Health and Fitness April, 2023

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:01 pm

New routines daily habits I am doing some are in the health and fitness category ~
Like a. m. stretching I remember some days others nope but try to do it later on in the day when I think of it.
Like on my way to the mailbox or on my walk. Doing a crossover arm stretch helps the brain too.

One I have been consistent with for a few weeks is my morning rounds I walk around the house upstairs and down it's great for helping to get my steps in. I have started parking further away from the store and church to get steps in as well. People have noticed and asked about why I park there. :mrgreen:

Got 2 serving of veg. yesterday got V-8 and cooked up my froz ones I remembered to get the ca. mix at the store.

Sometimes I remember to splash my face with cold water forget more than I actually do it.
drink water when I get up I need to remember I can improve with my Rx pill.
Cold water rinse off in shower not so much.

Breath; sniff sniff in 2 times like a dog would breathe out through the nose.
4-4-8 working on this one currently.
Breathe in for 4 counts hold for 4 counts breathe out for 8 counts through pursed lips like a whistle, next I will try breathing out through
my nose. Doing this to try to not sound like a heavy breather on my videos.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:31 pm

Nancy - those are some great ideas and healthy habits. Thanks for sharing them

Day 8 = Help me please.

Decide what type of support you truly need. Do you want words of encouragement? Silence?
Instead of being angry or frustrated because people don’t do these things, let them know how they can help you. Speak up about them bringing triggering foods into the house.

To get support instead of criticism from the people, you may have to train them. Let people know which type of comments feel good to you compared to the ones that make you feel uncomfortable. Also tell them about specific phrases that set you off. For example, maybe you don’t ever want family members to ask, “Is that on your diet?” Decide what you’d like to hear instead and let them know.
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:14 pm

Hi there. Enjoying all these tips.

's Day 5 tips reminded me of advice when I was trying to curtail calories on alternate days. It was that if you had a food on your mind but had already eaten too much to enjoy it today, then remind yourself that you could actually have it for breakfast. Perhaps by the time breakfast rolled around, of course, you wanted more of an expected morning meal. But the idea did free up that food as a possibility for a time you could feel good about eating it, and it eased the "shoulds" and "oughts". Once or twice I actually had the food for breakfast! And it was fine.

Nancy, I'm told my blood pressure has started being affected by "white coat syndrome" and I've noticed those breathing sequences suggested for doctor's office breathing! :idea: Actually, I think what really affects me is "blood-pressure-machine-syndrome"! The one at the recent office I don't have to go to anymore was extremely painful every time. I complained, but they just shrugged, even though I told them other offices' machines didn't hurt me. Anyway, the breathing is simple enough and may help with that.

Getting active again - I'm doing more and more gardening, though not as much as last year. That outdoor activity has been good for body and mind. And, of course, flowers make the world go 'round, very upbeat and cheerful. Me and the butterflies - lol - we are fit and healthy around them!

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Apr 12, 2023 3:21 pm

Day 9 = Here is what I want from you

Before you’re able to let others know how to provide support and encouragement, you first have to decide what you want.

1. If you see me eating something that’s not on my diet plan
___ Ask me, “Should you be eating that?”
___ Ignore it entirely.
___ Ask me if I’ve had a difficult day.
___ Give me a hug.

2. When I’m making progress, such as losing weight
___ Compliment me on how I look
. ___ Praise me in front of others.
___ Never comment on my progress in front of others.
___ Give me non-food gifts or rewards.

3. When I’m struggling or gaining weight
___ Tell me you notice and really care about my struggle.
___ Ignore it entirely.
___ Hug me and show me extra affection.
___ Ask me how you can help.

4. When I’m making progress you can’t see (such as improving my self-esteem)
___ Ask me how my efforts are going.
___ Compliment me on how I look.
___ Ignore my efforts and my changes.
___ Give me non-food gifts or rewards.

5. When I’ve maintained my weight (even though I may still want to lose more)
___ Tell me you are proud of my current efforts.
___ Ignore the subject entirely.
___ Ask me if I’m struggling or feeling discouraged.
___ Compliment me on my looks and my efforts.

Decide what motivates me as well as what frustrates me.
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:36 pm

Day 10 = Appreciate good support

Getting support from others involves give and take. When people give you solid, helpful support, let them know you appreciate it.
Be willing to talk about your goals and your plans for achieving them. Take time to share some of the stories about your progress, especially in areas that don’t involve the numbers on the scale.

Learn to receive compliments
Come up with a response that affirms the person who gave you the compliment. For example, you might say, “You really made my day by telling me that! Thank you so much.”
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 13, 2023 4:35 pm

I have over 75% of my steps in. I am sure I will get the rest done it is not even 3:00 yet!
Went to the garden center after lunch and got some posesies not very many herb out yet to pick from.
I looked at my step count and have it done it too a minute to calculate it I guess done now! yea!

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Apr 14, 2023 8:14 pm

Day 11 - Two purposes of food

• you need to put food in its proper place. From now on, plan that you will eat for only two reasons:
• 1. To fuel your body
• 2. To appreciate flavors
Measure your food intake against these guidelines. If you put something in your mouth and it doesn’t match either of these, there’s a good chance you’re doing emotional eating.
• focus on making your fuel needs a high priority.
• You don’t need to eat a lot at each fueling. In fact, you may want to space out your fuel intake by eating five or six small meals each day.
• Plan ways to space your fuel stops between three to four hours apart. Notice whether having regular fuel stops during the day improves your energy and your focus. comments----------------
One of my biggest struggles with food is the social aspect. The comradery of eating together is a huge part of the pleasure I get from eating.
It brings me joy to share a meal with family & friends. Unfortunately, I almost always overeat when I'm enjoying the fellowship.
It is much easier to track my food and make good choices when i eat alone.
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 14, 2023 9:34 pm

I got my steps in today by just after noon then did more as I cleaned up leaves around the tree.

I need to mow but will wait for a day I do not already have my steps in.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:46 pm

Day 12 = Fuel or Filler

Take a close look at the foods you eat most. Are you getting adequate amounts of fuel? Or do you keep adding filler to your tank?

Keep in mind that fuel keeps your body running, but filler often gets sent directly to your fat stores. Quality fuel provides solid nutritional content.,. Filler foods tend to add extra calories but provide minimal nutrients.

Don’t ask your body to run on junk. Filler usually harms your energy as well as your weight-loss efforts. When you reach for snacks or desserts that you know are filler, limit yourself to small amounts. Focus on appreciating the tastes of these foods rather than using them as your main fuel source for the day

To avoid getting trapped without quality food, plan ahead and pack your own meals.
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2023

Postby Nancy » Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:19 pm

I have 98% of my steps in for today. Got some fun time in the garden and enjoyed the blooms!

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