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Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:41 pm
by Harriet
Here's the place to post about all the plans and activities that will enhance our own well-being.

How did we do in our first month of the new year? Several had resolutions and hopes for 2009. Just remember, if you haven't stayed directly on track, don't fall prey to "all or nothing thinking", but give yourself a clean slate again and keep on with your plans.

We've had some new commitments mentioned. Please remember friends here if you have some successes to report - they are so inspiring to others.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:30 am
by bittersweet
Here's an area where I really need to do some planning! With three adults working full-time (assuming DD keeps this new job), my quickie workouts at Curves during my lunch break are out. Since there won't be anyone home during the day, the dogs will have to be crated, and I'll need to come home to let them out at noon. Admittedly, I only made it to Curves once a week or so *sigh*, but still...the opportunity is gone now. My choices are to do crockpot meals a couple of nights a week and go right after work, or go early in the morning before work. I must admit to being a person who doesn't mind getting up in the morning, but really resists actually getting moving.. lol Perhaps I'll need to try it both ways and see what works better.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:32 am
by lucylee
Jan. 5 -- 160
Feb. 2 -- 159.5
HOWEVER -- I did exercise in January -- 15 days. I will try to increase that this month... AND try to get to bed earlier. That is a health habit I REALLY need to work on.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:48 am
by Harriet
bittersweet, yes, try both ways and see what seems cheeriest to you. The best activity program is the one we will do! Sorry circumstances changed on you, but you're so smart to get the most out of your membership, time- and money-wise.

lucylee, according to so much I've read, enough sleep really does go along with weight loss, so good luck. Great job on the regular exercise.

I tried to use January to bring my stamina up and I think I did that. An injury navigating the bleachers at dd's school, I think, really bothered my knee late in the month and forced me to cut back a little, but I did continue with modified exercise. So with one plate spinning (exercise), perhaps it's time to pick up another.

Late last month I posted:

helia and lucylee on the weight change front I have spent January at the same weight throughout. It is at the top of the range I accept, and pushing. I didn't really emphasize weight while getting my level of exercise back up because I recognize I need one goal at a time.

But I will join you in some weight monitoring and hopefully the loss of a few pounds through February. If we can start a positive TREND, that is all we need, positivity will snowball, and the summer will take care of itself.

So now I ask myself, shall I set a goal? If I am considering "summer", then June 1 seems reasonable as a deadline. I would be very happy with 2 pounds a month until then, so
2 by Mar 1,
4 by Apr 1,
6 by May 1,
8 by June 1.

That's easy enough to watch, and monitor whether my trend is positive. Still want to keep up workout level, too, so that's my continuing goal, and now adding small weight marker goals. No hassle! It's all good!

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:36 am
by bittersweet
It's true that you need to get enough sleep in order to lose weight...something to do with a brain chemical that regulates hunger. Soooo...WHY am I still awake at 12:30am?? :roll: I need to drag my butt up the stairs and get into bed!!


Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:20 pm
by Harriet
Tuesday was one of those really good days. I managed all 14 healthy habits and that doesn't happen often. Almost all God made foods with NO soft drink. A "total" exercise video of 55 minutes. I was on a roll.

Today the day started badly with bad weather and some worries over that, being off-schedule, having dd10 with me and B-O-R-E-D. Also I got in shopping, somewhat needed. Shopping days never go well health-wise. Anyway, it was no Tuesday, but it wasn't bad. Still feeling some momentum.

Hop in bed early, guys! ;)

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:52 am
by DeeClutter
Thought I'd come here and post this little thought. DD started going to Weight Watchers last week. I've thought about joining her but haven't decided yet.

However, she lost about 4 lbs. this week. They noted to her that is the weight of 1 gallon of milk/water -go home and lift one of those! What an eye opener!

So perhaps this week every time I want to eat I'll first lift a gallon of water and carry it around for a few minutes! Easy to do here as we buy water for coffee/cooking in gallon jugs.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:01 pm
by sherinjoy
Question for Harriet or anyone that takes vitamins/supplements daily. My new doctor has given me about 7 new supplements to take - magnesium, oil, vit c, vit d, etc. in addition to the vitamins I was taking. My question - are there rules about taking certain vits at the same time as others, changing their effectiveness or potency? I thought I remembered something like that from the past, but don't know where to look that up. Do you have any sites or google recommendations for combinations of vitamins? Or timing of vitamins - morning, afternoon, meals? Thanks for any ideas.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:17 pm
by Harriet
Here are some thoughts

This one talks a little bit about combinations on the 2nd page. But the only real problem it states is that calcium can block iron absorption.

My general rule is to take any supplements with food, and I do best when I take them with milk. It's thick enough to help me avoid any possibility of tummy upset and I won't "taste" the supplement later. Magnesium is often taken at bedtime since one of its benefits is better sleep and it helps with release of the natural human growth hormone (HGH) that's so good for us in the first few hours of sleep. If it's a large tablet, however, you might want to have it with a meal. I've heard don't take it with simple carbs (sugars, white flours) , though, or it won't help with sleep cycle as much.

It's heartening you've found a dr who is thinking in terms of nutritional supplementation. It's interesting he's suggesting individual ones instead of a multi, but specific dosages must be his aim.

Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2009

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:35 pm
by sherinjoy
Harriet - thanks for the links and info. I printed them off and read them - interesting, and sparked some rememberance of the combo effectiveness. I may switch my magnesium to evening, because sleep is one item that has been elusive with my hormone problems. The doctor, which is a she by the way, has me taking Melatonin at night before bed to help with sleep. Haven't seen a difference, but maybe later when we get hormones balanced. Thanks for the help.