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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:08 pm
by Nancy
Peeking on to say "hi".
I still have snow on half of the back yard here.
Way to go on your progress LynnL.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:06 am
by Lynlee
Nancy I have no idea of living with a snow happens world. Its good to be reminded how long the snow lasts, and winter isn't done yet. And still there is rounds you do outside quite often.

I looked at the forecast today after I'd started a load of washing. Held back on the second load I'd planned when I saw there was 80% chance of rain - perhaps up to 1/2 inch.
Rain has set in, brought in the things on veranda edge. Small things are safe away from the edge.

I pulled a few weeds when I brought the bin in. Then pulled some edge of the veranda weeds after I'd brought in the washing. I'm not sure I'll get to do more today.
So much for putting on boots to mow this morning. Earlier it seemed hot and sunny.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 2:55 pm
by Nancy
We have had snow since the day after Christmas. 29*F. when I got up 41* is the hi temp. Today.
I went outside to empty the vacvuum canister. Br-r. Frosty and foggy out just before 11:00 a m .
It is supposed to be like this for another week here.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 1:18 am
by Lynlee
Pulled some weeds/ seed heads and as much roots of the 'vine' that cane with them on my way back in with bins today.
Its been super hot here for several days, today not quite as bad but the humidity is right up there.
Storms have happened somewhere most days. A tornado through southern brisbane on Tuesday. A surprise. Yesterday a storm here. Today, clouds are all over most of the day, its brewing over us, I don't know where it will go, possibly others to move in here later.

Some years have still had really hot days right up until almost Easter. Bunnies and eggs are in the stores now so it would be nice if that wasn't so far away, though I'm not holding my breath on it getting cooler ongoing weather soon. It could be 2 months coming.

Stopped writing this morning to watch and listen to a warbling magpie this morning, that it flew into a tree with its mate. Their families stay together, 'teenagers' helping fed each years brood. they are really clever, remembering the people they meet for decades.
Best not cross them, they remember.

Yesterday in the heat I was hosing the screen, and veranda yuck and saw one walking past under the trees, mouth open, so turned the spray in its direction for a bit of a cool down. It fluffed its feathers and turned round a bit. I'm hoping it appreciated it.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:17 pm
by Nancy
Shoveled some snow 2" off the driveway, deck & patio.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:37 pm
by Nancy
Snow drops are blooming small white flowers that come up from bulbs each year about this time.
Snow has melted off the grass in front yard except where I shoveled this week.
Picked up after someone's pet in the front yard frozen makes it a much eastier task.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:21 am
by Lynlee
I'm surprised internet works tonight - Its been on strike a couple of days.

Waving back to Nancy.
Thanks for the report. WTG on yard cleanup.

Windy plus continues here. Heat is less for a while. Odd showers when least expected.
I have good intention on mowing but have yet to mow some paths around.
I did pull the weeds I could reach from one point on the veranda edge today.
Some deep roots pulled out after the rain we have had. Found a different weed? native?and left it to see what it does.
Almost filled the tub I use.
Also cleaned the veranda table and chairs, ate lunch out there.

I have crocus that are spreading. Flowering isn't happening atm.
Persimmon fruit went to the 'wild animals, bats or birds' this year.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 6:24 pm
by Nancy
59* F. And sunny here today got the dog walked.
Picked up after the dog in the back yard.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 3:05 am
by Lynlee
Waving back.
There was thought to be a touch of autumn lately, but no, hot again today.

I am irritated by grass seeds, but not enough to do anything about it.
Rest day today mostly, after yesterdays migraine.

Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:15 pm
by Lynlee
Yesterday afternoon I did get seed heads off , some weeds out , on the way to escort bins to the curb.
Then after my walk I pulled up some more unwanted to bin on the way past.
I was glad to get that much done.