The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

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The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Harriet » Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:59 am

The Productive Backyard

Here’s a space to discuss the chores and pleasant efforts that bring something from the land into your kitchen and home.

Vegetable garden harvests,
Egg gathering,
4-H projects,
Canning/freezing/putting up,
Orchard fruits,
Composting and
Livestock appreciation!

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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Harmony » Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:12 pm

About 13 oz. of broccoli cut off and brought in from the garden just now. I only wish the cauliflower had grown and the melons and zucchini vines which were beautiful at one time and flowering didn't get "something" and wither up and die. There are lots of tomatoes out there too. Too many of them fall off before they ripen. But we are getting some.

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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:41 pm

I need to figure out composting I think mIne needs more moisture. We got 11 eggs yesterday and today hens are fine it's too cold to do much now. I will clean the Coop when it warms up in a couple of days we're going to get snow by the end of the week maybe 2 inches tonight. So have been making frequent trips out to make sure water is not frozen = exercise.

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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:12 pm

I called about getting chicks for next years hens h. Has his ♥ set on Rhode Island whites. Not sure if I can get them or not yet.

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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Ivy » Wed May 07, 2014 1:14 am

You did get the chicks, didn't you, Nancy? :?:

My Dsis took my horse's trough with her, when Ddad passed away in 1996. My horse was Bernadette and she was with me, with her colt, Rickashay from the time I was 11.5 - 16.75 years old. My parents divorced, the trough stayed at Ddad's place from 1968 or 1969, until his death. When my Dsis took it, she planted it full of bulbs, for springtime, then had red carnations in it for summer. I never knew anything about the trough, but last summer, my Dbril moved to Ivins, UT, for a job transfer & promotion. Dsis stayed in Oregon, to sell their home. When she sold it, she said I could have Ddad's Memorial Bench, she bought in his memory & I could have the trough. :shock: I didn't even KNOW she had Bernadette's trough, so I was thrilled beyond belief. :P I have the bench & trough on my patio now. DH bought some potting soil in a large bag from Costco, but now we need to run into town sometime, to buy some bedding plants, that are nice & pretty, to put into the trough. We just don't know what we want or what to get or where to go or anything. :?: I had wanted to plant seeds, but DH didn't want that. I'm now thinking how pretty some ornamental grasses would be in the trough, along with some taller flowers, gradually going shorter and shorter with lower ones on the outsides. :idea: I have been very lazy, whereas planting & outdoor work goes, for several years, when I used to garden with seeds & plants/flowers/bulbs ALL the time. :!: I'm getting so "excited" now, because with weight loss, having more energy, I feel more like being out in the fresh air & sunshine. 8-) I'll let you know what we end up planting, when the time's upon us & we've done it. I just know it'll be pretty, because DH picks out the nicest plants. Sometimes he gets a pot full of several companion plants, then separates them, for our own pot or my dear sweet horse's trough. :P I'll keep you posted. ;)
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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed May 07, 2014 8:17 am

I finally got my two tomatoes and pepper plant into my new raised bed. I need to get the zinnia seeds into the center area and I have two basil plants to put into a planter on the back patio. I have rosemary and thyme that overwintered and also some mint that overwintered or self seeded. Another larger mint is on the front porch.

Our yard looks good!
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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Nancy » Wed May 07, 2014 9:52 am

We got six amber whites this yr. they are pullets now half grown fully feathered out, and in the yard out with the hens doing free range. The found the green currents and have eaten all they can reach saw them jumping up to get more!

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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Harriet » Wed May 07, 2014 12:23 pm

A little sadness, that our Fay the New Hampshire hen has passed away at nearly 7 years old. Great long life for her, still laying in "old age", and I will always remember her killing and wolfing down small snakes before I could hardly think to worry about her. Intelligent. One of the times I think dd was right to say get some chicks out of these hens.

We are browsing Craig's List in case a few pullets or hens come up. Nothing now.

Nancy, I know you are enjoying watching the new pullets on the grass.

Glad to hear you are enjoying your yard so much, Twin's Mom. I'm sure you'll have good drainage with the river rock base for the bed.

Glad to hear you have more energy, Ivy.

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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Cowinkie » Mon May 12, 2014 11:11 am

My sunflowers are blooming in full force. And my tomato plant is filled with tomatos in many stages. This is really my. First serious attempt to grow in the az sun. While living in Mobile growing flowers was easy. Plant, water and weed. Not that easy with this clay soil. Next year I want to make a simple raised planter and expand my veggie growing

The growing season here is much different than in other places so I need to understand it better. Have been talking to many people around here that are very successful growers for ideas and advice.

This morning while it's cool I am heading outside to do yard work in my front yard. Lots of trimming to be done. Will listen to the music on my iphone and whistle while I work...
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Re: The Productive Backyard 2014 - January to June

Postby Nancy » Thu May 15, 2014 10:55 pm

I have finally planted herbs I have had here for a week on the west end of the house it gets the most sun. They should do well.

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