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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:28 pm
by Nancy
I did three laps around the inside of the store while I was waiting for the refill on my test
strips. Counting that for my walk today as it's pouring down rain outside like coastal weather
here now.

The card applied for was for a generic drug program and did not save us any on meds.
but did save $8.00 on test strips every little bit helps I guess. But seems like there is not
enough refills. ~ Sigh ~ Any way moving on time to figure out dinner salad.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:19 pm
by lucylee
:| I'm back.
I'm kinda nervous about letting y'all in again on my crazy food habits...
but I think I'm ready for a little bit more accountability again.
:| :? :roll:

I am doing better w/exercise... mostly "walking away the pounds."
Food... not so much better.
Looking back at July, Indiana advised me to try to keep my starches within or near 6 per day, I think.
That is still a HUGE problem for me, but I'll keep trying.
Today, dfriend who is in a group competition weight loss thing at school told me she had lost just over 13 pounds on low carb diet, plus walking approx. an hour 5 days a week.
She said she was trying to keep her carbs around 20 per day.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
ONE chewy granola bar has more than that!!! I just cannot DO that.
I just don't think I have it in me to change the things I eat so much. I think my only hope is to change the AMOUNT I eat. That is hard enough.

So today... just counting starch occasions, not even worrying about grams/calories
PB crackers, banana, diet coke (1 starch?)
Granola bar (1)
Triscuits, cheese, turkey, carrots, diet coke (1)
Bowl of dry cinnamon Cheerios (1)
1/2 Milky Way bar (1)
1/2 bag Funyums onion rings, 3/4 of frozen pizza, diet coke (2)
bottle of water
That's 7 starches in the day, probably more like 10-12 actual servings, I guess...

29 minutes "walk away the pounds."

I exercised 12 days last months, shooting for at least 15 days this month.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:52 pm
by lucylee
Not so good today, either... I don't think I'm ready to be accountable foodwise yet.

On the good side, although I was exhausted and took a short nap before doing so, I did manage to get 29 minutes exercise in.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:29 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Back on the treadmill today. Yesterday I took it easy, not going over 3 mph. Today I put that up to 3.2. (On the ship, without reading material in front of me, I was doing 3.6 but at home my limit with the computer is 3.3.)

My insides are still sore, as if I have gas (although I don't have a lot more than usual.) I'm hesitant to eat much but did eat a lot of my regular, high fibre, diet yesterday. My system is working again but once it did, I started to feel nauseous. So I'm slowly working through what my body is trying to tell me.

I've gained back the 2 pounds I lost in the cleanse but that is to be expected. I'm still at 166 which is pretty darn good, considering I was at 170 when I left for the cruise and haven't been following WW since returning home because there was no point with the cleanse coming up.

Yesterday's focus was rehydrating, so lots of water and other drinks. Today I'll focus a bit more on healthy eating, reintroducing more roughage since it appears my body can take it. And I'll take more tylenol since that helped energize me yesterday. I'm not in pain, just mild discomfort (like very mild TOM cramps) but I think it is worrying me and when I don't feel the discomfort my mind can focus on other stuff. It's April, I have a lot to focus on!

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:21 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm giving this another day and then I'll call the doctor. My insides still feel awful. I'm functioning very well, eating well, etc. but am fighting feeling crampy all the time and that triggers worry about what is happening inside me. No sign of blood in stools but I feel 'not right' when I'm moving around.

On the plus side, I'm down 15 pounds since after Christmas and can really see the change in me. I'm still wearing the same clothes but my stomach is way smaller and now my legs are starting to slim down as well. My exercise clothes in particular look way better on me but all clothes hang better on me now.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:49 pm
by Harriet
Kathryn, I'm proud of you for getting proactive med treatment done. Wish it could have been simpler, with nothing to even think about by now. Excellent weight control on your part - impressive, really.

lucylee, we're happy just to hear from you and know you are with us all here, on thinking through our eating and exercise. You don't have to be perfect, or even particularly ready for anything, to be encouraging to us.

Hmmm can't remember Mon, but Tues I did Basic workout, Wed walked and even raced a bit with dd, today did "Arms" workout (which also includes basic) for 25 mins. Eating has been good recently but fighting back against not-so-good the week before. I'm trying to get in a variety of veggies every day. Today peach/banana/blueberry breakfast, crowder peas and salad with avocado lunch. Before you think I am very, very good, note the tortilla chips and small cola snack.

