Health and Fitness September, 2012

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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:20 pm

I'll chime in and say that my primary care doc sends test results if a self-addressed stamped envelope is left, or a self-addressed envelope (which they will provide) and 50 cents!
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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby Harmony » Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:11 pm

I don't get this charging stuff for OUR OWN reports. Good Grief! One way or another I'd like to get a copy of it.

I'd already decided to ask about the armour. The synthetic has the potential for making unusual heart beats, and I already have that and don't need I'm hoping the dr. won't fight me about that. It used to be the natural stuff was all they had to use and it worked well. Then they made the synthetic stuff and it's those drug people who sponsor all the tests, etc etc and right from the start doctors began using it because, after all, aren't chemicals better and more accurate?! There's a thinking that the natural is not as consistent, but I also read that is hardly ever the case, so a false worry. We'll see what she says.

My church friend is on it and her husband. He was put on it because of his heart disease. They both do well on it.

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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby Harriet » Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:48 pm

Gee, that is all eye-opening to me. We've never been asked to do anything extra for mailed copies from any of our doctors or from dear aunts'.

I had a good low-calorie day yesterday and noticed that my weight this morning was at my recent low, so I am content. Today was a higher calorie day and I'm feeling pretty well balancing the days out back and forth.

This week have done one 30-minute floor workout and most evenings the 15-minute Basic, so that's not far off my goal level, but could use a little more.

I have slipped a bit in water consumption and need to bring that back in line.

Harmony, I am just feeling so much relief on your behalf because I am thinking this could be the answer to so much. (((hugs)))

Twins' Mom are you still getting in some walks? The weather is certainly pleasant, although strangely hot today here.

Sunny, that's great your logging online is keeping you on track.

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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby Ivy » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:25 pm

Harmony, I hope you start feeling better on the right medication, too. I wonder why we hear so much about women getting this? :?: Is it because men don't have it regularly checked or they shy away from the doctor? :?: Or is it a predominately female thing because of our hormones? I just don't know the answer.

I walked 30 min. today, but I ate 2 very small German chocolate brownies, which I probably could have done without. But I did because I've been losing weight, didn't have a ton of energy today, and they were just "there" on the counter looking their faces up at me. DH had sliced them small last night. So I succumbed to have a goody because I've been a very good girl lately. I guess it's okay as long as it's not 6 times a day 7 days a week. Been there, did that, and can't go back again. :oops:

I posted that I was a zombie this morning. :oops: It was from osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia pain, I was exhausted, and drank a stiff cup of coffee, but it put me to sleep. :!: I got even more tired and napped 1 1/4 hours, but woke up feeling very well rested, I did not hurt, and was happy to meet my day better rested. :D I think sometimes we just need a little rest for a boost to get us going. I'm 60 1/2, so I feel like it's "okay" and I'm "old enough" to get in a nap sometimes. ;)
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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:46 pm

(((Harmony))) I am sooo glad you've got a diagnosis now! Sounds like you will have this under control soon and you'll be back to normal -- or even better than "normal" used to be! Hope all goes well.
I wish I could get some of that stuff, after hearing about the weight loss...
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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:08 pm

Glad there is a clue to what the problem is Harmony.
I'm not sure of treatments are for high levels but I know treatment is essential, and so is good follow up. As lots of things can alter it.
My docs will sometimes print me copies of test results while I see them.
I know some have charges for things like records and scripts wanted without an appointment.
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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:29 am

Glad to see that Harmony has a diagnosis.

I don't but the doctor seemed confident that this unknown hepatitis is behind me and all I have to is recover from the fatigue. I was interested that he thinks it will Christmas. Everyone else I talked to, including my own doctor, has said a year. He did seem pleased that I was living with this as well as I am and specifically said that exercise will shorten the fatigue.

I wonder if that is the difference between now and older times (which makes up the anecdotal evidence for how long recovery will be.) Years ago, for many things, complete or almost complete bed rest was the prescription. Another example is my back - in the 'old' days, I'd have been told to stay flat for a year, or I could have surgery. At the 18 month mark, the outcomes were the same. Then some radical doctors started to tell people to do exercise during the year instead of lying flat. Suddenly the outcomes were as good for exercise and time vs. surgery but the cost and quality of life was higher for those who didn't go for the surgery. Back surgery is important for some but like, C-sections, isn't necessary for everyone.

