Health and Fitness November 2022

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Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 01, 2022 12:15 am

As homemakers, when we take care of ourselves, we increase the strength, stamina, resistance and optimism we have to enjoy life and to be nurturing to others, whether in our homes, extended families or community.

Welcome to our thread about benefiting health and fitness! We are challenging ourselves to greater well-being and encouraging well-being in our family members. Each of us is learning - recognizing needs and finding personal balance.

Last month was full of pages of pondering, progress and patience.

Any Calendar Event Goal Setting going on? Tis the season, :) , and we support you! !

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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 01, 2022 11:22 am

I am up and have done some stretching first hing to get some kinks out.

Today's walk data
1.3 mi. double support time 30.5 in middle of normal range.
2.6 mph. walking speed.

Just want to note I am doing feeling better now and have not been struggling with the roller coaster of bs issues.
Slept well last night as well.

Did 15-20 min. on stat bike before bed last night.
Tried on a shirt that was too tight and it is comfortable now yea for more results!

Steps count is up pushing 6,000 today yea!
Oct. average was just under 2,000 steps and I did not take my phone with me all the time.

I have lost 6 lbs. and clothes are fitting better and got into some I had given up on! Yea!
My first goal is to get off the 15 lbs. from 2020 pandemic and grief weight gain.
I looked for weights at the thrift shop. Guess I will use soup cans till I get some.
But first I will check in the basement might have some around here.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Nov 08, 2022 4:16 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Nov 04, 2022 12:23 pm

If I were keeping score, I would receive a failing grade for last night.

DS14 and I went out to eat at his place of choice which was Buffalo Wild Wings (a sports bar). It didn't take long for me to learn that nutritional food isn't their goal, so I started scanning the menu looking for the lowest calorie items. I found a Bird Dawg which was a chicken tender served in a hot dog bun for 460 calories. That was the lowest calorie choice on the menu, so I took it.

We arrived home to find DH had cooked Chocolate Chip cookies while we were gone. The house smelled sooooo good! However, it was DH thoughtfulness of preparing a gift of food that got me. I tried to resist his effort to please, but it wasn't happening. I ate 3 freshly baked CC cookies.

Those 2 high carb indulgences seemed to signal my brain that it was eat all you want time. I found myself having a pimento cheese sandwich at 11pm.

Today, I am picking myself up and starting again.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Nov 04, 2022 2:04 pm

I have no internet so can’t post much.

I’m staying on my plan and walking 4-5 miles a day except for this past Tuesday because I didn’t feel well. The gals I’m exercising with decide to add a weight class on Tuesdays and Thursday plus I picked up a Tia chi class on Tuesdays and Thursdays which I am really excited about.

All ready did one class yesterday and it really challenges me, but I’m really excited about it because I’ve always wanted to learn it. Turns out my across the street neighbor is the instructor. He’s a black belt in karat, 87 years old and been teaching Tia chi for over 60 years.

I haven’t weighed yet but measured on Wednesday. Lost over 5.5” in all including one around my waist. It’s a start.

Today I ate a donut at my meeting but didn’t worry about it as I had just walked 3 miles before the meeting.
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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby Harmony » Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:03 pm

I'm doing a little better, lost a couple pounds that had crept on. It's unbelievable how sticky these pounds are, they go on and stay and it's so hard to peel them off. With all the hard work and being too tired to cook much and missing meals, after over a month of this just a couple pounds is unbelievable. I could be in a famine and not have any symptoms of mal nutrition for a long while I think!

A problem area I'd like to get rid of is pretty much the same. But I've noticed by chance it seems like my arms are more toned. Was just scratching an itch and rubbing my upper arms and oh, what's this little rounded thing, I think I've grown a bit of muscle. I used to have Olive Oil arms...not so much any more. And I'm sure I've gotten lots of good vitamins being in the sun so much for a change. I do have a nice tan, you should see my socks line on my ankles. My feet are white to my ankles. I noticed my makeup looked a little pasty the other day so my face is a bit tanner too.

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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Nov 06, 2022 6:43 pm

I am enjoying reading the success and challenges here. I am inspired by them.

Reviewing and analyzing my success/failures from eating 6+ times a day.

Week #2 results/facts =
** I lost 2.2 lbs this week. Add that to last week weight loss brings the total to 5.9lbs lost in this experiment. The expected weight loss is 1 lb a week so I do expect the weight loss to slow down.
** I ate 43 meals this week with 9 of them being social meals. This is a major big thrill for me to be able to eat regular food with others and still lose weight. In order to be able to do those 9 social meals, I kept the other 5-6 daily mini-meals in the range of 100-120 calories with 10-15g protein.

Random thoughts -
** I am rarely hungry. Sometimes I forget to eat a mini-meal and must double up by eating two mini-meals at the same time to catch up. I don't want to eat too few calories/nutrition.
** I continue to experiment and have learned several new combinations of food that fit into my mini-meal requirements. This week one of my biggest surprises was using powdered peanut butter. I was shocked how good it was when mixed up. I make a wrap by spreading peanut butter on Xtreme tortillas for a mini meal of 115 calories and 13g protein.
** I am currently eating 4 vegetables from my garden, and I don't want to give that up so I create mini-meals that include them while also meeting the calorie/protein requirements. If I didn't have such a love of gardening and growing my own vegetables, I would most likely purchase the Optavia mini-meals because it would be easier to have the mini-meals planned/prepped for me. I am reading Healthy Habits book which is written by Optavia founder. I don't use Optavia products, but my method of eating follows their guidelines (mostly). By doing this, I am eating similar to many of my friends that are doing the Optavia program and having success. I feel like I am drafting on their success somewhat
** DS14 asked me WHY I am doing this. He followed his question with his reasons why I should be able to eat whatever and how much that I want. He says that I have earned that "right". While I appreciate his desire to see me enjoy endless treats, I also want to be transparent in showing real life struggles are a fact of life. Just because I am older doesn't mean I don't need to watch what I put into my body. IMHO, it is even more important if I want to stay fit and healthy.
** Because I'm eating out and enjoying social meals with others, I don't feel like I'm missing out. I don't feel deprived. I am not craving anything. I recognize that it could still be in the honeymoon phase and once the new wears off it won't be so easy.

Onward to week #3
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby Nancy » Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:47 pm

I too am starting week #3 on my IF plan.
I failed on Sat. low bs in the morning had to eat
plus tree branches to deal with extra exercise so needed it for energy.

What I like now is the freedom from worrying about food in the morning and have gotten out of the snack before bed
routine and am working on cutting out afternoon snacks. Also saving me time effort and energy.
There was a potluck meal of some sort with church group I did not sign up for that segment of classes.
I do have one on Tues. cannot really get out of it one a week is more than I want to deal with.
I do not like having foods out of my control. Sun. is another food involved event I may do online church that day.
Or I can have coffee and eat at home later not sure yet time will tell.

I like having clothes that fit better again now yea!
I am taking note if I am actually hungry or eating for comfort or doing emotional eating or social eating.
Hot beverage like coffee or tea in my hand helps at those.

I am not baking cookies this year.
I am feeling better now yea!
One pound away from my first goal yea!
Monday it is not 2:00 and I am past 8,000 + steps yea! Shopping walking and some yard work winners today! # mi. in.

noon walking distance 2.3 mi. so far today.
5,054 steps today so far.
I raked some leaves.

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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 09, 2022 1:43 pm

Checking In ~
I am not longer needing to log stuff as I am getting a handle on this new regimen.
Today I am at 1,333 steps at 9:30 did some chores around the house and laundry/ aka stairs.
Things have settled down for me yea!

Bible study meal was on my plan healthy food yea!
The one I skipped Sun. p m bc of too many unknowns none of it was on my plan stuffed baked potatoes and deserts. Ack!

I am getting used to black coffee in the mornings now that took a bit of adjustment I used to just have one then the 2nd one had creamer.

Oh and my bread was a hit, glad I took an extra loaf as a hostess gift,
they liked the practice rolls also said they would be my guinea pigs aka taste testers any time!

I have walked.
Raked some leaves.
7,000 steps now.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:44 pm

Nancy… I am learning to drink my coffee black. Did that years ago and somehow got out of the habit. Eating has been a bit off, but not by much nor every day because I’m feeling pretty puny.

I have almost zero steps to report since Friday. Not going to worry about it… however like you Nancy I am wearing a pair of jeans that are fitting much better :D

Now I need to get back to drinking my water. Been drinking coffee … some decaf… because it’s the only thing that taste good to me. However, I am keeping a large insulated tumbler filled with ice and water that I’m working o through out the day
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Re: Health and Fitness November 2022

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 10, 2022 1:29 pm

Rambin this is a journey isn't it?

I have 503 steps today after vacuuming the bedrooms and doing one flight of stairs.

Weigh in day I am down 15 lbs. Got the wt. I put on in 2020 from the pandemic and grief glad that is gone and
I can zip my fav. coat now yea!

1165 steps apx. before walk
after 1.3 mi. wlk apx. 2776 steps on this walk.
3,931 step total.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Nov 10, 2022 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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