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Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:53 am
by Harriet
Happy September! How are the healthy habits going?

If on-going daily decision making in favor of self-care is the goal, we must reconsider which goals and purpose for behavior are actually the most motivating. Will power is vulnerable to fatigue, but the pursuit of daily well-being offers immediate, fulfilling rewards. - Michelle Segar, PhD

Dr Segar is a motivational scientist who researches at the University of Michigan. She worries that we are giving ourselves "The Wrong Whys" for healthy habits. She suspects our self-talk may go something like this (for instance, about exercise), "If I exercise today, SOMEDAY it will benefit me." And then everything else in our lives begins to compete with that self-talk, and the other things, which are more immediate, will crowd our plan out. She suggests abandoning the self-talk that centers on our future. ( :o ) Instead, she suggests better "Whys" that speak to us about TODAY, such as

"If I exercise today I can expect ... ..." (followed by our own list of favorite known benefits for the day).

Here's her list. She expects:

"... ..Feeling good,
Being happy,
Having joy,
Having more energy,
Getting more sleep."

And she has similar personal benefits she expects for days of healthy eating, and days of replacing bad habits with good, etc.

She says we need to hook ourselves :arrow: :shock: with the outcomes that are going to actually motivate us TODAY. If we only talk to ourselves about long-term goals, we will lose our momentum and interest because they must compete with everything else that's going on. But if we're reminding ourselves about the GIFT of benefits today, and notice that they happen, we'll remember that tomorrow, too, and a habit is born.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:25 pm
by helia
Oh, that's good stuff, Harriet. Healthy choices benefit me today. . . .That kind of thinking helps me too with the fact that I jogged today -- but it was my worst jogging time all year. I'm not sure what's up with that, but I can tell myself it was still beneficial b/c of the activity, the fact that I felt good afterward - and it probably will help me sleep tonight.

I think I'm going to set some goals for September here. It really helps me to have some goals.

Wt. goal: 145. Well today, the scale says that my weight is 147, down 0.5 lb since last Friday - but still up 1 lb. from its lowest point after Iceland. I'd like to be down 2 more lbs. by the end of September. I think that is a reasonable goal.

Jogging goal: comfortably jogging 2.5 miles regularly. I purposefully decided not to link my goal to pacing. Today, I jogged for 30 minutes and only covered 2.08 miles. I did go over the railroad tracks twice (going away from and then returning to the car), but this is far below my new normal of 2.25 - 2.30 miles in 30 minutes. :?:

As a bonus goal which I may/may not get to, I'd also like to start adding a different sort of exercise to my exercise regime, but I'm not sure what or how yet. Maybe weights? Maybe a DVD (Jillian Michaels? Is that her name?) with different sorts of activities.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:07 pm
by Nancy
Shopping = walking today.
goal get back on track w taking vits.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:31 pm
by Harriet
It really does make sense that we are more likely to accomplish things for immediate benefit than for future benefit. And that it's not because we are shallow. In fact, I think it can sometimes be the opposite - that we start worrying that taking care of OUR future looks selfish in light of needs around us. We are geared to ask ourselves how we can help most now.

I believe a Michaels DVD was one I checked out from the library. Haven't seen one of hers in a couple years. helia, you have strengthened your legs recently so may do pretty well with her emphasis on lunge-type exercises. I found her methods to be do-able but jarring. She does have some wisdom quotes sometimes - I believe a favorite of mine was when she warned not to let exercise be counteracted by poor diet, "You can eat your way right through any exercise program. Even mine."

My own exercise benefits that I know I can expect TODAY would definitely include greater flexibility. I can't even begin to count all the small ways that probably helps.

Today I hopped up and did the 20 minute floor workout that's meant for mornings. It's one of three on the DVD called Brain Body Fitness, Floor. Great for my back, and feeling limber. I've found I can do it while dd showers in the mornings and then be dressed to go at about the time she's dressed.

One slightly off-beat benefit I would mention for eating nutritiously would be, "keeping things moving". :)

I think I want to go back to the 5x7 cards with checkoff chart of healthy habits. I've started missing that simple, quick reference-at-a-glance to see where I am with habits through the day. Maybe it's because I've gotten so busy.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:07 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
My fitbit shows 58 flights of stairs for today. Hmmmmm.

I did at least 3 coming up from the bus station. Another 1 on the walk back from the store (hill equivalent, not actual stairs.)

Then there were the 8.5 for coming from the basement to 8th floor.

That leaves 46 on my hike. If you figure 10' up for every flight of stairs that would be 460' I know the full hike up is 900' so it is possible I made it half way up the escarpment.

The weather today isn't windy or stormy which add phantom flights as air pressure changes mess with the counter. So I think today maybe my record day for flights of stairs.

Still going strong here. I wonder what I'll be like tomorrow and the next day? Friday dh goes out again. I kind of want to go with him again to see if I can get any higher or faster. I need a better turnaround point, one that is obvious so I can use it as a benchmark. Today I stopped at spot I might be able to find again but maybe not. Rocks start to look the same after a while.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:26 pm
by helia
I'm very impressed, Kathryn! Great job stepping up the exercise! I hope you're not sore today.

I have a couple DVDs, Harriet. I just need to see what they are. I may have a T-Tapp one that you had recommended. Do you still do T Tapp?

Jog today was better than yesterday but still not back to my usual pace. I was on the path around 8:05, so a little late. It also got quite hot. I need to go earlier.

Weight was up 1/2 lb. this morning. I'm not surprised; I've eaten out 5 times in 5 days (Friday - Tuesday), though at least one was very low cal. I was wondering if/when that would catch up with me.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:17 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm tired today but not sore. Walking club is tonight so I'll pick up 4K steps then. I'm at 4800 now, mainly shopping and working around the apartment.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:15 pm
by Nancy
Did a walk 2day.

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:29 pm
by Harriet
Yes, helia, that is pretty much all I do, and all my dd35 does except for her daily "plank" and some walks. The newer Brain Body Fitness one I mentioned above is also part of a T-Tapp series, of which I have the "Floor". My dd35 looks absolutely great to have birthed 4 babies, and the last one just a year and a few months ago. I have at times looked great for age, lol! Any failure I've had in shaping up more recently has been the fault of less consistency on my part. (Well, that and eating with dd17.)

Re: Health and Fitness, September, 2015

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:59 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I decided not to hike today because I had so much to do, not because I was sore. In fact, I'm sad I won't be hiking, I was looking forward to the challenge.

I figure I'm focusing on mental health today since I'm getting those 'overwhelmed' sighs and worse. I'm working on getting things well in hand so I can enjoy a day off on Monday. If MF doesn't show up, dh is going to have to spend the whole day doing stuff with me!