Anyway, I'm up on the treadmill today. I'm not even tempted to go close to my regular speed but I don't mind the moving. My legs really feel out of shape. With the pedometer, I see I'm barely moving at all compared to normal. I haven't cracked 5000 except on Saturday (all that moving around while cooking and cleaning up the dinner) and Sunday (over 10K because of going from place to place to cheer on ds.) Tuesday I was at work, shopping, yet didn't get over 5K, Wednesday I did a 1.25 miles on the treadmill but didn't cross 5K and yesterday it was 1200 steps from the car to the office in the hospital and back but that, plus library and two grocery shopping stops didn't have me cross 5K.

Ivy, because I have many symptoms of fibromyalgia, (except my pain is only fleeting not nearly constant), I had wondered if this is what I have. Not sure it is an autoimmune disorder but the next round of blood tests for me are to look for signs that the liver was responding to an autoimmune issue and not an actual virus. Don't know how they'll do that but I have a history of autoimmune sign posts so if it comes to pass, I will not be surprised.

Dh dismisses this and has declared me well . Boy we fought about that as he was pushing me past my fatigue limit yesterday afternoon - he told me to stop being cranky because I was well when I complained that we were late getting home because the library didn't have the book they claimed was in stock and we had added an hour to our time out in order to drive there and get it.

For him, the words "this is all behind you" meant I'm fine. Not that it won't reoccur and I can expect to recover fully in time.

Oh, and for what it is worth, I got the headache and weight gain last week from my period but no period so I'm just feeling on edge all the time and won't get any relief from that until the curse decides to show up.

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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby Nancy » Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:52 am

I did get a walk in last night before dinner after dgd left. It helped to deal with stress around here.

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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby Ivy » Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:27 pm

On Sept. 4 I went to the ophthalmologist because there were changes in my Amsler Grid. :( I had been diagnosed with age-related dry-form macular degeneration when I was 54 and I'm 60 1/2 now. (I hope I'm not repeating myself. If I am, I apologize.) I'll get the Flouresceine eye dye test next week, will have scans done of my retina, and have an appt. and consultation with my ophthalmologist. He'll let me know if my eyes have gone over to wet form or not, which can lead to legal blindness. :( I've heard about some people getting eyeball injections, to prolong their eyesight, too. I don't know at what point that happens or if our insurance company covers them, but there are so many unanswered scary questions. I'm in limbo. :roll:

If I've gone over to wet form, I'll do whatever my specialist says to do, I'll continue to do my writing, reading, crochet, will post here, use my computer, and most of all, I'll try to keep a positive attitude and de-clutter my "stuff" at our home. I want to crochet up my yarn stash, for instance, want to clean out all my files, do scrapbooking and make rubberstamped cards. I want to enjoy my life, take care of myself, but mainly, get an orderly home, a good routine, be better organized, in case I should progress quickly.

I just needed "somebody" to talk to tonight because I'm concerned and a bit anxious. One really good thing that has happened in my life is that my dear elderly friend is 96 and she is legally blind with wet-form maucular degeneration. Having known her since 1975, I've seen her progress. It hasn't changed her, she's still a sweet, sweet person, she keeps walking, stays as healthy as she can, in her feeble elder years. And it is through my wonderful friendship with her that she's been a testimony to me that no matter what- life goes on! You still have family and friends, a faith in God, interests, etc... So this is a blessing I've learned in my dear friendship with her, so it makes my situation not AS scary as it could be if I'd never ever known anyone with wet form AMD.

Well, I feel so much better by confiding in you. I needed to "talk" to somebody other than DH, our adult kids, etc... It helped me to post it and get it "out there". I enjoy having a place to come, to just be myself. You're a wonderful group of Village ladies. Thanks for "listening". :D
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Re: Health and Fitness September, 2012

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:17 am

That's part of the reason we're here, Ivy -to listen and I can just picture us all in a big circle, arms around the shoulders of the person on either side & all giving a big group hug! Guess that's why we're always so excited when any of us are able to meet up with another from this village! We have a genuine love & caring for each other. I'll be praying for you, Ivy.

We have a woman here who has the wet kind and she's been getting shots from the time they first came out in FL. At that point she was flying down there to keep up the routine -before they became available here. She's doing pretty well -but not able to drive on the roads. Though she does drive a golf cart here and once in a while, the car. She delivers all the mail to the permanent sites.In theory we aren't supposed to have mail delivered here but there's lots of types that just have to be -to a physical address (like insurance stuff, stuff from the government, etc)
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