Very surprised to hear on Dr. Oz today that sodium nitrites (such as in my Oscar Meyer bacon) cross the blood/brain barrier and may increase the chances of having Alzheimer's. Oh well, toss that off the grocery list, because now I can't eat it after seeing that program and all the visuals. Also they said other processed meats, processed cheeses (non-processed cheeses are fine), beers and "whites" such as white flour, white sugar, white rice. The thinking is that Alzheimer's has been shown to be very much like diabetes, but occurring in the brain, independent of whether a person ever gets diabetes or not.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:30 pm
by lucylee
Well, if I gave up my turkey & cheese lunch, I don't know what I would do... and non-processed meats & cheeses go bad a lot faster, don't they? I don't think that is a very practical option for me. * sheesh * It's always something. I probably would have a better attitude about all this if the artificial sweeteners in my diet cokes hadn't already messed with my brain. :roll:


I was quite amazed at myself last night, but I managed to get 30 minutes "walk away" done. I REALLY did NOT want to do ANYTHING, so I told myself I'd set the timer for 15 minutes, and when that was up, I could do 15 more "if I felt like it." So I did! Hooray for me! ;)

Eating... still stupid.
Did REALLY well at school, turned down cookie in library, even... Had carrots with my turkey/cheese/Triscuit lunch
Then came home and had 2 small bowls of dry Cheerios & 3 squares of king size Hershey w/almonds. :oops: :roll:
I am almost finished with my second bottle of water, though. (Artificially flavored/sweetened, so maybe not that great, either.)

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:22 am
by Lynlee
Harriet - here there are rare butchers that produce nitrate, sulphate free hams / sausages. They need to be ordered I think. Contacts on yahoo local group here share info on which butchers do this. and share when butcher creates a order of special sausages. I think the nitrate free stuff is available on certain days only. I have no idea but US groups may work to share this info too.
Saying you are looking for/interested in nitrate/ additive free food .

Lucy just make one change at a time. I think Dr Oz said that too. Way to go Walking away the pounds.

Mostly I'm doing better eating what suits me. Things are better without grapes for me.
Lots of showers/rainy particularly in afternoon have been a constant and my daily 2-3K walk gets skipped too often.

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:33 am
by lucylee
Good point, Lynlee -- 1 change at a time.
Dsisil advised me with that once, now that I think of it. She said she had just given up French fries, for example. Couldn't commit to a real "diet" but she thought, "I can leave off the French fries..." and it made a difference!
I don't know WHAT I'd be willing to give up... but I'm going to think about that... where could I make small changes...

For now, I will concentrate on the exercise.
Last night was just a complete waste. I didn't even exercise. I ate waaay too much and when we got home, I felt cold so -- duh, exercise would have warmed me up, right? -- but instead, I curled up w/my blanket & fell asleep.
But I told myself, at the beginning of this month, I might skip one day, but not two in a row... so now the pressure's on for tonight. I MUST -- like the commercial says -- JUST DO IT!

Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:16 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
The preservatives thing is something I'm more aware of now with our musician's dh in our lives. He's really affected by a lot of foods so when I do anything for a pot luck, I strive to make something he can eat. He can have unbleached flour, for instance, so there's a few cups in my pantry now; if he's over for lunch we can make waffles. But even some brands of unbleached flour have preservatives so I had to read a lot of labels before I found some.

Last night before bed I realized I felt almost normal so no call to the doctor today. I was able to get to sleep easily without a tylenol. I am taking extra stress vitamins but I feel a slight sore throat so am trying to keep it at bay.

I'm on the treadmill again but only for 30 - 40 minutes because I got up late. I'm still having trouble waking up in the morning. I've getting enough sleep, time wise, so need to figure out what's wrong.

Lucylee cutting only one thing at a time is a good way of doing it. I cut the bread on the last trip and am trying to keep it out. That's hard because of eating out now that I'm home (Subway on Wednesday and I had prime rib sandwich on garlic bread yesterday at lunch.) But it makes me think more about other options for lunch (soup or meat wrapped up in lettuce if I need a finger food) and dinner (more veggies instead of french bread as a side.)

One thing about all these 'healthy' options, it adds to your grocery bill. Fresh fruit and veggies are expensive (even frozen veggies have gone up here recently) and preservative-free meat is way more expensive, plus the extra gas to get to the specialty stores that sell it. On the other hand, if you stick to it and try and stick to your budget, you end up eating less which is probably the best thing you can do for yourself.