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Re: Health and Fitness December, 2023

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:38 pm
by Harriet
Twins', that scale info just sounds VERY positive to me. Impressive. It would be hard to argue that moving to a better category isn't really good (although I think those arbitrary "lines" between labels are not always helpful). I don't know if muscle mass corresponds to weight in that they decrease together, but it does seem possible. Your trainer's input sounds so positive, too. And if you are feeling strong, that's even better. I'm happy for you.

Nancy, you have moved to a new level of expectations of yourself! But just think, because you pressed yourself back then, you got more stamina and can do more now, so those days were important days.

I took my current circular habit tracker to my annual physical and my doctor really stared at it, reading. He said, "you eat the things I tell my patients to eat", as if that had never happened before, lol. He also took extra time and really listened to me. One of his main written questions ahead of the appt had been, "Do you have a good support system?" So, I asked what does that mean? My family is great but as far as community, my IRL community has shrunk from big to small now that I don't feel welcome/right in the church I attended for decades. (Actually, I did tell him about posting regularly with friends! :D ) He was downright sad about the church, I think. But then, it is pretty sad.

Re: Health and Fitness December, 2023

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:51 am
by Nancy
my knee has been sore with the new expectations so I had to back off a bit but still getting steps in just not those really big numbers more like 5 - 6 k.

Today I raked leaves steps just not a quickly but it was good to be out in the sunshine, in the morning,
it was a bit on the windy side so I used my big coat.

Re: Health and Fitness December, 2023

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:18 pm
by Nancy
Knee is getting better did 10,000 steps.