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Health and Fitness, December, 2008

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:27 am
by Harriet
Welcome. This is a thread about gaining and maintaining strength for our wonderful calling, homemaking. As we care for our own health, we grow more capable and competent to care for our families, our neighbors and our communities. As we grow more effective, our hopes for ourselves and those we care about get the best chance!

Okay, December. :shock: We can do this.

Much sugar, salt and starch will be on the offensive against us this month. We can hold the line. We can resist! ;)

Congratulations and best wishes for those reaching their goals, and holding onto their goals! Twins Mom has reached a new clothing size and trish is taking steps to stay near the body fat percentage and fitness level she likes to keep. We're proud of both of you.

There was also lots of inspiration for goal setting mentioned last month! Very cool! Several of us are talking about some real commitment, and that's worth cheering about. Hope it rubs off on all of us.

Check in and let us know how November went for you and what your plans are for December determination!

Re: Health and Fitness, December, 2008

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:52 am
by Harriet
lucylee, you have been on my mind. If you ever need a partner for a day of careful eating, look me up. You are so busy, I know - when I am so busy it has to be SIMPLE or I will never manage a change. Maybe just having a Slim-Fast day every once in a while would help - I think I remember you saying you had taken those to work before. As I read their plan, at our weight that would mean one SF that replaces a meal, one SF plus 200 calories that replaces another meal, a 500-cal sensible/balanced meal, a 120-cal sensible snack, and making sure the day included 4 veggies, 8 cups of water. I'm happy to commit with you to one of their days, or a day with only God-made foods or another whenever.

This is the shopping-for-a-weekend-trip info I had said I would share, from a T-Tapp trainer:

As I pull out of the drive, I have nestled in my food bag:

1) 3 bags of sugar snap peas (resilient!)
2) 2 apples
3) bag of green grapes (durable!)
4) 2 small bags of almonds
5) 4 chunks of seasoned tofu (frozen to help keep the veggies cool, except for one thawed for the road that day!)

She then suggests adding salads to restaurant meals away, choosing hard-boiled egg with muffin at hotel breakfasts.

Re: Health and Fitness, December, 2008

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:39 pm
by lucylee
Thank you, Harriet... let me think on that. I'll try to come up w/something I think I can stick with. I did eat the SlimFast bars years and years ago, but I got to the point that I just couldn't take the vitamin-y taste. I wonder if the Special K Protein Meal bars are any good. I LOVE their snack bars.

I think while this antibiotic may be causing me problems w/eating, too. Dmom said the one she is taking (a different one) says lowered blood sugar may be a side effect. I'm just wondering if I'm getting that too. My Special K Protein cereal used to stay with me just fine, but this week, an hour or two after breakfast, I'm getting shaky. School nurse said it could be the medicine, and could be related to the infection/virus itself.

Plus Aunt Flo arrives next week.

* sigh * I'm not trying to make excuses why I can't do anything right now, just trying to justify why I feel so bad, I guess. You know... probably if I just had to share a food journal w/you (and/or all the village)... that would probably help scare me straight a little bit. I really need to start keeping a food journal. EVERYTHING I read says that is a VERY important step in the right direction.

Re: Health and Fitness, December, 2008

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:05 pm
by Harriet
The food journaling idea IS free, isn't it? That's a lot better than some weight-loss ideas, for sure. :D I can tell you that I won't be one who can journal every day - my days are just never the same and some fire will need to be put out. But here is what happened today. Several times we've had "daily logs" posted as another thread. That is also available any time.

Monday I ate:
Pint water
SlimFast shake on the way to my parents' appts
Pint water
Egg salad half-sandwich with lettuce, cup of milk
Pint water
Wendy's Taco Salad with chili, no dressing, 1/2 of chips
small Pepsi
rest of chips later as snack with carrots
cup of water

Monday exercise:
15 minutes right before picking dd up from school
20 minutes at 9:00 at night during "second wind"

The T-Tapp forums have been down for a week. They are redoing everything, I understand. I don't post much but I do like to go over and read, so I've noticed. They are fighting back against spammers. I imagine there will be a lot of people desperate by now because they post every day - hope they can take it! A lot of emails going out from the office reassuring. I hope they can keep their many years of post history because there is a lot of good general knowledge there.

Re: Health and Fitness, December, 2008

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:12 am
by lucylee
Okay. Here goes nothing. (I am real depressed tonight... which will be obvious by the time anyone reads this food list -- just tired and overwhelmed b/c I have done next to nothing re: Christmas and don't really have the energy to think about it. I absolutely MUST shop this weekend, and THAT thought depresses me further. Plus I can't have all day long Saturday to shop, b/c must go to a wedding I don't want to go to Sat. night.)

Breakfast --
Kellogg's Protein Plus Special K (dry)
Diet Coke
9:30 --
bottle of Propel water
Lunch --
two slices turkey
5 Triscuits
1 slice cheese
pkg of baby carrots
bottle of Propel water
Special K snack bar
pkg of peanut butter crackers
3 mini Tootsie Rolls
5:00 --
6 wheat thin club crackers
a handful of Triscuits
Supper --
Part of a salad, no dressing
Frozen pizza
pineapple chunks
3 Christmas cookies
Diet coke
Since then --
Some more Tootsie Rolls, I lost count, but I think 3 or 4
Another Special K snack bar
More diet coke

The only good thing I guess about any of this is the diet coke has no caffeine, except for the breakfast serving. I need to go to bed.
Exercise -- none. Movement seems to cause more coughing.

Re: Health and Fitness, December, 2008

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:40 pm
by Harriet
I think my verdict on the Daily Log thread would be a thumbs up. It makes me think in the afternoon to make sure I'm remembering, "what was breakfast, now, and what was lunch", that sort of thing, so that I won't have forgotten by time to post. So I'm remembering whether I've had my veggies/fruits while it's still early enough to be sure to get them in. Because I'm reminding myself more often I don't forget indiscretions!

Like this morning, a lady at church had brought a lemon pound cake and everyone was insisting you just had to try this thing. It was one of those situations you sort of had to go along with so I had two bites from dd's plate to be able to join in the compliments and thanks to her. Because I thought of the daily log thread about 2 in the afternoon, the cake was still fresh in my mind and added to the ongoing back-of-my-mind calculation that it was part of the day's eating.

I feel so sorry for the folks at who are having such a hard time with the website changeover. They would never have had to do this except for vicious porn spammers who would latch on to the words in posts there about the human body and take it as a place to post their junk. Now the temporary site they set up has failed for the same reason, "uncontrollable spam", so folks can't even chat on that either. The archive of knowledge they have with something like 9 years of posting wisdom about health and fitness issues is just invaluable, and I know they feel extreme pressure to save it all but also come back with a spam-protected place.