Health and Fitness, April 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Harriet » Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:04 pm

... if you think KNOWING better will actually make me DO better. I have my doubts.

HRH and I discussed this, too, lucylee. He asks isn't it still our responsibility if, after we have learned (as he and I have) that sugar/flours products are not good for us, we continue to eat them. Or, (as with us) cutting back but not enough to insure that it won't affect weight/health.

But then, that's the rub. How many things have people easily stopped (or started) and never looked back, because they found out they were good for them, and so they "just did it". People make changes all the time - modifying behavior because of new information on safety, or privacy, or a dr's recommendation, etc. They don't have problems with it - people are very capable of learning how to better take care of themselves. That's because there is no addiction involved - nothing is physically pressuring them to backslide.

But what if there was biochemical pressure at work, nagging a person constantly to unbuckle his seat belt? A craving to reach down and hit that release button. Well, then, that person would probably be more likely to do unsafe driving, and might have a serious problem to health down the road (literally down the road, in his case) , because of it. DUH. How can one stand up to "cravings" when they are an over-simplified word for "addiction" these days?

Anyway, just something to think about when we are blaming ourselves. I've always liked snacks, but throughout my childhood/teenaged years and young adulthood, probably nobody was tinkering with their products to hook me the way they are now. There was no such thing as high fructose corn syrup, for instance. Sweeteners weren't usually put into crackers/chips but now HFCS is in there. (check out the change in ingredient lists, even for good old saltines) MSG by a bunch of names is in foods now, where it didn't use to be. Those boxes all up and down the center of the grocery aisles are boxes of ~~~pressure~~~. :?

Btw, I weigh more than when you first met me, too.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:16 pm

Med. Walk & some gardening done for exercise.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:56 am

Shopped and walked with a friend yesterday for exercise. Brought home a stick to use as a walking stick. Today hike in the field & shopping.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby lucylee » Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:22 pm

Well, it's not perfect, but it IS progress...
Exercised 3 days this week --
Monday, 15 min. Walk Away the Pounds
Wednesday, walked 2 miles outdoors
Saturday, walked 2 miles outdoors

Maybe drinking a little more water, a little less diet coke. Progress is slow on that front, too.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Harriet » Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:26 pm

Disappointed that these steroids seem to be causing me to gain weight. I remember this from before. Of course, I also haven't felt like exercise so much. Hrumph!

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Nancy » Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:23 am

On Ex. Bike now.
Mowing & gardening later on. X
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby RunKitty » Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:01 pm

Yay for progress, lucylee. WTG!
Harriet, you know when you feel better you will be exercising more and the weight will drop off quickly.
I'm drinking more water and get lots of exercise at work, so weight is coming off slowly without much effort. :)

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby RunKitty » Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:57 am

Must remember to not get too hungry. When I do, I eat food I would normally avoid, not too mention too much of it!!!

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:01 am

Finally got back to exercise yesterday. Basic T-Tapp workout and then the "plus" part of it (hoe-downs) later after supper. Felt really good after the workout.

Reading FastExercise by Moseley and Bee. The concept is HIT high intensity training, and the authors are using recent research to recommend 10 mins a day, every other day. They consider briefly each of many different forms of exercise that might work for HIT. A person might spend a couple minutes at easy/normal pace for the exercise or equipment, then have a burst of the most intense effort that might only last 20 seconds, spend another couple minutes at normal, then another burst. The authors suggest various minute-by-minute plans, and for equipment with resistance, you ramp that up during your intense phase.

There's a chapter on how one might measure their fitness. For aerobic fitness for example, they discuss HRMax, VO2Max, Rockport Walk, Cooper Run and oral glucose tolerance testing.

I couldn't help but notice similarities to T-Tapp, which takes you from precise isometric moves to fast aerobic, then quiets down to lunges, etc. Of course T-Tapp doesn't limit length/time of workout. But a lot of the principles are the same, such as taking days off, working with your own body weight for additional strength exercise, and a mantra of "less is more".

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:02 pm

Wtg everyone! Snowed in the mtns and is too cold to be put very long so indoor ex. Is tne plan today!

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