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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:29 pm
by Nancy
#64 was my bs this morning so I'm over my carb limit but alive! LOL!
Really enjoyed oatmeal this morning my innards needed it as well.
This might be cereal day I'm thinking raisin bran for lunch.

Yesterday I walked in the morning raked leaves for 25 min. just after lunch and bagged them up for 55 min. just before the bus came for exercise.

Today lots of trips up and down the stairs out to the chicken pen 2x plus what ever else I do the rest of the day!

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:17 pm
by Harriet
Checking in Day Four

No sweetened drinks - Check!

Exercise - Check!
15 more mins to finish T-Tapp Total

8 cups of water - Check!

5 veggie/fruits - Check!
apple (1), big tossed salad (2), potato (1), green peas (1)

Supplements - Check!

I think I am feeling better - more hydrated, more "regular", better sleep and possibly more energy. The energy - that's a hard one to call, but I slept 6 straight hours without even waking enough to know if I turned over last night. (Getting up to help my ddad kept me from knowing if the rest of the night would have gone well.)

This is working out well to divide the Total workout into fourths with the primary stretch beforehand each time. I've never done it this way but it's helpful because it won't require days off, since no day goes over 20 minutes. Yet it still keeps me at more than 2 hours formal exercise with strong stretches every day and working all muscles. Good way to get back into workouts before plunging into tougher ones. I think I made a mistake recently doing some Zumba when I wasn't already actively stretching well and working all my muscles. I need to save that for when I'm limber and strong.

((Nancy)) glad you were feeling so well, then, later in the day. Yes, oatmeal is so comforting plus nutritious. Usually feels good in my tummy!

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:45 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Harriet: Footwear is the difference between a productive, pain-free, day and moving around in pain, holding onto walls and furniture and walking up the stairs with each step requiring both my feet and a rest on it. That's been true since my back went out. Up until then, I noted that Flylady's lace up shoe rule gave me more energy but those shoes have all be tossed into the garbage because the last in them was curved and I require a straight last. Limits my work shoe choices to one style, max, from any store.

I'm on the treadmill today.

Progress report: yesterday, on our walk, it was friggin cold so we were walking briskly. I was holding onto dh arm for warmth, not support and felt strong and energetic on the walk (and then warmed up enough that I worked around the yard for another 30 minutes after getting home.) That's the first walk I've been on since being sick that I felt so good.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:42 pm
by Nancy
For got to mention that I got on the scales only weighing one time a mo. and had not gained after turkey day counting that a success! Yea!

Did ex. bike 4 mi. yesterday.

Re: Health and Fitness November, 2012

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:13 pm
by ellyphant
I bought mixed nuts in the shell for snacking. DH and I eat far fewer of those in a sitting than we do bagged chips or pretzels. When you have to sit there and crack the things, you have time to realize when you've had enough! The nuts seemed more expensive, but they are lasting a long time and do have nutritional value!