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Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:31 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada

This is a thread about gaining and maintaining strength for our wonderful calling, Homemaking. As we care for our own health, we grow more capable and competent to care for our families, our neighbors and our communities. As we become more effective, our hopes for ourselves and those we care about get the best chance!

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:36 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Well September wasn't a great month for me but I'm back on the treadmill and may make progress this month. Obviously, energy is my number one concern, not weight.

I was holding my own on weight until my period due date when I gained the usual 3 lbs. But my period only came today (2 weeks late) The usual off-setting weigh loss after my period hasn't yet occurred and the usual over-eating urge has remained for those fourteen days so I've added even more pounds. At least I'm moving now so that's a start to get things under control.

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:40 pm
by Cowinkie
Hey Kathryn... Hang in there, you're doing great!!!

I started w eight watchers two weeks ago. Trying to get the hang of counting points. Lost 4.4lbs last week so I must be doing something right. For now I'm just eating simple the way I usually do, but I do like that I can have ice cream on an occasion. I am going to meetings so I can stay accountant to what I am doing. I need it to motivate myself and keep me on track. I could never do it online cause I would cheat. Know me way too well ;-)

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:15 pm
by Nancy
Working on the back yard was my exercise today.
Today I caught a look of myself in the mirror from behind mainly my back it's scary! :shock:

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:22 am
by DeeClutter
I've had to cut back on steps since my knee started acting up. It was hurting to even drive and that sort of scared me since I do just about all the driving when we go to FL. I really think it was the exercise I was doing in here doing the walking in place. It must have put some strain on my knees. So last week looked like this:
Monday -Sept 24 - 3,589
Tuesday -Sept 25 - 4,606
Wed, Sept 26 - 5,265 (at least the # is climbing)
Thurs, Sept 27 - 3,545 (Thou shalt not 'brag' )
Fri, Sept 28 - 5,725
Sat, Sept 29 - 4,877

Don't think I even recorded Sunday's. Yesterday was:
Monday, Oct 1 -2422
Tues, Oct 2 -2561

Put my pedometer in my pocket this morning and just hope to raise the number slightly. I do have a walking DVD that I need to put in and see what it has that I feel I can do right now. At least my weight is down, if ever so slightly. I started the season out at about 184 :o and now am at 172.8. Hoping hard to break into those 160's by the time we leave here in a month!

Wednesday musings: Well, that's just what I did yesterday -"raise my number SLIGHTLY". :| But I guess that's better than having just sat all day. Today I need to go do some shopping so know it'll be a bit higher today. I'm just having a very difficult time getting my motor started this morning. Think my battery needs some water.

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:06 pm
by Ivy
Dee, Would it help you if you iced and elevated your knee occasionally? It has a sort of numbing, yet soothing affect. Sorry about the strain on your knees. I hope it can get better by the time you go to FL, too. Good luck on your steps. Have you thought about using a timer to rotate between activity and rest? :?:

I had knee PT once, which was helpful, but sometimes I overdo it and it acts up. I have a padded knee brace, too, which is helpful for activity and standing on "bad" days. I rarely use it, but it's so nice it's there. I wonder if you could get a knee brace and if that would help. I'm sorry it's hurting to drive.

My knees hurt when I sit with my feet on the floor for too long an amount of time, like at the laptop. :roll:

I walked 30 min. today, moved some bins around, did some lifting, too.

Cowinkie, Good luck on Weight Watchers. :) Jessica Simpson is doing W.W. I can hardly wait to see the "new Jessica", too. :)

Kathryn, It's good you're not hung up on the weight, are focusing on your energy, and good luck with that.

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:23 pm
by Nancy
I did my walk today & Thurs. too.

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:37 pm
by Ivy
:D I'm glad you were able to get your walk in today, Dee. How are your knees tonight? Any better? I hope so!

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:28 pm
by Ivy
Dee, MY knees are acting up tonight. :( I walked 30 min., but spent too much time with my feet on the floor at the laptop writing. It's time to go elevate my feet/legs. :idea:

Also, thanks for the info about ABVI, too! :D

Re: Health & Fitness October 2012

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:38 pm
by Ivy
I put dark chocolate on the grocery list and DH brought some home. I'm NOT "supposed" to have it because of gastritis, it's sugar and can cause FM (fibromyalgia) pain to worsen, etc... I ate some pieces for 2 days, had FM pain today, so I've been avoiding it. I'm proud of myself for not having any today, I need to keep my guard up, and not succumb to temptation.

Also, I've been sitting a bit too much lately and not been as active as I should be, which means I can get stiff with osteoarthritis and FM, both. :roll: I'm trying to make a good effort to move around, between sit-down sessions. I'm feeling better this evening because of this. I think keeping away from the chocolates are smart.

I set my timer, walked from room to room, putting out fires and puttered around. That helps get something done, constructively and I move, too. :idea: