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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2021

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:39 pm
by Harriet
Harmony, I was a little surprised that she said nothing about the 2.6, because I think she would favor it being lower, but I guess she's figuring we've tweaked it enough.

In case anyone has an interest in what comes with a nutri bullet these days, versus what used to ... .. or, at least what comes in the new ones in colors.

Got my new one for anniversary because the gift-giver couldn't wait. This is from the company itself, so he could get a color one to blend with our countertops, since we never bother putting it away. All the new and old items and accessories fit each other.

First one came with two blades but this comes with one only. I think that may be the biggest disappointment we had in value. They cost $20 to replace.

First one came with one each of tall, medium and short cups, but this comes only with 2 talls (32 oz). Since I have used the medium (24 oz) so often, and the short one enough to appreciate it, I'm a little disappointed in that, but will admit my old cups still look very good. Another person would have to purchase extras to get variety of use, though.

First one came with a plain, tight-fitting cover to fit cups when you wanted to store something, but this does not. My old one is fine, though. I guess they figure the to-go lid would do almost the same job.

First one had one each of the handle-hold lip ring, to-go lid and plain lip-ring. This one has two each. So now I'm loaded with those things, which I seldom use, lol.

There's a small recipe booklet. I'm amused at the photos of a couple "smoothie bowls". As is usual for "bowl" photos, there are lots of interesting topper-foods spread lavishly across the actual blended item. One even shows (and lists) decorations of edible flowers! I doubt I'll invest that much time. ;)

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2021

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:28 am
by Harmony
Interesting about the bullet. Sounds like the way manufacturers get more money for their products, like the same package with less product in it etc. I find that in lots of stuff in the stores these days.

My thyroid... they went from 50 mcg to 75 and I got 90 pills. I just counted what's left and it means I took 34 of them. Remember thinking at the time I felt better. But subsequent tests made the nurse practicioner tell me to go back to old 50 mcg pills. She asked if my heart wasn't pounding and I said no, but a week or so after that it was. Was that because she asked the question? I could tell though from counting my pulse. So I went back to the 50 McG pills I still had.

Dr. seemed pensive about my numbers this last time but first asked how I felt and at that time I said I was ok. Hard to tell...stress and worries and extra hard work... and then I feel tired...who's to judge what's the cause of that? I'd told her I thought I was ok. We don't have time to have a real lengthy conversation. But you can bet, the next time I'll have a better conversation with her about it all. Course, it's a telephone conversation and I won't have the labs in front of me to help....

Re: Health and Fitness, November 2021

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:04 am
by Twins' Mom
I've made my step goal the last two weeks - was 50K the week that dh came home from hospital and 52.5K last week (that's 7500 daily). Hoping for same for this week but I've had two unmotivated days, so I'm having to step it up today, tomorrow and Saturday. I walked an hour this a.m. but got to 6500 steps, I need a 9K average daily now to make it. I stopped for awhile to watch "our turkeys" move across the wooded area on the other side of the circle. A few are mature and hefty. While watching, I saw a buck in the background move through, but I startled him and he took off. I've seen him, or another, in that area a few times.

My weight is creeping up. Weight gain is a possible side effect of gabapentin but I'm on a low dose. I feel like I need to eat to get ready to hibernate right now. I must get that SAD light out!

I updated my weight tracking spreadsheet. I'm remembering, tho, that October was stressful with dh's diagnosis on the 12th and surgery on the 29th. I crept up 1.2 lbs in Oct, and so far, have crept up .9 this month. :shock: That's using a moving average, so it smooths out fluctuations.