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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:36 pm
by Nancy
{{{K in C}}}

I did 4 mi. on the ex. bike last evening and in the day did get leaves raked up in the front and back yd.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:04 am
by Nancy
Did my 4 mi. on the ex. bike this evening.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:58 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
On treadmill. Jogged for 4.25 minutes (split over two songs with a rest in between.) Pleased the jogging doesn't seem to weaken me and may actually be making me stronger.

My weight was 170 two days ago but then my period arrived so I don't want to see if it is now higher. It could be lower since I used to gain leading up to my period and then drop after it came, but I don't want to be disappointed so won't look until closer to the end of the month.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:20 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
On treadmill but it will be a shorter workout today because I'm not jogging or speed walking. My leg was a bit sore when I started moving around this morning so I decided to take it easier.

I did weigh myself and was up 3lbs. I'm praying that was TOM gain.

I tried a recipe from Hungry Girl last night, her Lord of the Onion Rings. They were not 'just like or better than' take out. They weren't even close. I won't bother with the rest of her recipes (which are basically low cal versions of comfort or junk food.)

Dh complains about his weight gain and then orders not only pizza but rings for dinner. Yes, he spends over an hour each day on the bike and 30 minutes or more doing pushups and other weight bearing stretches and he skips lunch most days but that doesn't make up for all he eats at night and in the morning.

Last week he booked the car repairs on the day of his Chinese food. I noted he updated the meal plan, moving Chinese to the day before and adding take-out fish and chips into the meal plan for Thursday. I told him that he couldn't have both and would have to give up Chinese this week.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:43 pm
by Nancy
I walked for my exercise yesterday.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:09 pm
by Harriet
Wow, Thanksgiving really got the best of me, guys. I gained (I know temporary) 5 pounds from the stress-eating, the poor sodium restriction, poor sugar restriction, not enough water. I have several weeks of calmer times ahead, so I want to make use of them. I realize that after that parties - first with firstinlaws, then with our family here - will stress me again, and I don't want to set unrealistic goals, so I'm just saying until Dec. 22. Then I'll forgive myself for holiday indiscretions, and get back at it.

Goal setting for the next 4 weeks -

I'm going to try for 4 weeks of no sweetened drinks.

Also 4 weeks of some kind of formal exercise every day.

4 weeks of 8 cups of water every day.

4 weeks of 5 vegetable servings every day.

No more missing my supplements.

Also, and this is important, I'm going to keep accountable by posting here. ACCOUNTABILITY! :D

Kathryn and Nancy, you are both doing so well - great sticktoitiveness while I've been running 'round like a chicken with the sky falling.

Kathryn, tiredness alone can mess with fine motor skills. After a night of poor sleep, HRH and I can find ourselves comparing notes on how clumsy we've been the day after. Yours are bound to get so much better as you continue to improve. Isn't it you who has said before you think you get better sleep in the wintertime? Anyway, I hope you have lots of benefit from good rest. Good for you catching the oriental food problem with menus - that is definitely a rare once-in-a-while item for me. I'll weigh more the next a.m.

Nancy, yep, a flock of chickens encourages fresh air and exercise. I was thinking today it'll get a little harder in the wintertime but that's okay. Great job keeping up the exercise variety! I am so not ready for leaf-raking. LOL

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:16 pm
by Harriet
Thinking of... ...

OKay I know you have been SO busy this month, but how ya doin'? Have you been able to keep up with monitoring eating?

Harmony, how is the better energy translating to healthy habits? As you recuperate from enjoying your grandchilden as I am, do you think you can get back to exercise any?

Ivy, are you still doing any of your stretching exercises?

Lynlee, how's it going? Still calmly reaching into those yoga poses? What did you think of the ginseng? I know it's supposed to be quite good for us.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:38 am
by Harmony
My weight remains the same, I'd thought I was down a couple pounds, but as usual they found me again. All the busyness this week translated into a few missed meals, however that didn't translate into less weight. I intend to start walking more when I can but this is a very busy time between the end of the year and upcoming holiday, time's in short supply. Wed I go to dr. for lab results. I know this medicine has been working, I'd never have gotten through this past week if it hadn't.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:37 am
by Lynlee
Daily walking and twice weekly yoga here. Sometimes my body cooperates more than others but I've been blessed with good instructors who suggest we listen to our body and not to push beyond an invisible line. Taking each pose as it comes. Shorter stance is helping me with high lunge. Sometimes I need out of downward dog early if my shoulders demand that.
I think the days with ginseng probably have more chance of a little positive action than those without so I guess I'll buy another bottle. The person who told me about it had been helped alot to regroup and get back to living after letting things get her down.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:22 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Major workout on treadmill today. Jogged for two 2-minute sessions and used my incline to take me up to 10% grade for 6 minutes of the workout at the end, up from my usual 1.5%. Made it to 2 miles in only 36.5 minutes so my pace was obviously higher, normally, I take 39 minutes to get there.

Yesterday I had my 'no hunger' period after seeing my friend. I used to think it was music since my previous spells of this came after major music events but they were all events he was at so I'm now thinking he fills some sort of emptiness I have. Maybe it has to do with alighting my theological side, though he certainly never answers my questions with anything other than a question (how Rabbinic of him!)

When he was my pastor, I actually gained weight steadily so this link is tenuous at best.

I just wish I could replicate this full feeling 3 - 5 times a week!