~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:12 am

Some red-orange bulbs are flowering. Another plant in the be careful what you see along the roadside, and pull one up to bring home to plant category.
They are pretty at least, and continue to flower as flowers open along a spike.
Easy to pull out, but breed so successfully its a matter of who is most tenacious.

I've been getting something done in the yard each day. Its surprising how successful I can be by tempting myself out with the promise to pull one weed, and then more than that happens.

I think I posted in pwyc that the yard clean up was a mixed bag. More got done than I imagined he would get to, But then much more was done by way of mowing ground cover that I had planted to keep down other weeds so that is a mixed blessing.
I wend down to look again yesterday and more remains at one spot under a couple of trees, so there is a promise of regrowth. The "is that a lily or an orchard or what" that had a savage haircut looks like it is still able to regrow as well, so maybe in time I can find out what it is if it flowers. I don't think its a sedge. It is again surrounded by some branch trimmings.
The other day I must have energy to burn as I moved the dead but heavy and long branch of the macadamia that the silky oak have wedged over is settling on top of the low trunk. Surprisingly the macadamia doesn't seem to mind its weight as the cultivated ones are known for their sensitivity. I guess this was a baby grown by my father, and is probably more related to the ones that grow in the bush than any of the cultivar.
Yesterday I went in search of tree and palm babies, and dispatched a lot of them. Under the lychee tree there was a heap. I need to fight my way back under there again.
Cleared the top of a sewage cap.

I need to try the lychees, and see if they are suitable to eat. There were no mangos this year. Rain at the wrong time, I think.

Its bin day today and I have some palm refuse to see if I can squeeze into a half bin.
Just begin.
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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:59 am

It was 31* for our hi temp. foggy yesterday no outside stuff for me except fetching the mail . The neighbor took down their outside lights I watched out the window. Thos dog went out to bark and play.
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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:30 pm

- Wednesday
When it cooled down to 35C, and area was mostly shaded I got outside.

(from pwyc)

I hand weeded grass along one side of my driveway fence. What is that stuff? is my thing to say to a new to me grass that creates a stem like a thick plait. I didn't get the bit of that growing on other side of the fence. 30min.
new mower got a workout
First the driveway, and beet back against the ferns and bulbs that want more territory
I'm not sure what others do, but together the mower and I braved the far SE corner, ans the southern fence that had been long left untended untill it was weed wacked or brush cutterred (Its the day to make up words) a couple of weeks ago. I just used the mulching plug so there was now grass to empty.
All up, with working it out and many switch offs to move bits and pieces we were 75min on that.
Mower battery is meant to be 45 min. … WoooW to me.
Picked some of the orange flower spikes, and some sacred bamboo, and I have a table floral arrangement now.
Just begin.
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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:05 pm

I got one bush dug out yesterday.

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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Lynlee » Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:59 pm

Well done Nancy.
Its nice to know I have company taking care of the yard, one part at a time.

Yesterday I cut off a couple of treelets. One I got out by the roots. The other I just chopped and buried under grass clippings, with hope it eventually gives up the ghost. Pruned some straggly tree branches in the driveway.
They are chopped and binned.
Just begin.
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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:38 pm

I am enjoying the sun and milder day time temps. I am able to get outside in the afternoon when it warms up. I did two rounds today, got to the honeysuckle vine off two of the three fence sections, I am looking forward to getting it off this last section. Then more digging on the next bush that will be going and roots of the honeysuckle. I need to begin loading the branches in the trailer to to be hauled off as well. I have two bushes to dig out and a lilac tree. Plus leaves to bag out and clean off the flower beds. Before any more planting begins.

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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 28, 2019 6:09 pm

It it cold and foggy here today 36* degrees f. Had to wear a coat.
I did 15 on moving branches they are through the gate by the trailer to be loaded with my next round.

... Took a break and headed back out for another round in 20 min. I got the branches all loaded on the trailer now yea! It is ready to be tarped and tied down so we can haul it off. The sun came out that brightened up my mood.

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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Lynlee » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:59 pm

You are a good inspiration for everyday action Nancy. Most days I get out there.

Green bin went out yesterday. 2 of the flowering & seed bits fell off the palm tree so they were the last minute addition yesterday. Bins were fairly full, though I could have condensed the palm trash somewhat more if I had too.
Pulling out 'blady grass' (it has cutting, sharp blades) is on my agenda while the ground is wet. Its starting to flower and I want none of that. That it has runners is bad enough to spread it.
I think it came with grass seed my father brought me decades ago, and its migrated to the neighbours place. I reach over and pull some out sometimes, but it takes persistence - hence it is still here.
And mowing, if the showers stop long enough, and I notice and have the mojo at the right time before it rains again.
Just begin.
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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:32 am

25* and snowing outside here. I did sweep dirt off the step, empty out some water from recent rains earlier in the week that had not frozen solid yet.

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Re: ~ Outdoor Action ~ 2019

Postby Lynlee » Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:54 pm

The last time I did a 'big mow' I overdid it. There was a slope to the fence, and tree roots to negotiate and it was heavy going, plus I mowed most of the yard which was beyond my intention, and my muscles remained in achy mode 11 days later.Yesterday I just mowed the driveway. (its a house block length.) Then stopped I might just aim for the west side of the house next. There is the guineapig cag to haul around to get that done well. And a corner bit to the NW that takes backwards and forwards in a tightish space for the length of the mower. I'll try with doing smaller sections more often.
At least the grass is green again after the too short scalping by helpful person and hot weather.
Its green bin week and I've no contributions in there yet.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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