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Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:35 am
by Nancy
Got on the scales yesterday and weigh is about the same.

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:04 pm
by Cowinkie
Lost .08lbs that makes me 1pm away from my bracelet. If not by tomorrow then at least by the weekend. Nuthin else to do but plug along.

WTO okay

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:49 pm
by Harriet
I am reading, reading about how to gently care for the thyroid. A lot of it is just the good healthy habits we know, but some is specific. For instance, I have never eaten many radishes but now learn they are one of the best veggies for thyroid. Who knew! Cranberries are good if you can figure out how to have them without sugar. Soybean is possibly the worst, and peanuts are also not good. The worst lunch for an underactive thyroid may the peanut butter sandwich on white-flour bread. Japan is the country with the healthiest thyroids, and in their diets they get 12 times the iodine that we do. (more sea plants and fish)

HRH is pleased that our Carl's Jr/Hardees info might have helped. He is interested that you still have pita, OKay, and wonders if you could go to a place like Showmars (greek food) and have a Giro or souvlaki sandwich on pita sometime, or are their pitas not healthy.

OKay and Cowinkie, congratulations on continuing change. I am in the column with Nancy right now - no change to mention.

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:33 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I was down 2 lbs yesterday so that makes me 1 pound over my start weight this month. Sigh... So much for writing the 165 on October 31 on the calendar above the scale. Now it just looks totally stupid.

Today I'm meeting a friend for 'coffee' (actually diet pepsi) at a donut shop so will add in two donut holes to today's food. Sigh....

Not a good day to have to cut the treadmill short but I do because the bed took 20 minutes to strip and remake. Before switching to duvets, it took only 10 minutes but the ding-dang things make the job much more complicated. Making the bed each day is faster so the net time is about the same per week but today I really could have used the extra 10 minutes on the treadmill since I don't see our daily walk happening (choir and then dh wants a nap because he'll be out until midnight tonight.)

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:15 am
by OKay
I am constantly delighted at the knowledge shared here! Who knew our daily consumption of fresh-from-the-garden radishes is good for the thyroid?! No me! Very interesting indeed!

RE: Pita Bread is a easy & low carb way of having a "sandwich". We cut the pita bread in half and stuff it full, so the pita bread only has 2 net carbs. It is easy to carry (doesn't squish like normal bread). I think we have a greek resturant in local big town, but haven't eaten there in ???years??? I didn't think about greek food having lower carb options. Need to check into it! Yet ANOTHER thing learned here!

I join Cowinkle in losing another .02 lbs. I was suprised because LO and I got on a dill pickle bing late last night. :oops: I thought the high sodium in the pickles would wipe out any weight loss, so I was very pleasantly suprised this morning.

Katheryn - you are stronger than me. If I ate one sweet....then I would start thinking about another one...and then a different treat. It is just easier for me to say NO to the sugar/donuts. ((((Hugs)))) Remember - we are only failures if we give up. Keep up the effort to reach your goals.

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:50 pm
by Nancy
I just did three miles on the ex. bike it took ten min. not sure how good that is but I'm done for now! 2 Eggs w/ cheese & one piece of double fiber toast for breakfast with coffee & tea today.

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:34 pm
by Harriet

Nancy, I had eggs with cheese, too. But that was lunch for me! As much bell pepper, tomatoes and onion as could cram in the omelet without spilling - still spilled a little!

Did the Basic workout.

Greek - we really eat out seldom, but one thing I do here is always say "no fries", because we've discovered they are served with everything. I like the souvlaki plate/platter, which is served over rice anyway (so fries are doubly unnecessary) and the salad that comes with it is acceptable, with basically an oil and vinegar dressing and feta cheese.

Chips - dd brings tostito type chips into the house and loves pretzels. I mustn't start on either one or will mindlessly continue. I agree that the little 100-calorie packs of snacks of different kinds have some wisdom, even though you're paying for the packaging. One thing dd does is to put some of her chips into baggies to save for the time at school they are allowed. She also buys ice cream by choosing those teeny-tiny little cartons that look like they are for a dollhouse! Just a few bites and she can forget the craving. Again, money for packaging, but it helps in other ways.

Kathryn, that trend will have you in positive territory soon. There are no stupid goals, just stupid circumstances. (Well, actually there could be stupid goals... ... but yours wasn't an example!)

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:21 pm
by Nancy
Walked back from the library I had dd drop me off and I walked the last block to it and then back home for a 1 and a half mile walk. Then after dinner I mowed the yard this afternoon!
I had applesauce and raisin bran for dinner getting my fiber intake up. H. grilled chicken breasts for our lunch on a wrap w/ lettuce yummy and veggies.

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:30 pm
by Cowinkie
Sweetie is stick thin and eat anything and not gain an oz. I never bring in food that triggers my eating binges. If I bring in something for Sweetie I make him hide it from me.

I am down .5 lb today. I'll take it.

Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:21 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Scale didn't move the way I wanted I wanted yesterday but daily variations don't always bother me, it is huge jumps or stuck scales that bother me.

I managed to have my two donut holes. My friend had a full donut, hot chocolate and a diet drink. So I felt virtuous compared to her. She's the one that got me to WW in 1998. Obviously, she isn't on-program right now.

Later in the day was choir with its spread of goodies. I did have a bit too much cheese but aside from that, I just had 3 crackers and grapes.

Dinner was chicken breast with the mashed squash/apple mixture I had made the night before. It tasted better as a leftover. Way better, actually. I won't make it again, though, because it isn't a diet food, having 3.5 points per serving due to the sugar and butter. But that compares to a potato which I didn't have so my dinner was an acceptable number of points.

There was an event with too many crackers in the evening but I think I got that under control before I did too much damage. I managed to switch to tea after getting the kitchen tidied up and that settled me down. Part of it was "what if" stress eating after seeing about the accident dd's friend and daughter were in. They are fine, obviously, because she's posting on FB but I still wish I could see her in person. I'm sure part of the OK is because she's still under the effects of adrenaline and today will be hard for her.