Health and Fitness, January, 2009

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Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby Harriet » Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:35 pm

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another."
~Walter Elliott, The Spiritual Life

"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it.
The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."

~Earl Nightingale

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."
~Albert Einstein

Oh, the wonder of a clean slate, lying pristine ahead of us for 365 days! Just think of what could get done, think of what could change if we embraced it with CONSISTENCY! For that goal to which we decide to commit today, surely great strides could be made in a whole year! Wow. Or, what if we broke the year into 6-month or 3-month parts to stay accountable, or, what if we decided to take aim at a special day of our own choosing? Or take a month off from a food type that's not good for us. Or create a better health habit in 21 days?

Tell us here about your goals, ideas, plans or resolutions for whatever span ahead inspires YOU!

And be sure to report on your news of 2008 - progress made, proactive health measures taken, milestones reached. And if you had frustrations, this is the place to tell that, too, because we all understand.

We chat here about all aspects of health, with an eye to building strength for the calling of Homemaker. Taking care of ourselves is vital, but it also means a better chance at taking care of those around us. We hope you will join us.

Notice that we have a new thread option for recording in a Daily Food Diary for anyone who would appreciate that. It doesn't have to be a daily diary - use it in whatever way helps you.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby Sadie » Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:54 pm

In 2009 I plan to continue with my weight loss plan. Goal is to lose between 20-25 pounds.

I've started an exercise plan since the day after Christmas and will continue with that.

I have the newer book by the South Beach Doctor which contains a exercise plan in 3 phases. I am doing phase one in exercises for the month of January. I do cardio one day and core strengthening the next. Can feel the core strengthening working already, back feels better.

Will continue picking good food choices. Fell off the wagon on that for awhile between recovering from surgery and holiday time. Now it is time to get back to choosing wisely.

May we all have a healthy 2009!

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby Harriet » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:53 pm

Sadie, you continue to be an inspiration. That is wonderful that you feel better with the new exercise schedule already. I'm so happy for you.

Today at grocery I picked up yellow squash so I can go back to a few of my fun shredded carrot-squash wraps with cucumber. Veggies can be cheerful.

My new goal for the next 12 weeks is simply to exercise at least 20 minutes every day. In a way, that is not a bigger commitment than I made for my birthday-to-birthday year of consistent exercise. It's just that I did longer workouts then, every other day. 20 minutes daily seems user-friendly - I'm thinking maybe I will get through it each day before the interruptions break into my world.

I've made out a check-off schedule of a rotation of 4 different video workouts from 20 to 25 minutes in length. I don't think any day will wear me out, although there will be a couple days each week that are much more intense. I got the first scheduled workout in today and tomorrow is one of the intense ones, so I'll find out if I have to take a break or if I can get through it without rest.
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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby trish » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:28 pm

I hit a major roadblock from Thanksgiving on but today is a fresh new day and I am getting back on track.


Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby Gadler » Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:30 pm

I have just started an exercise program for my admin. staff who were all complaining about too much to eat and lack of exercise over the holiday period. ;) At 10.30 each day, I run them through a very gentle yoga program comprising just 10 simple postures. Being an enthusiastic mob, they are really "into it" and give each other stars every time they attend. I do these exercises myself each morning before work and walk on my way home from work .. fits into my day well. In Australia, it is summer at present, so very pleasant walking on the boulevarde on the bay in the evening.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:54 pm

Here at the end of the first week of my 12-week schedule, I can report a minimum of 20 minutes workout every day, in rotation. On Mondays and Fridays, the workout is a little longer and a lot more intense than I thought when I scheduled it, but I can work that out somehow.

trish, how is the plan for Weigh Down workshop coming along. All the participants are lucky to have you I'm sure. How did it feel to enjoy the holiday season with so many milestones taken care of and in the rear view mirror? You have done so much for your well-being.

Your walk home sounds lovely, Gadler. That's great that you can help people at your work.

Prevention magazine reported positively on supplemental Vitamin D this (Feb) issue and I was very interested, having started my mother on it. They also gave a thumbs up to those Debby Meyer "green bags" to keep your produce fresher - I've got to get some of those. Dd pointed out to me cartoon drawings of sleepers in different positions - they recommend side sleepers like me put a pillow between our knees to relieve pressure on lumbar joints and adjust alignment.
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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:36 am

To weigh or not to weigh? Well, the verdict may be in and it advises: "yes, weigh". The Nov. '08 issue of The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity reported findings from the systematic literature review titled: "The Impact of Regular Self-weighing on Weight Management".

The article says, "Some recommend it is a key strategy for weight management. Others caution that self-weighing can be an emotionally loaded practice that can cause negative consequences, psychologically speaking, with weight management failure. The purpose of the research by the IJBNPA was to evaluate the evidence. That is, evidence regarding the use of regular self-weighing for both weight loss and weight maintenance. Eleven of the 12 studies reviewed indicated that more frequent self-weighing was associated with greater weight loss or weight gain prevention."
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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby trish » Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:49 pm

I think if I had weighed any time this month it would have shocked me back into reality. Today was scary but I am now back on track.

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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:30 pm

Happy report from dd28 that she has done the video workout DVD I gave her for Christmas for 8 straight days. "... ...hard to do with a toddler grabbing at your feet or a baby trying to crawl under you," she says. :D I told her I was really impressed with her consistency.

I figured out how to get the Mon & Fri workout down to 25 mins. I can live with that since the rest are less demanding.

lucylee, thinking about your posts in PWYC - did you once tell me you bought the Fit and Fabulous book? There is some information in there about how to determine your body type, where each one likely has fat stores, and how to target them. For instance, I'm a combination with a tendency toward a short torso/long leg, which helps me understand why I gain at the tummy, some back fat, and hip pads. I benefit from midsection twisting exercises, lat (behind shoulders) exercises and side bending exercises. It's good for me to do lunges, for instance, but not because of my thigh or rear fat - that's not where I store it. Lunges actually plump me at those spots with needed muscle for some curves, better strength.
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Re: Health and Fitness, January, 2009

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:05 am

Measurements -- The (Sad) Tale of the Tape

In the interest of honesty, I will try to give y'all an idea of how my 158-160 pounds are distributed on my 5'3" frame.
Bust 38.5 (but I am just barely a B cup) :evil:
Waist 34 (smallest part of torso, approx. 2 inches above belly button)
Abdomen 40 (This is the really HORRIBLE one, IMO... 2 inches below belly button)
Hips 42.75 (That's pretty bad, too, isn't it?)
Thigh 26
Calf 13.25

So I guess I look something like this (in profile) : :?:
.......////////// (this part is sticking out one way --
///////////// and this part is sticking out the other)

Thanks, Harriet -- I've still got that book. I'll look at it. I can also use the dvd better now, since I've got the player in the bedroom.
Tomorrow is another day.

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