The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

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The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:54 am

For the last 2 years the backyard has been The Place outdoors we can linger.

Share your journeys here to inspire others, or record the efforts you make -
be it taming a wild place, keeping chickens, containing animals or children,
or growing fruit and vege in a special productive backyard..

All are welcome, whether your battles and successes are big or small.

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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:52 am

Thanks Lynlee for starting this place we can share our outdoors. I still need to clear away what is left of the zinnias and tomatoes, and put compost down too. Avoiding the HD or Lowes seemed like the thing to do in the holiday season.

For the new season I'd like to put in a third raised bed, but dh is resistant. He's not a fan of the two we have already - too industrial looking he says.

I got a plant/seed catalog yesterday and am getting emails about seeds, etc. I don't do seed starts tho.
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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:14 am

Lynlee - Thanks for starting this thread. I will try to be faithful in posting here because Harriet reminded us how helpful it is to keep records.

My garden is covered in snow right now. I didn't go outside yesterday because the temps were in the single digits. As soon as this little winter weather pattern passes and the sun returns I will be outside again. The temps won't get above freezing today but the sun is supposed to come out. I'm looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, I am in thinking mode. I am still in the process of designing and creating raised beds. I am using concrete blocks as the structure and then covering the outside of the raised beds with a white lattice to make them look better. Through trial and error, I have discovered strawberries will grow in the lattice! At least they did during the warmer months. I am watching with great interest what happens to these strawberry plants with this very cold weather.
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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:36 am

Cartport gate needs repait.
Not happening with 9" of snow on the ground but I can plan dream and consider disgns.
When the snow melts I will get out the folding fence for a temp fix until I decide what is next.

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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jan 02, 2022 8:50 pm

Welcome Twins, LadyM and Nancy.
Since I was able to notice the snow and snowmen on Christmas cards I've known that elsewhere Our Summer is Your Winter, and later that not as mystical as flying raindeer and Santa's sleigh.

At this time of heat and and approaching ex tropical cyclone Seth, forecast damaging winds possible from this afternoon, I love to hear of inches of snow on the ground, or whatever nature throws your way.
We all know sometimes the weather plays nice, and sometimes not.
Nature in its variety is one thing thing that connects us.

Imagining plans, or how to keep the status quo is all part of the caring for our environment journey.
Just begin.
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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:02 pm

If I'm wise I'll hit some grass with the mower before the next drenching comes.
Rain is due to start tomorrow, and this morning I've been pushing the washing through to hang on veranda edge. Optimism has another lot beyond the one on now. I'd forgotten to hit the start button so a wasted 45min there. Extra drying time for what is out though.
The line uses the ultimate in solar and wind power, though the sun is mostly overhead and misses what is on the line.

The SAmerican origin so called Singapore daisy has taken off in my 'lawn' again.
Wisdom would resume digging each wretched root nodule out.
Its a creeping pest that tries to down or drown shrubs and fences.
I've mentioned it in dispatches before.
It arrived in a flood eons ago.
Just begin.
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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:23 pm

Keep you all company, I did some outside work today. Snow blew off the roof to the deck had to shovel it twice,
And I scraped ice off the driveway. The gate blew nearly over & I had to move a patio chair
To stablize it as I cannoit move the blocks due to hiding in the snow. It has warmed up a bit and half of the snow is gone now.
My snow drops will be blooming soon.

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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:37 am

I smile at the thought of snowdrops Nancy. Your posting here, your outdoor actions often, helps me.

Two sets of neighbours helped me today. More is done in the back yard - mowing and whipper snipping - I took a walk at dusk to reach new spots. Glorious.
I attacked numerous weed trees, small and bigger to more difficult growing thru a wire fence.
Mostly the ones at the front are done. I need to look again because there is more..
Also attack unwanted long grass there as well. It makes it hard to see the tiny 'treelets'.

Overall though, their help helps my sense of overwhelm. Hoping more action is possible.
Just begin.
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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:09 am

What a joy to have people willing to help nearby. It adds joy to the person who is volunteering and the person who is receiving.

Yesterday I spent time in the garden. I had to walk carefully because there was some black ice. I eventually learned where the slickest ice was and was able to walk confidently in other places. I mixed compost ingredients together and made a small dent in that never-ending project. My back and legs let me know it was good stretching & strength exercise.

I am trying to decide if I want to encourage the 2 young kittens to hang around my garden. My biggest concern is they will use my raised beds as their litter box. I absolutely won't have that habit developed. As long as that doesn't happen I would enjoy them hanging around and I think they would be a good deterrent to the mice, moles, and gophers.
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Re: The backyard - productive or otherwise - 2022

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:14 am

Waving to all of you!
I need to do inside stuff except to go to mail box and put a letter to post.

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