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Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:10 am
by Harriet
Perseverance is the quality found in people of an enthusiastic temperament, who, once they have discerned the favorable possibilities of an enterprise, allow nothing to divert them. - H. Bessler, "Mental Efficiency", 1915

Let's persevere in December!

Our enterprise of improving health and fitness has so many favorable possibilities! :) So much of it is mental, in that we respond to inspiration, to the encouragement of others, and the experience of friends.

It's inspiring for us, to read here in our thread and hear about others' enthusiasm. So we hope you'll join us and let us know what's on your mind about your own fitness and health, as well as those around you.

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:09 am
by LadyMaverick
Harriet - Thank you for the new H&F

My 3 H&F goals for December are -
** post here everyday. The act of posting forces me to think of H&F and is a reminder of its importance.
** exceed 8500 steps per day.
** Track Breakfast & lunch meals in MFP

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:35 am
by Twins' Mom
I have a run of three days with 10K plus steps, and I'm in a Fitbit challenge again this work week (through Friday) so I intend to keep up with my steps. Aiming for 10K daily, day in and day out is probably too ambitious for me however. I am continuing to eat a breakfast with protein and all I can do is to try to eat healthy the rest of the time. Way too many social occasions...

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:05 pm
by Ramblinrose
Well I am slow going today, but wanted to at least post here.

I am up 2.5 lbs...not something I am particularly worried about. I had headaches for most of last week so that added to the mix.

I am doing things a bit backwards here by starting my "new year" today. Will be learning more about carb cycling at my class tonight. Plus I am beginning to learn how to run. Sort of fell into it while attending my classes and found that I am enjoying it and good at it..who knew. Gonna take it easy so I don't burn myself out.

Plus I need to seriously kick it into gear for my Feb. challenge. I have a monthly schedule, which if I can figure out how to do it, will post it here.

I figure I have about 10 lbs to go to meet my goal, but may find with my new eating plan that may change...Am excited about learning new things and seeing how my body responds to it...I just want to be strong.

Had to laugh....on my son's first night here I was walking away from him to get something and he said....Mama, you really look skinny in those jeans. Then when I ate my second piece of cheese cake, the two of them together were probably as large as a single serving, my son said something about it, to which I replied....who made you the food police??? He started laughing and said...OK, I get it. He wants me to join him for a hike in NM sometime in the early spring, and I want him to join me on my Superstition's hike. I'm hoping both will happen, but will be happy if we only can get together for one.

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:32 pm
by Nancy
I am doing a few chore cards for some of my ex activity today.
creativity room looks SO much better now yea!

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:05 pm
by Harmony
I have been walking most every day. We averaged about a mile every day while we were at DD's. They have a nice development to walk in. I didn't notice that it was very hard for me this time; must be that the walking I'm doing around here helped.

LadyM thank you for exercise link. I sure need to do something about my "core". And my legs are so weak I need to focus on them. DH is having the same problem, even with his being on his feet so much at jobsites.

I am seriously thinking about the gym down the street. It is only $10 a month and $27 to register...though I'm told after the 1st of the year they sometimes wave that. Trying to think if I could keep that up. I need to put myself up on the list of priorities. I always do things for me last. That's not working. Maybe I just need to go down there and check it out. I did belong to the Y about 8 years ago and went a few times a week for about 6 months. I was disappointed that I never lost any weight, however I was going up in weights on the machines with no problem. I should have kept that up.

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:22 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Twins: I get my monthly step count from the Ottawa Groups leaderboard. When I click on that group, my standing comes up with the total number of steps for the month. I can't see it on my activities page either.

LM: do you have the premium version by any chance?

Oh wait: I just found it under the new dashboard display, but it isn't under the Old Dashboard setting. I dislike the new format so keep to the old format. And the new dashboard display only offers the past 28 days, not the the past month.

A new month. Not sure what my goal will be. I haven't been swimming for over 2 weeks but my arm is no better so I'm thinking the swimming isn't the problem. My knees are worse so I'm going to try and get there tomorrow morning.

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:22 am
by LadyMaverick
I don't have fitbit premium. I do use the new dashboard. I click on steps then more and can see my steps in a variety of time frames including all the way back to when I started in 2012. I use the website if I want to look back at information, but otherwise use app on smartphone for quick peek how I'm doing.

I didn't hit my daily step goal yesterday. My activity level was low because
** I missed my treadmill time (woke up late)
** it was cold outside (below freezing all day) and
** I had too many business type phone calls (couldn't walk around while talking).
I'm a tad bit aggravated at missing my goal but in a motivational way. I want to do better. I will do better.

Weight is still in the same ole 5 lb bounce around area. I'm trying to not get down about my lack of weight loss. I acknowledge there are some major changes happening in my life right now and it should settle down in another week or two. If I can just manage to not add any weight during this time would be an accomplishment.

I've resume my core exercises that were put on pause while DGD3 was visiting. I was actually eager to get back to these because I have been starting to feel like things were a bit hard to do. Even getting up out of a low chair was enough of an effort that it got my attention.

Meal plan -
B: breakfast burrito for DH. Omelet mixture & Greek yogurt for me
L: Beans & cornbread
D: Mexican casserole & salad

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:34 am
by Nancy
Did my arm work out last night.
15 min. On tne gazelle.
Counted putting up the hol. Decorations for some of my exerise bc I was going up and down stairs used the step ladder.

A bit of time ironing as well on my feet for that.

Re: Health and Fitness, December 2014

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:12 pm
by Ramblinrose
My pants are snug, which is a good indication that I needed to hit my plan hard. I declared when I started my journey that I would use my "skinny clothes" as my gauge.

Last night after my fitness class a bunch of us were talking about what our goals are. There are several girls that are over 100 lbs over weight and many of us are somewhere between "gotta lot to loose" to "almost there". Interesting because on of the "thinner" girls has lost 80lbs in the past two years.

Conversation became how difficult the weight loss is to maintain and why that is. Its so encouraging to be a member of this group.

During the hour we're there our routines are set according to our abilities. We work two different sets with three exercises in each set. Mine included sprints, crunches, arm presses, crab walking...killers I might add...and more running stuff. A lot of the exercises are the kind that football and basket ball players do,

I ran 1/2 mile, did 3 lenghty sprints plus 150 crunches, 120 side planks, 60 on each side and arm pressed 12 lbs 60 times 30 on each arm while laying on a big ball. These are not done all at the same time, but the total of what I did. There were several other exercises as well, but I don't know who to describe them.

I hooked up with a guy a bit younger than me and the gal who lost the 80 lbs and we pushed each other to make our goals. I am now getting how football teams work out and the importance of buddies working together. It is an all new to me experience and I find it fun...