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Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:38 am
by Harriet

This is a thread about gaining and maintaining strength for our wonderful calling, Homemaking. As we care for our own health, we grow more capable and competent to care for our families, our neighbors and our communities. As we become more effective, our hopes for ourselves and those we care about get the best chance!

It's the beginning of a new year, with lots of ways to look at our clean slate of possibilities. How will you create even better healthy habits in 2012? How will you record/chart your progress?

And please remind us too, about your good news of 2011, or your frustrations. Did you reach a milestone, make a change, meet a goal?

How can friends here offer you accountability or ideas? :idea: Our high hopes for you are genuine and optimistic! :D

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:43 pm
by Nancy
Don't know if we will go to the New Year's Eve Party at dd's or not next year, food's were troublesome for me, but we did have a good visit with dson. Foods were the right choices but just the wrong timing for me. I had to take a corrective dose at ten then was woken up in the night w/ h. giving me juice etc. and then I remembered my one piece fudge for a low of course had to have that. Guess who's got high bs reading today yep me! 383 :roll: Part of the drill I guess. ~sigh~ Okay I'm still alive going to focus on the good news! LOL! Got 5 mi. in on the ex. bike before the party, h. said he could tell my one hip that has the most excess fat on it has less yea! So some thing is working.

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:30 pm
by Harmony
I do not know what's going on with me!

As we came home from our holiday trip, my spirit lifted, and I got a huge jolt of energy. Maybe I was just feeling the relief of getting through a difficult holiday season; we'd had time with family and friends and I found that encouraging. I haven't had this much energy in probably a year.

I've been working non-stop at bookkeeping chores and happily making progress and just feeling so good about it all. Positive. Energized. I think I must take more care somehow of my emotional health this year. Really need to figure this out.

I've been watching my diet a little...though at the moment we have brownies and apple pie (compliments of DD) and a pound cake I baked because they were coming (I didn't know they were bringing goodies). So I have had some of that, though I've been careful with amounts of regular meals. I'm eating lots of turkey soup. The last week I've probably exercised 5 times. Not a lot, just some days a 20 min bike ride, but something anyway. And today I am down 2 pounds.

I would really like to know if mental health affects physical health this much. It's been an interesting start to the new year.

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:21 pm
by Lynlee
Harmony - theres lots of research that points to taking care of physical needs well greatly assists mental health. Regular eating patterns with the right ballance of protiens carbs nutrients, water, exercise as suits the person, sufficient rest , contact with others. And last thing pdoc gave me added probiotics to the list for some folk. He's also told me that having regular time slots for the above routines helps too.

You have had a huge year or more with lots going on. You have been doing a lot of hard physical work as I recall it anyway. The break away would have been good for you. Perhaps a real holiday for you.
I hope the energy stays around for a bit.

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:30 pm
by Nancy
Today I did 6 mi. on my exercise bike watching the 7th brother movie with dgd while I did.

The new years res. I have this year is simple eat more fiber!

Down the two lbs. I put on last week plus one more yea!

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:18 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm on the treadmill for the first time this year. It is a challenge.

Dh has discovered that with Netflix he can watch an episode of an hour long tv show (i.e. 52 minutes) and enjoy his biking more. I'm worried that he won't get as much work done (he'd do a lot of work on the bike each morning which made his getting into the office at 10 - 10:30 less problematic.)

I'm actually quite worried about how much tv/movies will interrupt our lives with this subscription. It was getting unmanageable before Christmas with 4 movies a week from the video store.

I have resisted the temptation to search Netflix for too much. The three things I looked for weren't there and the series we started watching last week disappeared after we watched 3 episodes of the season. The season still shows as part of the system but the link is bad to all episodes. Apparently, this happens on Netflix from time to time. The lack of selection is why I decided not to join years ago.

On the other hand, I could workout to a tv series if I could find on. Some mornings, my posting here and reading a couple of other sites lasts the 40 minutes, other days I'm bored and want to stop so a 30 min episode would fill that spot nicely.

I haven't weighed myself this year. And I don't have any goals out. I failed at even the sensible ones for December so I'm biding time until the cruise. I guess my goal would be to be at 160 for the cruise but that won't happen (that's at least a 7 pound loss over 6 weeks.)

Edited to add: got on the scale and I was down 2 lbs since last week. Yay!

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:42 pm
by Harmony
I wish we had a treadmill. I think I'd use it a lot more than this eleiptical we have.

Lynlee, I know you are right about physical health helping mental health. In my case though it seems to have happened the other way around. Who knows! Thought crossed my mind that the house being cooler might be helping my energy level. 80° is really too hot, we both get drowsy and lethargic. Course, this chill we're having now is annoying to me, and unbearable outside in the wind. We're so not used to it!

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:23 pm
by Nancy
I have done my 5 mi. on the ex. bike.
I need to do a total gym work out.
I wish I had a Gazille to change it up a bit.

Water break x

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:51 pm
by Harriet
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..." from Proverbs 17

Harmony, I was delighted by your first post here and didn't get a chance to comment.

I wonder if we can be benefitted by someone else's merry heart, too? :)

And, yes, feeling better becomes a optimism cycle, I think, Lynlee.

January is my favorite month, though. The gratitude I feel from relief of the responsibility I (gratefully) carry through December is a boon. Time turns to take up MY side.

Energy/strength - I find I have a nap-ish "slump" midday after feeling pretty chipper/strong through the morning. Have been trying to have a pick-me-up of B-12 when I notice it, an idea hammered home to me recently by Dr M's newsletter. I use HRH's B-12 spray. Also noticed in stores that beside the caffeine-energizer bottles like "so-many-hour-energy" now you'll see B-12 bottles in the same shape in competition with them. I believe I'd rather hitch my hopes to B-12 than the :shock: other ones.

Sunday will be my weigh-in day this month, starting from the 1st. Don't know if I will measure every Sun, but more often.

Starting new record keeping seems to be more motivating right now than goals. So I will aim for my Healthy Habits and see if the better numbers come as well. But I'm assuming I'll stay on my TREND of 2.5 pounds lost per month. I have started back on my week-per-page daily fitness records that have enough space (if I write small) to record what I eat, and little spaces to check off supplements and water. On the morning of the 1st I took my measurements and will track them at the bottom of a separate exercise calendar page.

Congratulations, Kathryn!

Wow, Nancy, as much as 6 miles now - great.

Re: Health and Fitness, January 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:13 pm
by Lynlee
Harmony - there are lots of physical ailments that cause mental / emotional issues. Thyroid and sugar levels are obvious ones. But its hard to be "perky" when sick or run down. All the B's are important for mental health. some of the minerals too. Omega3s help my joints, and keep things moving.

Watched 1/2 a program on twin study last night. That was interesting too.

Harriet - week at a page sounds interesting/good for food/fittness log. I think I'll look at those. Wanting to restart food log. Maybe put fitness in there too.

Nancy - hope things settle with your levels and meds.
I bought new test strips and old ones were way off. So its as normal here. Have a prickley head - tested and levels are fine so its not that.