coffee:

oatmeal w/almond milk
too much coffee -- I drink it pretty weak, but got in the habit of drinking more than my 4-cup pot in the morning. Tomorrow - no more than the 1 pot - and I'll be whittling that down.
veggie roll-ups - romaine, broc slaw, hummus, mini toms, snow peas, pea shoots
chicken fajita soup

2010 Sweat, Rattle, & Roll Stats - at least :15
Jan. :!: